You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 136 – Relatives
Naval dirk from provisional goverment epoch in Russia. Made in 1917

Higher Level Wife – 136 – Relatives

Chapter 136: Relatives

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated Gumihou

Proofread by Pill Bug

Gumihou: Today’s game is to count how many ‘xx smiled and said’


Even before he reached Health & Longevity Court, Jin Fengju saw his elder brother Jin Pengzhan walking towards him. At the sight of his brother, Jin Pengzhan smiled and said, “I was just looking for you. Come, we should go and see Father as soon as possible. It’s about the Feng Family’s return to the Capital. Father has some questions for you.”

Jin Fengju smiled and said, “What questions could he have? The emperor hates corruption and perversion of the law. I believe when they return to the Capital, he would not be granted any good official position. Just some Third or Fourth Rank post so that they could still be of some use to the country.” Suddenly, he said, “Brother, you are about to depart for the Yangzhou post?”

Jin Pengzhan smiled and said, “That’s right. Thanks to His Majesty’s grace, seeing as I shall be posted there for a few years, I was allowed four months’ leave. Now that my leave is over, it is time for me to depart. This time, I wish to keep the two children and your sister-in-law in the Capital. That place is not easy to deal with, therefore, I do not wish them to suffer.”

Jin Fengju smiled and said, “With Sister-in-law’s character, would she be willing to listen to you? Just what kind of place is Jiangnan? It is a bustling place filled with singing and dancing, how could she be at ease?”

Jin Pengzhan also laughed and smiled, shaking his head as he said, “Little Brother is the one who does not understand a woman’s heart. Though she could not be at ease with me away, she could not bear to leave the children alone even more. If she had to choose between her husband and children, she would pick the children. Moreover, it’s not like she does not know me. No matter how bewitching the music and dancing at the South Yangtze River, I will be there as an official, not looking for romance.”

Hearing this, Jin Fengju withdrew his smile and said sternly, “Brother’s words are clear. I had feared that you might be stunned by the sudden favour and allow yourself to become muddled. Seeing that Brother knows this well, this little brother feels at ease. There is no need for me to repeat any warnings. As a Jiangnan official, you must be cautious, and beware of greed. Brother, just think, though we cannot be said to be the richest family in the world, we are still a wealthy family. Should you wish for more money, just speak to me or Brother Feng. You must never covet the salt merchants’ money. Though the profits are good, it could take your life any time.”

Jin Pengzhan smiled and said, “Rest your worries, brother. I have no reason to be muddled by this. What’s more, what was the reason for your shocking actions at Yangzhou earlier? I already have a recent past as an example. How could I not know the cost and benefits of such actions? No need to worry, no need to worry.”

The two brothers chatted and laughed together as they entered Jin Yu’s study. Father and sons spoke for close to an hour before Jin Fengju was finally able to escape. He headed straight for Health & Longevity Court.

There, he saw Madam Jiang, Madam Fang, Jin Pengzhan’s wife, Liu’shi as well as his various other wives and concubines all waiting for him. Even Fu Qiuning was there. He laughed and said, “Why is it so lively here? It is as though everyone had received an invitation for an event.”

When the Old Madam saw her favourite grandson, she became even more elated. She quickly pulled him down to sit beside her and, with a titter, said, “You do not know yet? Your little sister is about to come home. Aih, back then when I matched her with that person, I intended to have her live near me so that she may come and visit often. That way, she would still have the care of her maternal family. Who would have thought that in less than a year of marriage, she would suddenly be sent so far away? It had been two years since I have last seen her. Now that she is returning, no matter what, I must have her stay here longer.”

Jin Fengju laughed and said, “Of course, no wonder Old Ancestor is so happy. Sister Yanfang has not been back for a long time.” Suddenly, he turned to Fu Qiuning, “Surely you must have already forgotten what she looks like? I believe you barely saw her more than a few times that day.”

Fu Qiuning [1a] stared at Jin Fengju for a moment, stunned by the sheer thickness of his face and audacity. [2a] She blinked slowly as she tried to sort out the best way to answer this question. She must have looked like a fool as the silence stretched to uncomfortable beats.

[1a] Finally, she said, “Indeed, I have no recollection of what Sister Yanfang looks like. [2b]”

The Old Madam laughed heartily into the tense atmosphere and jovially said, “Well, well, this is an excellent opportunity for you two to get acquainted. Speaking of which, you have yet to meet the Princess Consort, haven’t you? That is Fengju’s blood sister, therefore, it makes sense for you to greet her in person. Have Fengju arrange a time and lead you to the palace for a visit.

The moment the words left Old Madam Jin’s mouth, Madam Jiang’s face became uncomfortable. If Fu Qiuning really visited Princess Consort Rong, that would truly solidify her position above Jiang Wanying. A visit to the palace was equivalent to being officially recognised by the family, ah.

She was about to say something when Fu Qiuning said, “Surely there is no urgency? Lord Husband is busy with many things. This humble woman also has the twins to take care of. Moreover, with Sister Yanfang returning soon, surely this is not a good time to trouble anyone?”

Madam Jiang privately breathed a sigh of relief. She gave Fu Qiuning a complicated look, thinking: Looks like this woman still knows when to advance and retreat. Aih, it would appear that Fengju is right. This Fu Qiuning could be regarded as virtuous. Unfortunately, if your surname is not Jiang, I can never be pleased with your existence.

Fu Qiuning had no idea what Madam Jiang was thinking. The two primary feelings in her heart were [3a] ‘fear’ and ‘annoyance’. Fear, because who knew just what this old vixen wanted to achieve? After having failed to move her from Night Breeze Pavilion, the next order of business was to enter the palace for… what? Fu Qiuning had no idea, but her automatic reflex then was to do the exact opposite of whatever that manipulative old woman wanted to achieve.

[1] In fact, let’s leave this place right now.

She stood up, and… of course, Jin Fengju also stood up. [1c] The man fairly leapt to his feet to hurriedly say, “If that’s the case, I shall send Qiuning back. I still have something I wish to talk to Qiuning about.”

As the two of them saluted the Old Madam, [1c] Fu Qiuning caught the meaningful smiles that flashed between grandmother and grandson. She nearly rolled her eyes, especially when the Old Madam smiled lovingly at her precious grandson and said, “Go, ba, go, ba. That’s right, I hear that Wanying has not been well these past two days. You should find some time to pay a visit to Clear Soft Pavilion. No matter how busy you are, you should take care of your couple’s relationship.”

Could you be more obvious?

[3b] As if on cue, Jin Fengju cast a subtle glance at Madam Jiang, who was standing in place with an expressionless face. As a consumer of dramatic palace intrigue TV programmes, it was more than obvious that Madam Jiang must have pleaded with the Old Madam to speak some words for Jiang Wanying. [3c]

Fu Qiuning resolved to help her [3c], “You should go to Clear Soft Pavilion. You should have no business on my side.”

[1d] Jin Fengju mentally cursed the fact that he did not act fast enough to pull Fu Qiuning out of the room before she blurted this out. How was he going to answer her without looking like an uncaring husband before all the ladies in the room?

[1d] Then again, did he care if he looked like an uncaring husband? Sneering slightly, he said, “Just because she said that she is sick, you believe her? When did you become so muddled? It’s barely been 10 days, what’s the rush? Speaking of which, aren’t you in a hurry to return to Night Breeze Pavilion? Allow me to escort you.”

[1d] Then, short of bodily picking her up and carrying her out, he rushed them out of Health & Longevity Court with the eyes of the other madams upon them.

[1d] When Fu Qiuning was finally allowed to walk without being hustled, she continued, “Whether it is the truth or not, it is best to go and appease her. [3d] Night Breeze Pavilion exists at her leisure, and were she to turn her anger at me, I would be the one who takes a loss [2c].”

At this, Jin Fengju beamed and said, “I know you are a benevolent person, however, this is not the time to show such kindness. Be at ease, I have my ways. You say that you exist at her leisure? This matter is easily resolved. I have a few businesses under my name and many bestowments from the emperor. If I were to allocate some to you, you shall live the rest of your comfortably. There is only one condition, how about it? So long as you move out of Night Breeze Pavilion, I shall give them to you.”

Fu Qiuning said nothing, [3e] merely turning and walking away as though Jin Fengju did not exist. Defeated, Jin Fengju chased after her helplessly, saying, “Alright, alright, I know that Second Madam Ning is not someone who could be moved by money, status or power. Enough, pretend I never say anything.”

Indeed, [1e] she was doing her best to forget about everything, but… how could she? Considering the place she was living in and how loved and favoured that person had been…

[1e] “Qiuning, ah, what are you thinking?”

[1e] She must have been silent too long. Since he asked, she decided to continue her pondering out loud. “I am thinking about my predecessor.”

[1e] “Predecessor?” Jin Fengju smiled brilliantly, “How could Wanying be considered your predecessor? I married you in first, so, of course…”

“I am thinking of the woman who lived at Night Breeze Pavilion before me. I heard that she died there. Do you know the details behind her death?”

Jin Fengju’s smile froze on his face. Privately, he howled: Finally! It is finally here! [1e] Good job spreading the strategic rumours, Jin Ming! My heavens, ah. I can finally see a glimmer of fear in Qiuning’s eyes.

Doing his best to remain calm, he said, “Why the sudden question? Truth be told, I am not entirely certain of the details, only that the Concubine was one that grandfather cherished a lot. However, because she was found to have relationships with another man, she was executed.”

Fu Qiuning [3f] paused, “I see, [1f] I supposed that the Old Marquis’ love, which had been so deep and so profound as to provide such an exquisite courtyard with so many gorgeous pieces of jewellery… did you know? We found an exquisite gold hairpin one day, overlooked by the people who swept the place. It must have been one of the lesser hairpins that were abandoned by the concubine. Yes, the poor Old Marquis must have been so devastated when he had her executed…”

[1f] “Qiuning…” For some reason, although Fu Qiuning was saying all the right things, it struck something… wrong, within his heart.

“…that ungrateful woman must have been drowned, yes? Isn’t that the standard method of killing unfaithful women? Was it done in the large pond in the back?”

Jin Fengju quickly shook his head, “No, no, not that pond. There’s a large pond in the garden and she was drowned there. Don’t worry, after drowning, her body was taken out. Grandfather even had someone give her a proper burial with a coffin. Ahem, why are you asking about this?”

[1f] “… your grandfather is truly benevolent and kind, to even grant an adulterous woman a coffin and a decent burial after executing her,” said Fu Qiuning with a straight face. “It’s nothing, she had been on my mind recently. Is death without bleeding better, I wonder…”

On Jin Fengju’s side, he was growing more and more anxious. According to the script, Fu Qiuning was supposed to be getting anxious, nearly throwing herself into his bosom from fear. That way, the Young Marquis could gently comfort her and allow him to slowly explain what happened the night before and feed her a little vinegar to prime her for Yang Ming’s performance that night.

Why is she not cooperating, ah?!

Unfortunately, though Fu Qiuning appeared pensive and thoughtful, there was no sign of fear at all. At Night Breeze Pavilion, he found Jin Changfeng and Jin Changjiao in the study. Seeing them, he thought of Jin Zhenxuan and gave the two children the same advice.

That day, he had lunch at Night Breeze Pavilion and, later, after giving some pretext or other, ‘left’ the place. In truth, he went to meet with Yang Ming just outside the residence, only returning to Night Breeze Pavilion when night fell to complete their mission.

This time, in order to assist Yang Ming and to observe Fu Qiuning’s reaction more closely, Jin Fengju did not hide behind a large tree, but flattened himself on the roof of the residence where he could observe everything more closely.

As for Yang Ming, since the Young Marquis had no intention of giving up the ‘mission’, Yang Ming was [1g] too ashamed to run away without at least doing his best. Therefore, he could only brace himself, [1g] put on the terrible costume and ‘float’ onto a tree branch. The branch he had balanced himself on was very flexible, making his figure look like it was bobbing up and down like a spectre.


[Gumihou: There was this underlying ‘ahahaha, ahahaha’ through the original dialogue between JFJ and FQN with JFJ focussing on ‘why she no scare’ and AR Qiuning was running around with ‘head empty, no thoughts’. You think I’d allow this travesty? An absolute no.]


[1] Add Details

[1a] Add sarcasm and ridicule. In place of ‘Humph! Humph! Pui!’, went with ‘…wut?’

[1b] In place of [2b] having Old Madam laughed loudly and suggesting for them to ‘get to know each other’

Gumihou: This… is not subtle at all. This Yanfang person… will be used to butt polish Fu Qiuning for once.

Fu Qiuning: Me or that body snatcher?

Gumihou: I am not clear at the moment…

[1c] Add creep level for JFJ and Ye Old Vixen

[1d] Thanks to [3c], JFJ suddenly looks like an ass

[1e] The sudden introduction of a new topic seems like a shot out of the blue. Allow some thoughts (-ve against JFJ of course) to segue into the topic

[1f] Bring in modern thoughts of unfairness of sexes because FQN is a modern person with modern thoughts and had suffered from misogyny before. Will not allow this to be swept under the carpet of ‘tee hee~’

[2] Deleted Stuff

[2a] Deleted ‘waaat~~? I never saw her~~? Blep, ehhh, why are you calling attention to me, humph, humph. I just want to be invisible nyaa~~ umu, let’s smile first~~

[2b] Deleted ‘wow, like you’re right, Lord Husband, haha, I don’t remember her face. But, we can get to know each other now nyaa~~’

[3] Replacements

[3a] Replaced ‘nyaa~ palace etiquette is so annoying, humph. Yi~? I wonder what JFJ will say if I want to dress up as a man to go shopping? Would be angered to death? Tee hee~~~’ with ‘fear and annoyance against this old vixen’

Remember? Old Madam is part of the problem.

[3b] Switch POV from JFJ to FQN. The JFJ POV is meant for readers to see JFJ’s cleverness. Oooh, look he is so smart, he knows what’s what immediately!!

[3c] For some reason, FQN, the clever and sharp FQN decided to remark on JFJ visiting JWY AFTER they had left Old Madam’s place. Why? Why do that when you can manipulate the situation so that it makes it difficult for him to say no without looking like an utter ass?

Fu Qiuning: I know why.

Gumihou: I know why too.

[3d] Word things in a way that is less ‘nyaaa~~~’ and more ‘you asshole’

[3e] Instead of smiling steadily at the man and playing a staring contest, just turn and walk away.

The smile and staring contest appeared to be something like a ‘battle of wills between equals’ except, this so-called ‘equality’ is merely an illusion

[3f] In place of ‘teehee~ that’s interesting~~’ be more ‘… I see…” has a new Membership System!!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Spavy

    Hahah he’s getting so desperate! Thank you for the chapter!

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