Higher Level Wife – 103 – Confessions

Chapter 103: Confessions

Author: White Pear Flower

Raws: https://book.qidian.com/info/2386994/

Translated by Gumihou

Proofread by Pill Bug


Gumihou: I confess that I added details to Fu Qiuning’s actions that indicated her engaging in self-preservation methods to preserve her sanity in a dangerous situation.

Be prepared to be confused by the flip-flopping POV, it’s canon.



Jin Fengju laughed, “It’s no wonder you did not know. The actual dragon robe worn by His Majesty only has four claws. As for this six-clawed robe, unless it is a heaven and earth-shaking achievement, one could never receive such a robe. It is the symbol of the emperor’s supreme honour. Now that Prince Hong has obtained this six-clawed robe, one could say that he is practically a saint ascending the pedestal.

Moreover, this is only the second six-clawed robe bestowed by the emperor ever since he took the throne. The first robe was bestowed to Old General Lu, who had single-handedly driven out the barbarians back to the northern desolate mountains, ensuring that they would never dare offend our borders again.

This second robe was given to Prince Hong, showing that the emperor’s favour upon Prince Hong is quite substantial. His Majesty even praised him as an exemplary man with ‘loyalty, filial piety, diligence and selflessness’ before all the civil and military officials. Such lofty praises, ah.”

Fu Qiuning smiled in reply. [a] It was clear that he wanted to be praised, therefore, she obliged and said, “Shady words should not be spoken before righteous people. If the favour received by Prince Hong really is so great, I’m afraid the first one to froth in the mouth with unease would be Lord Husband. There is no need to feign such reactions before me. Tell me quickly now, just what is going on? You only make me anxious with your words. I fear Prince Rong must also be quite anxious? Are you able to console him?”

At the mention of Prince Rong, Jin Fengju could not help the ‘puu~~’ of laughter that escaped his mouth. Shaking his head, he said, “That person, ah. Well, he is still able to hold his temper and maintain composure in court. However, once court was over, he dragged me anxiously to his palace. There was a bout of foot-stamping and chest-beating, and he all but openly blamed me for it.”

[b] Since Jin Fengju was laughing, Fu Qiuning covered her mouth and made her eyebrows twitch up as she tittered, mirroring his amusement. “I believe that with Prince Rong’s personality, being able to hold himself back at court is already a great achievement. Still, Lord Husband, how could you laugh? Are you so sure that this is the best method? [c]”

In Jin Fengju’s point of view [d], Fu Qiuning was looking at him with eyes that were bright and glossy with curiosity, with lips plumped into a pout of aggrieved suspicion. He was so overwhelmed by the image that he nearly blurted out ‘Come, let me hug you and I shall tell you the trick~’ [e] Unfortunately, because of the vow he had made back then, though his heart throbbed with love and affection, he dared not let anything slipped out of his mouth.

He had already made several overtures, both subtle and unsubtle, and understood that if he did not wait for Fu Qiuning to fall in love with him and act on that love herself, if he were to rush over and devour tofu [1], he would end up with a soot-covered face and a mouth full of dirt instead. That is to say, if he were to voice the feelings in his heart and she twisted her head away and left, would he be able to step off the stage with his dignity intact?

The words rolled on the tip of his tongue several times, but were swallowed back into his belly in the end. His heart throbbed with hidden passion, he could not help but feel disappointed as he thought: Qiuning, ah, Qiuning. What should I do for you to forgive me? How long do I have to wait before you let me embrace your soft jade body and enjoy an armful of the warm fragrance of spring? [2]

Alas, when Fu Qiuning noticed the joy in Jin Fengju’s face [e] deepen into some darker emotions, her heart skipped a beat. She thought: Have I overplayed my ‘mirroring’ act and showed too much admiration for him? How hateful. That face may be good-looking, but… fine, he is very good-looking. Objectively, he has a heaven-defying face and that smile should be considered illegal. In some ways, perhaps insisting we ‘be friends’ is the wrong move. That’s how ‘friend zoned’ men often act. They believe that the ‘friend zone’ is some sort of community service they have to fulfil before a girl falls into their arms like a prize.

[h] How disgusting, ah. Fang Chuyu, you are too unfortunate, even in this world you have a ‘friend zone’ fiend salivating on the side to get under your skirt. This was one of the many reasons why I left the professional opera world. To think that I would encounter such scum in this world too? Moreover, I am in a worse situation, since, if I were to give in and love him, he would certainly lose interest, because he is that kind of person. However, if I were to resist, he would stick on like a burr. There is really no winning for a woman in this world.

For a while, Fu Qiuning despaired over her options. [i] If she was back in the modern world, she could still report stalkers or call the police. Here, however, she was stuck. There was no way to go and the person closest to her was a pervert with delusions of heroism. Should she feed into his ego? Should she hold back?

While she was suffering silently, Jin Fengju smiled and laid down, his hands under his head in a casual pose as he said in a gentle voice, “It’s not simple. Of course, nothing is as simple as it seems. If the emperor truly favours Prince Hong for reporting this, why did he not have him take over Prince Lie’s duties and preside over the winter disaster prevention affairs?

It is important to understand that His Majesty values ‘face’ the most. Every winter, he is most concerned about the livelihood of the people, and therefore the silver allocated to the winter relief would also be quite substantive. By not handing the winter disaster prevention affairs to Prince Hong means he is still not at ease with this prince.

His Majesty being not at ease means that he has raised his guard. As for the substantial reward, one could say that it is like ‘adding flowers to brocade’, however, it could also be ‘adding oil to fire’, could it not? The more oil one pours into a fire, the hotter it burns. One day, Prince Hong would be burned to the point that not even his bones would remain.”

[k] It actually took Fu Qiuning a moment to realise that Jin Fengju was still monologuing his thoughts to her. While laying down. To better perform the part of a ‘talented scholar at ease’, she supposed. Since they had now entered into an act, Fu Qiuning also played her part and said hesitantly, “Is it that serious? In the end, Prince Hong is still the emperor’s own son. How could he watch his own son burn in a fire with his own eyes?”[j]

Jin Fengju sat up, [k] now readying himself to play the part of ‘enraged official’, Fu Qiuning privately rolled her eyes. As expected, the man sneered and said, “What goodwill and feelings could one expect when born into the imperial family? Have you never heard that the most ruthless of families in the world is the emperor’s own family? The father is not the father, but the emperor. A son is not a son, but a subject. Brothers are not brothers, but rivals. Enough about this, you are a woman and telling you all this might shock you. I shall tell you one thing only. Once a person is bestowed with a six-clawed robe, they will never receive a four-clawed robe. He is now the model for all ministers. He shall continue to be an important member of the court. However, he should never covet the dragon throne that is within spitting distance.”

“I see,” Fu Qiuning blinked and sat up on the kang bed, with widened eyes and a hand over her mouth. “Goodness, it seems like such a trivial matter, and yet, this move has… unexpectedly knocked Prince Hong out of the running? This seems… almost like a child’s play. Lord Husband, are you sure you are not being too optimistic?”

Jin Feng waved his hand and said, “I have said this before, it is only logical for Prince Hong to take over Prince Lie’s responsibility after discovering his mistakes. However, the old man is clearly being defensive. Perhaps it is old age or that he hated the thought of his royal sons grabbing the throne from him that prompted this move.

For the past year or two, the emperor has been growing rather suspicious. It is because of this that I advised Brother-in-law to bide his time and not be too intimate with any of the courtiers. Therefore, he only has me and we merely spoke of trivial things when we are together.

For the responsibilities I undertake, he does not dare to intervene at all. For the jobs under his jurisdiction, I will occasionally give a word or two of advice, but dare not intervene too deeply. Thus far, it has kept his position safe. After this incident, one could say that Prince Hong’s fate is sealed. Unless something major happens, it would be very difficult for him to turn things around. The most ridiculous thing is, despite not having a real advisor by his side, he could still dance about in joy at this point.”

Fu Qiuning nodded and sighed, “It is true that accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, and only a person as smart as Lord Husband can see through the tricks.”

Jin Fengju also sighed immediately in return, “Yes, accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, so what if I can see through his tricks? I still have to feign ignorance. Before such a shrewd emperor, even avoiding a clumsy action is like trying to fly to the sky. A single slip-up and one could be found out.

All these years, everyone believed that I have achieved great success. Only I know that I am walking on thin ice. His Majesty’s intentions are still not clear to me. He knows very well that I am related to Brother-in-law, but still bestows great favour on me. Each time I tried to withdraw from the limelight, somehow, I could never succeed. It really makes my heart skip with fright, ah.”

These words had always existed in Jin Fengju’s mind. However, they were never spoken before Prince Rong, his parents, grandmother, or his wives and concubines. Tonight, however, these words unintentionally spilt out. Once the words were out, he realised his mistake and he quickly beamed at her, saying, “Do not worry, if something ever happens to me, I shall explain things clearly to Brother-in-law and make sure you are safe. Even after Old Madam reaches her hundredth year of age, I shall arrange so that you may retreat from the world without having to worry over lack of food and clothing.

If… a major change were to happen in the future, so much so that Brother-in-law could not become the Crown Prince or sit on the most honourable seat, I’m afraid the wealth and honour of the marquisate would have reached its end. Even so, I have already planned for a way out long ago.

If that happens, the family will resign from our title, return to the ancestral homeland and guard a good thousand hectares of good land. Living a life of a rich landowner could also be considered never having to worry over a lack of food and clothing.”

Fu Qiuning looked at Jin Fengju. [l] The script had somehow changed without her knowing. If Jin Fengju had still been doing his part in their duet, he should be boasting about how his scheme would definitely succeed. That is how most scripts would go. As a transmigrator from the modern era, she was all too familiar with the cruel struggles of court politics.

Even a great and meritorious minister would find it hard to avoid the fate of the ‘Abandoned Bow when the Birds are Gone’. Therefore, she had always been wary of the emperor’s favour. In a way [l] it was almost like Jin Fengju’s favour upon her, filled with half-hidden desires and hidden schemes. What surprised her most was how casually and matter-of-factly he had said that the family would resign their title and retreat to the ancestral land.

[l] She cautiously said, “That Lord Husband is able to say these words, one could tell that you are a person of great wisdom. So long as the matter remains the same and is dealt with correctly, Prince Rong should succeed the throne, from what I hear Lord Husband speak of Prince Rong. Lord Husband should not suffer the fate of being dealt with like an abandoned bow when the birds are gone.”

“So you can see clearly too,” Jin Fengju’s smile was faint. “If everything were to move as it should, that would be the best. Even so, once Brother-in-law truly is favoured by the emperor to be the Crown Prince, it is possible that the situation would not leave me a way to… live.”

“Surely not?” [m] the words were almost reflexive. After all, it is perfectly natural to protest when someone declared that they would die soon.

“Does Qiuning have some brilliant scheme?” Jin Fengju knew that he should divert the topic and not speak of this matter anymore. This was getting close to the deepest fears in his heart, something which he had never revealed to others. Definitely not with Fu Qiuning, a woman whom he wanted to impress, whom he had wronged and now desired above others. [l] However, it was as though all the acting he had done just now had taken over his body and he was helpless to control himself. Everything felt a little unreal.

Perhaps… he also wanted to know what Fu Qiuning had to say.

As for [l] Fu Qiuning, she had always heard the saying that ‘Acting is Truth Telling’. That when a person put on an act, they are in actual fact, showing a hidden truth. Her final reaction to Jin Fengju’s words was the truth because he had finally revealed his own truth.

The question now, is how should she react to this final truth?


Gumihou: Okay, Gumi is taking a loooooot of liberties here, especially with parts about ‘acting’ and ‘acting is truth telling’, and why Note [l] is important.

Because AR Qiuning appeared so frequently and there are sooooo many looooong monologues, I have kind of shifted the characters’ perspective to ‘they are acting’, almost unintentionally.

However, it had unexpectedly serves as a linchpin to character development and a key turning point in their relationship here, as per the first [l] note. I don’t think I have gone wildly too far from the actual plot, but have instead provided plausible explanations for their weird actions from before.

Most of the big deletes are AR Qiuning being flirty and ‘kyaa’ing all over the place. Otherwise, the chapter is mostly intact.

Pill Bug: You have over 13 notes and deleted close to 400 words.

Gumihou: Like I said, AR Qiuning is an outlier here. She’s probably an AI.


[a] Added detail to indicate play acting to placate a person in a position of power

[b] Added detail to show ‘mirroring’ actions to please a person in a position of power.

[c] Deleted info dump that’s basically extra oil so that shit comes out more easily: “Originally, we thought to let Prince Hong get stuck on this hook, not only to deal with Prince Lie, but also to save the people in dire straits, and also let the emperor’s heart develop suspicion towards Prince Hong with this “one stone, three birds” strategy. Yet now, unexpectedly, Prince Hong was rewarded instead. I see you laughing happily and my heart also understands that this matter is not as simple as it looks on the surface, yet I am unable to see through to the key points within.” 

“Don’t you just laugh there while whetting my appetite, quickly tell us ah!”

Gumihou: Also, that last bit is clearly AR Qiuning flicking her handkerchief flirtily at JFJ, ‘Aiya~~ tell us, ah~~ Tee hee~~’

[d] As per [c], since we deleted AR Qiuning’s pouty ‘chu~’ lips flirting, all that remains is JFJ’s delusion that he’s seeing the ‘chu~’ when it’s really more of a ‘hmm’.

[e] Dialled up the creep factor, because he’s being really creepy.

Deleted: his face full of joy fading away gradually, his pair of bright eyes only staring at her own with deep affection

Gumihou: There is a reason why women are wary of ‘neckbeards’ and ‘nice guys’. Men (and women too), just because you like someone, they are not obligated to like you back. Ladies (and men), if someone tried to guilt you into a relationship by saying how much they like you and try to impose their throbbing affections on you, run away. Fu Qiuning can’t leave, but you can.

[g] Deleted more golden shit: No, AR Qiuning, Fang Chuyu, you…. you cannot stand in such an unstable position. Even in the end, you still can not escape this demon’s web of romance. You have to hold on for many more days, do not lose yourself for whatever unlucky love. Men are cheap bones, the more you love them the cheaper they become. Keep your distance if you are not careful, he will stick to you instead, don’t you know that?

[h] In view of [g] expand the ‘friend zone’ thing and bring up a bit of Fang Chuyu’s possible past in mind

[i] Deleted: scolded Jin Fengju in her heart

Because not everything is about JFJ, and survival is the most important thing

[j] Lol, like, isn’t that the running theme for all palace intrigue novels and drama that doesn’t involve women stepping on each other?

Added generic creep factor, as well as another reference to the modern world

[k] Call out JFJ’s unnaturally long monologues and apply operatic common sense to his actions

[l] Okay, this is the important turning point for Gumihou. This is why AR Qiuning is not needed at all to ‘push’ romantic scenes forward. The thing that would attract FQN most is security and a sensible mind. Will expand on this.

[m] Note [l] is very good, but let’s not push it with unnecessary ass polishing. Deleted: But she never expected that the other side, in the middle of such a beautiful web, would not only be able to see the future so clearly, but also already made so many well-thought-out arrangements. For a moment, she even suspected that the other party was also a transmigrator, and felt admiration for the trials and tribulations he had encountered every step in court.

More Nope: No, definitely not.” AR Qiuning also did not know why, but when she heard Jin Fengju say so, her entire heart seems to have flipped over. Whether it was anxiety, pain, fear or pity, she was actually not being to tell at that moment, but without even thinking about it, that sentence slipped out of her mouth. Before the words had even fully left, even she herself was also so shocked she had jumped.

Eliminated ending because of [l]: AR Qiuning tried to calmly sort out her thoughts. She could only tell herself privately that if she wanted to survive in this world, she must absolutely not be short of Jin Fengju’s support. So, she had to eliminate his psychological shadow, and could not let his heart be afraid.

It’s kind of half-assed anyway


Pill Bug TL Notes:

[1] An idiom, just like snitching food from the table, taking advantage of the situation.

[2] 软玉温香满怀春 A shortened version of the full excerpt 软玉温香抱满怀。呀,阮肇到天台,春至人间花弄色 from <<西厢记>> <<Romance of the Western Chamber>>


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