Higher Level Wife – 146 – The Storm

Chapter 146: The Storm

Author: White Pear Flower

Raws: https://book.qidian.com/info/2386994/

Translated by Pill Bug

Edited by Gumihou


“… …”

Finally, Fu Qiuning decided to laugh first before saying, “This humble woman doesn’t have any Jinchuang ointment [1] here, what kind of healing do you seek? Feng’er and Jiao’er will be back later, so this humble woman shall get dinner started soon.”

Jin Fengju smiled and said, “[a1] Nothing would heal me better than having you move into Elegant Mansion. Even if Elder Sister scolds me eight or ten times, they can all be treated like a passing breeze.”

[a2] Fu Qiuning paused. Then, she said, “I supposed it is in your nature to treat unfavoured words from women like passing breezes.”

Jin Fengju gritted his teeth, [b1] he had miss-stepped with that joke, causing Fu Qiuning to doubt his sincerity again. His heart itched with tenderness and pain, wondering when Fu Qiuning would finally let go of what was clearly a youthful mistake on his part. Why couldn’t she just forgive him? Surely everything would be right in the world so long as she forgives him?

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The next day, nothing much happened at morning court, so he was able to return home early. He made a stop at Health & Longevity Court and found Old Madam’s place filled with people. The women of the household were all there, and so were the Feng sisters and his cousin who were seated around Jin Yanfang.

Thus, after greeting Old Madam Jin, he then greeted his mother and elder sister.

Jin Yanqiu looked at her younger brother with disdain, recalling how he tried to intercede on her husband’s behalf, and could not help the cold snort that exploded from her nose. [c1] The loud noise caused everyone to freeze.

[c1] The Princess Consort is displeased!!

[c1] What do we do?!

[c1] Eyes swung over to Jiang Wanying, who had always been the reliable person to come out and fix things as the occasion needed. However, in that instant, Jiang Wanying was also frozen in place. Her body recalled the hard scolding from just yesterday, paralysing her vocal cords.

[a3] Finally, with a service industry smile, Fu Qiuning said to the general room, “Shall we have a hotpot tonight? Sister-in-law has sent me some sauces made by restaurant chefs. I trust they should be many times better than my humble creation.”

Taking her cue, the Old Madam laughed and said, “Indeed, that is a wonderful plan. Everyone must eat at my place tonight. Wan Girl mentioned that the estate had just received fresh venison and roe dear meat this morning. Let us have these with the new sauce as hotpot tonight.”

And just like that, the tension was smoothed out. [a3]

Right then, aside from the old brothers, Jin Yu and Jin Shu, [b2] Jin Fengju was the only significant man of his generation, therefore, Old Madam Jin had no one else but Jin Fengju to shower her affection upon. Thus, she refused to let him leave. Helpless to deny the [b2] manipulative old lady anything, Jin Fengju agreed. [b1] Still, he managed to arrange it so that he was seated next to Fu Qiuning and made sure to furtively whisper about how he had made special arrangements for some rose bushes to be planted at Elegant Mansion. He was still speaking when the maid outside called, “Second Master, Chief Steward Jin is here. “

Following this, they heard Jin Ming call out, “Master, quickly come and change clothes. Eunuch Qin has come to pass on His Majesty’s words. Master has been summoned to the palace immediately.”

Everyone stood up. Old Madam Jin sat up very straight and she called out, “Did he say what it was about?”

“This servant doesn’t know. This servant heard from Eunuch Qin that His Majesty was very angry. Perhaps an official has caused trouble and angered His Majesty again?”

At that, Jin Fengju cast a glance in Jin Yanqiu’s direction.

At the sudden look from her much [c3] respected and capable younger brother, Jin Yanqiu’s heart suddenly went ‘thump’ and she returned the glance with a fierce glare. However, when Jin Fengju merely walked out quickly with a troubled frown, a sense of unease wrapped itself around her heart. She thought [c3] of distracting herself by chatting with Madam Jiang, Jin Yanfang and the rest of the ladies. However, in her distracted state, she could barely answer three or four questions out of ten.


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With Jin Fengju’s current status and position in court, being summoned to face the emperor was not something unique. However, thanks to Prince Rong’s blunder and the Princess Consort’s stubbornness, everyone within the estate had this sinking feeling in their hearts, as though a large boulder was weighing on their chests.

Even Madam Jiang had ventured forward to advise her daughter for a time. As for Old Master Jin, due to her status as Princess Consort, he could not say anything directly to her and could only have Madam Jiang convey his intent. Even so, due to Jin Yanqiu’s noble status, she dare not speak too obviously and could only retreat without achieving anything.

With the atmosphere rapidly cooling off, the more astute people left first, followed by others, leaving the Health & Longevity Court empty.

As Fu Qiuning, Yu Jie and Jian Feng made their way towards Night Breeze Pavilion, [a4] they happened to see Elegant Mansion. Fu Qiuning eyed the courtyard walls for a moment before saying, “Let’s have a look. I want to see the Thorny Rose flowers again.”

Yu Jie was naturally shocked, but she hurriedly trotted after Fu Qiuning into Elegant Mansion. Sure enough, several clusters of Thorny Roses were blooming brightly in the courtyard. The walls were literally covered in them too. When a light breeze picked up, the entire courtyard was resplendent with the unique fragrance of roses.

Fu Qiuning looked at the Thorny Roses silently: [a5] Well, looks like this is the result of the information purchased from my ‘loyal’ maid Yu Jie. Should I be flattered that the most respected and sought-after (married with concubines and kids) man values my opinion so much?

She was still staring at the roses when an old matron came running out of a small unknown building. The woman beamed as she saluted Fu Qiuning, her smile very wide as she said ingratiatingly, “Greetings, Second Madam Ning. Why is Second Madam Ning here? Is Madam moving in?”

Fu Qiuning [a6] stared at her until the beaming smile faltered, “Why would I be moving here?”

The matron froze and said in confusion, “Master ordered people to plant Thorny Roses into this courtyard, saying that Madam likes them very much. Therefore, this maid thought that, that if Second Madam really like them, shouldn’t they be planted at Night Breeze Pavilion? Why here instead?”

Fu Qiuning was silent for a long time before she said quietly, “You are saying that the Young Marquis instructed for these roses to be planted here?”

“Isn’t it so?” the matron grinned again. “When the Thorny Roses were first brought in yesterday, the Young Marquis himself came to look at them and say they bloomed very well. However, when they were first transplanted, some of the vines looked a little droopy. This servant even thought they would not survive. After all, there’s a saying that goes ‘a shifted man lives, a shifted tree dies”’ [2], ah. This maid did not expect the Thorny Roses to perk up so quickly. Madam, look, see how beautifully the flowers are blooming. This maid has just sprinkled water on the petals, and it has not dried out yet.”

Fu Qiuning nodded absently. Then asked, “You take care of the chores around here?”

The matron nodded and said, “Yes, ever since the unmarried maidens have been living in this garden, every courtyard has been assigned with people. Even the courtyards without anyone living in them have been assigned at least one person to take care of them. This old maid has been assigned to Elegant Mansion, when is Second Madam moving in? This place is close to the garden gate and Health & Longevity Court is right outside.

In other words, it is not too different from living in the inner court, but this place is much quieter and more peaceful. How could Night Breeze Pavilion be compared to this place? That terrible place was where the Old Marquis’ concubine lived. After that incident, many people called it inauspicious.”

Fu Qiuning [a8] stared at the grinning and impertinent servant for a long time. She thought: So, you have also recruited the servants to speak on your behalf as well. I wonder, did you pay her two leaves of gold too? Just look at her enthusiasm. Even her arguments are practically the same as yours, word for word.

She gave the Thorny Roses one final look before turning around, [a8] abandoning the grinning old maid with a curt, “We’re leaving,” to Yu Jie and Jian Feng.

She made her way directly towards Night Breeze Pavilion.


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[a9] Fu Qiuning managed to maintain her serenity most of the day, even with random news about Jin Fengju’s unfortunate situation at court coming in to bug her at random moments.

She had no idea why these people were bringing news about this matter to her… wait, considering how public the Princess Consort’s temper tantrum was and its possible consequences… could it be that the Young Marquis had decided that the whole case between Prince-thinking-with-his-third-leg-Rong and Princess-throwing-a-tantrum-Consort was a lost cause and tried to seek some benefit for himself by making her feel oh-so-sorry for him?

She was still pondering over these thoughts when one of the servants, Cai Feng, sidled up to report, “The Young Marquis has returned. Chief Steward Jin informed me that Prince Rong received a scolding from Prince Lie. His Majesty was also incensed, and the Young Marquis also received a scolding. Oh, and the Young Marquis is at the study right this moment!”

Fu Qiuning frowned, [a9] she thought: And just what do you expect me to do?

[b3] Yu Jie suddenly appeared with a food box, “M-madam… perhaps you should visit the Master…”

[b3] Fu Qiuning quirked up an eyebrow. She looked outside and said, “It’s almost dark, Feng’er and Jiao’er will be back soon. Why should I go? If he’s really in need of consolation, he knows the way. He has made it safely by himself all this time.”

[b3] Next, it was Aunt Yu who ventured to say, “Perhaps the Master really needs comfort at the moment…”

[b3] Fu Qiuning looked up to see the faces of the earnest servants staring at her and knew that she had lost their loyalty. She gave a bitter smile and said, “Look at all of you. How dare any of you call yourself my servant? Indeed, the one who pays your salary is your master, and I have no money of my own. So why should I expect to receive your loyalty?”

[b3] Frightened, the maids and servants throw themselves at her feet and began to protest their innocence. However, she had had enough. “Since all of you wish me to see your true master, who am I but a servant as well? Let us go.” Thus, she snatched up the food box and stormed out. Just before leaving, she pointed at Cai Feng, “You, since you know this place so well, lead the way to your Master’s study.”

[b3] Cai Feng stuttered, but dared not say anything else to Fu Qiuning as he scurried ahead, only belatedly remembering to offer to take the food box from her when they were already out of the courtyard gate.

[b3] They walked for a good quarter of an hour before they reached what was presumably Jin Fengju’s study. It must have been so, since Jin Ming was standing at the door. Aloud, she said, “No wonder Lord Husband complains that I live too far, he must find it inconvenient to come to my place.”

Jin Ming jumped. However, when he saw it was her, his face immediately lit up in joy. [b3] He scuttled over to smile and say in a low voice, “Master is in a bad mood. Prince Rong has caused a lot of trouble this time, and he just went to Princess Consort’s place. The two siblings butted heads and quarrelled. Master came back with a sullen face, and now even this servant has been scolded several times. Madam, quickly go inside. When he sees you, I think that Master’s feelings might be a little relieved.”

Fu Qiuning [a9] stared down at this clever steward. Then, she snatched the food box and stormed into the study. Jin Fengju was fiercely pushing books off his desk, furiously demanding, “Didn’t I say you were not allowed to enter? Who is…” before he could finish, he looked up and saw that it was Qiuning.

[a9] Expressionlessly Fu Qiuning placed the food box on the newly cleared table with a thump and said, “I know when I’m not wanted.” Then, she turned to leave.

[b4] “Wait! Wait, wait, wait!” He suddenly leapt over and grabbed her hands. “No, no, indeed, my Qiuning is always welcome. It’s just, ah,”

[b4] Here, he sighed deeply and launched into his opening lines, “A thousand different operations, a handful of yellow sand. [3] Elder Sister still argues with me, but she doesn’t even know just how much is at stake.”

[a9] “Indeed, Elder Sister is short-sighted,” she recited dutifully.

[b4] “It is most terrible! Prince Rong is likely to follow in the steps of Prince Hong over this matter and be removed as a crown prince candidate. Though all he did was tease a courtesan, the emperor values a person’s moral character the most. This current generation’s emperor has an unmatched mind and great pride in his self-control.

Indeed, looking at the emperor’s 46 years on the throne, there were many major events where, if not for holding back a moment of anger, the results may not have been so perfect. Though Brother-in-law being interested in courtesans is a small matter, if the emperor sees it as an inability to control a momentary desire, he may deem it as an inability to be trusted with large matters. Qiuning, this would be most terrible!”

[a10] Fu Qiuning put a hand over her mouth, the one not being dramatically held by Jin Fengju, and said, “Indeed, what a shock. How terrible.”

Jin Fengju’s eyes flashed sternly. He coldly sneered and declared, “There must be a spy from Prince Lie’s faction within this estate! Still, no matter what, it is still Elder Sister’s capriciousness that aggravated this entire matter. To openly come to the estate without even attempting to cover up her anger, even a three-year-old would know that she and Brother-in-law had a disagreement!

Since Prince Lie is such a careful person, he would definitely investigate such an unexpected action. As for Brother-in-law, he left too many traces back when he dallied with the courtesan. Before I could even come up with a way to take care of the matter, investigators had come in and left no stone unturned and submitted a memorial to the emperor immediately!”


Gumihou: We now know that in addition to being soft in the head, Prince Rong gets hard in the pants for women other than his wife. This is normal for men in this era, so fine, whatever.

Let’s talk about Jin Yanqiu for a bit instead. In the beginning chapters, she was someone who had ‘practically raised JFJ’ and showed quite a lot of power at Prince Rong’s palace. However, in this chapter, the woman who ‘practically raised’ JFJ turned into a temper-throwing child, which, fine, could be attributed to that evil being ‘stubbornness’ because she was hurt by her stupid and disloyal husband. Much fun, yay for everyone, but especially for Fu Qiuning because this is where she could shine and could show her maturity at the expense of other characters.

In Gumi’s opinion, this is not fair to JYQ.

To damage a person’s character to the point of OOC so that others could shine is so evil that it’s not funny. How could you, White Pear Flower-san?


Pill Bug TL Notes:

[1] 金疮药 Literally “Golden Sore Medicine”, it’s used to treat open wounds.


[2] 人挪活,树挪死 Chinese idiom, means “Man is adaptable, trees are not”. If a person is not treasured and can’t use his talents, he should not defend that place to the last. Try out a few other places, and there will always be places where he can use his talents.


[3] 千般经营,一捧黄沙 Chinese idiom, means: trying so many different things, but it was all wasted effort.


[a] Remove the AR Qiuning:

[a1] Replace the ‘kyaa~~ let me heal you~~’ with ‘ugh, cringe’

Also, deleted: I’ll cook your favourite dishes~~

[a2] Give a serious reaction to JFJ’s remark other than ‘aww that’s cute~’ and leaving in a ‘flutter <3<3<3

[a3] Deleted detail that mentioned ‘Lord Husband kyaa~~’ but address the room in general.

[a4] Reduce the level of enthusiasm from ‘kyaa~~!!’ to ‘hmm’

Delete the very obvious ‘kyaa~~’: She hesitated and said to Yu Jie, “Just now, Lord Husband told me that a few Thorny Roses were transplanted into this courtyard. Let us go in and have a look.”

[a5] Add detail on FQN’s thoughts. How convenient that the author only showed her standing quietly until a matron came running up with her duster and polish ready to shine someone’s ass.

[a6] Replace ‘could not help but laughed’ with ‘a stare’

[a7] Delete the leading question: “Were all these Thorny Roses instructed to be planted here by the Young Marquis?”

It only serves to allow the servant to squirt more polish on someone’s ass.

[a8] Fu Qiuning had ‘nodded quietly’ three times now without us accessing her thoughts. That’s fine, let us see what she is truly thinking.

[a9] Fu Qiuning walking towards the study in the evening and thinking that Night Breeze Pavilion is far away is sooo AR Qiuning that it is not funny. Will work around it. After all, there are so many maids and servants ready to be bribed by the Young Marquis to speak well of him and persuade her to sympathise with his situation.

Moreover, it would not be his first time using the ‘To injure oneself to gain an advantage’, which was totally canon.

In short, replaced ‘oh noes oh noes AR Qiuning’ with ‘Actual Qiuning’

[b] Reveal the asshole:

[b1] Work around some details to show JFJ’s asshole behaviour

Deleted: This made Jin Fengju grit his teeth with hatred, but when he thought about Qiuning’s frowns and smiles, he felt a little itchy in his heart, which significantly weakened the melancholy and boredom he felt on the road.

The above statement was meant to make readers sympathise with the asshole and see him as somewhat fancy and scholarly-ish. Except, the ‘melancholy’ here is mostly ‘self-pity’ at this point.

[a10] Instead of being shocked that the emperor knows, have Fu Qiuning be ‘uh huh, sure, go on’

[b2] Reveal Old Madam’s less than stellar behaviour

[b3] Reverse all actions from ‘FQN willingly and heroically go and see JFJ’ to ‘The servants practically herded her towards the guy’

The servants are all assholes serving the giant asshole

[b4] JFJ’s reaction to Actual Qiuning’s Actual Reaction

[c] Prevention of OOCness for Jin Yanqiu:

[c1] Give more detail for the awkward, bring Jiang Wanying’s name up too.

[c2] Give more details about JYQ’s reaction


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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Melissa Hom

    Why can’t you forgive me????? Why can’t I do what I want to do????? Why are you not following the script that I wish?????

    Because us women are not your accessories! Look at the prince issue huh? The princess is so correct. Men!

    Too bad our girl does not have anyone in her corner anymore, glad to see she sees how much Rooster has to treck to see her. Rolls eyes.

    1. Gumihou

      AR Qiuning sees everything through rose tinted glasses, but this is the reality

      1. Seri

        It’s more of a mind control machine really. And i love how ML is like: oh the courtesan thing is fine i guess but my sister getting angry, why can’t she see the bigger picture!?

        Honestly The feast was better than this. At least the FL there got to chase the ML around with a broom for a while.

        1. Gumihou

          Yeah, it’s filled with these red flags. I, Gumi, cannot bear to see this romanticised. Red flags are not romantic, damn it!!!

          Also, it’s not like I’m being wrong? Am I wrong?

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