You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 148 – Persuasion (Edited)

Higher Level Wife – 148 – Persuasion (Edited)

Chapter 148: Persuasion 

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated by Pill Bug

Gumihou: Edit without notes, because the whole thing is bloody pedantic. It’s all pointless drama and bitches bitching at each other.


“So, are you here to persuade me on Fengju’s behalf?” Jin Yanqiu sneered as she slowly strolled over to Fu Qiuning.

“Surely the Princess Consort’s statement is too odd? As exceptionally intelligent people, is there anything the Princess Consort and the Young Marquis cannot see through? Indeed, the Princess Consort should understand this in her heart of hearts. This humble woman cannot imagine, just what on earth the Princess Consort ought to be persuaded about?” said Fu Qiuning with a service smile as she slowly followed after Princess Consort Rong, making sure to remain just a couple of steps behind her.

“Do not attempt to muddle me with those words. Do not imagine that I do not know what is in your heart. As Fengju’s pillow mate, how could you not know when such an earth-shaking matter happened?” Jin Yanqiu stopped walking to turn around and glare at Fu Qiuning before slowly continuing her way towards the pavilion that she had been walking towards.

“So, the Princess Consort is speaking of this matter. As it has nothing to do with this humble woman, there is no reason for this humble woman to shoulder the guilt of attempting to persuade anyone. Further, hasn’t the Princess Consort already decided? Since that is the case, there is no point in persuading. Surely it makes less sense to trouble the Princess Consort and provoke your unhappiness?”

Instead of being angry or hurt, Fu Qiuning maintained her neutrality. This bratty privileged woman could not hold a candle against the tiger moms, convinced of their children’s genius, that haunted her teaching days.

“Hmph ……” Jin Yanqiu sneered again. She continued her dramatically slow steps, the need to make drama must run in the family, for a little longer before she paused to drawl, “Your words hold blame against me, clearly criticising me for my lack of priority, understanding and excessive willfulness. Do not imagine that I am oblivious to it.” She finished her speech with an impressive twirl of her skirts and she turned around and flounced onto a wooden bench in the pavilion.

Fu Qiuning nearly rolled her eyes out of her head. What. Ever.

What Princess Consort? Isn’t this just a rich brat who knows she did something wrong, but is just too proud to admit anything? How many of these second-generation-rich princesses had she encountered trying to bullshit their way through art school? Stupid in the head, but were flattered by sycophants to imagine they had actual talent?

Look, even the way she sits reeks of the chuuni disease energy. Fu Qiuning hoped the princess hurt her butt plopping down so dramatically on the hard bench like that.

As for how to deal with such a person… Fu Qiuning breathed in deeply and immersed herself in her act. She would have to be the sycophant in question now. But, one that subtly steers their so-called social betters onto the right path. Suddenly, she had a lot of respect for Steward Jin. Now that man’s a professional.

Thus, Fu Qiuning borrowed Jin Ming’s energy and dramatically declared, “This humble woman swears to the Heavens that my heart harbours no such intention at all. Why would Princess Consort say such a thing? Has this humble woman said something that provokes such a response?”

Jin Yanqiu stiffened. She thought: That’s right, why did I suspect her immediately? She had only greeted me, but I had already accused her…

Angered by her own thoughts, she slapped the table harshly and growled, “Why I brought up such a matter, you ask? How many people have come up to me just to speak of these things? Clearly, the one in the wrong is not I. The one who committed all these wrongs, again and again, is not I, and yet, yet a noble and dignified feudal prince would harbour a desire to bring a courtesan into the palace.

He even dared to demand I call her ‘sister’ and wish me to tolerate a child from that dirty blood, wanted an impure brat to address me as ‘Royal Mother’. Why should I swallow this anger? Why should I compromise? You tell me, tell me the reason now. Even the Three Obediences and Four Virtues must have limits. Does the Prince not know his limits? Can he not show restraint? Must I accept all sorts of women into the palace no matter their background?”

Fu Qiuning maintained a neutral gaze as Princess Consort Rong vented her frustration. After the princess ran out of steam, she remained silent for a little longer before saying in a grave voice. “This humble woman is of low birth and unworthy of Princess Consort’s gaze. Even so, would the Princess Consort be so generous as to listen to the words from the bottom of this humble woman’s heart?”

“Just speak,” Jin Yanqiu sneered. She thought: I knew it. How many sincere from ‘the bottom of one’s heart’ words have I heard these past two days? All the women in the family have already spilt words from the bottom of their hearts to me, what is one more? They are all the same, blaming and criticising me for something that is clearly not my fault.

“In the eyes of this humble woman, as a woman and a wife, the Princess Consort had done no wrong. The other woman, be they of high or low status, rich or poor, noble lady, courtesan, precious daughter of a dukedom or even a princess, this humble woman will never allow them to set even half a foot through the doorway and steal one’s husband.” The key to getting a brat to listen to you is to say something they wanted to hear first.

As expected, Princess Consort Rong appeared stunned. No matter what, she was a woman of an era where a woman’s value was being a virtuous virgin, while the husband’s was being a studly accomplished man. This ancient-era woman blurted out, “You have a big mouth, if… if others heard you, it would be too terrible. Have you never undergone feminine training? Do you not know that jealousy is one of the Seven Divorcing Offences?”

Fu Qiuning nodded sagely, “The Princess Consort is right. Such words can never be uttered in the presence of others. Therefore, this humble woman can only secretly support the Princess Consort within the confines of my own heart. No matter how unwilling, as women, we can only endure in silence as our husbands add women into the harem. As a woman of humble birth, how I dare monopolise a person of noble status such as the Young Marquis?

Even so, this humble woman wishes to know. Should the woman courted by Prince Rong not be a courtesan but a golden princess of the ducal family, would Princess Consort feel any better? Perhaps her existence would be more tolerable, but would her presence be any more pleasant than inviting a courtesan into the palace?”

The words struck like hammers against Jin Yanqiu’s heart, causing her entire person to tremble almost uncontrollably. These were… words that she only dared to ruminate in the utter privacy of her heart, but never dared allow past her lips. Because women were bound by the Three Obediences and Four Virtues, no matter how ruthless palace schemes became, only meaningless words crossed their lips.

Not a single woman seeking their husband’s favour and attention dared to even show a speck of that vile ugly thing called ‘jealousy’. A woman must be benevolent and humble. A woman must be demure and graceful. A jealous woman is an ugly woman. Never in her life could she have imagined that her secret thoughts would be echoed by Fu Qiuning one day.

“You… what exactly do you want to say?” Jin Yanqiu coughed even as her gaze skittered away.

Fu Qiuning, knowing that she had cracked this jealous kid’s heart, pressed her advantage. She gently said, “Is jealousy such a bad thing? Can love exist in the absence of jealousy? Isn’t Princess Consort’s jealousy evidence of great love for the Prince? Jealousy is just a form of love, but it is considered a hateful emotion for women. Why is it that men can marry three wives and four concubines, but women can only cling to one man to the end?

At brothels, men can openly show jealousy and even fight over a courtesan, but we women are not allowed to experience jealousy in our own homes over our own husbands. Men are human beings, are women not human? Why are there so many rules in this world for women that men are exempted from? How could-“

“This… do you even know how shocking your words are? If this were to spread, do you imagine you could even keep your life?” Jin Yanqiu quickly interrupted her. Her eyes darted around anxiously. When she saw no one near them, her shoulders lowered a little and she sighed. “I shall pretend I did not hear any of this. You must never say such things before anyone in the future.”

Fu Qiuning’s words were indeed shocking in that world’s period. Her words struck deeply within Jin Yanqiu’s heart. This bold and spoilt golden princess of a marquis family, married into the royal family as a bold and opinionated wife, could not help but be bitter about the ‘feminine education’ she must have endured throughout her life. It was only on this day that her secret thoughts were finally given voice by an unexpected person. This shocking incident could only end with Jin Yanqiu reluctantly admitting Fu Qiuning as a close confidante.

Fu Qiuning blinked. She thought: Well, that was easy. It is generally like this with brats. After obtaining their trust, they would be almost blindly loyal to the person they believed to be someone who ‘understands’ them.

This Jin Yanqiu must have been so frustrated by everyone telling her to be ‘sensible’, when in her heart of hearts, she was so angry at having to bury her feelings or be revealed as an ‘unfit woman’ for experiencing that horrible emotion ‘jealousy’. It was almost sweet how simple this noble, and supposedly clever, woman was.

Still, her act was not yet over. Now that she had Jin Yanqiu’s sympathy, she threw herself into her role and declared, “Alas, ‘tis true! Such thoughts could never be acted upon or even spoken of! Jealousy is treated like a treacherous crime. How dare we experience feelings! How dare we act like humans instead of virtuous goddesses! At times, I hate that I am born as a woman.

When Princess Consort says that I criticise the Princess Consort for being reckless and not knowing your priorities, my heart felt utterly wronged and aggrieved! To this humble woman’s mind, the Princess Consort had acted as a woman should. Why is it treated as willfulness or recklessness? How is it reckless behaviour when Princess Consort is not the one raising a courtesan outside?”

Jin Yanqiu looked at Fu Qiuning with a pair of beautiful eyes made even more soulful with bitter tears welling up from the bottom of her heart. Finally, here is someone who understands and sympathises with her bitter heart. However, dignity would not allow her to shed tears before Fu Qiuning. Thus, she turned away to sob, “What a pity. What is the use of your personal opinion? Aside from you, who in this estate does not regard me as the sinner?”

Fu Qiuning… felt saddened. Yes, so what if she, a woman of low birth, sympathised with a Princess Consort who could not even openly show her jealousy, lest she is accused of the crime of jealousy?

Instead of answering the Princess Consort, Fu Qiuning sighed a long sigh and said, “What can we, as women, do when men hold the power? People only see the good life and prestige of a Princess Consort’s position, but who could understand what sorrow or bitterness lies beneath the surface? To this humble woman’s mind, it is better to be a lowborn girl from an ordinary family, married to a poor husband who works diligently and supports one wife as the pillar of the family.

The days may be more difficult and less luxurious, but as a couple, I can support him as his wife and raise his children, while he works and supports the family and love only one wife. Don’t you think this is a beautiful scene? Also, if we are both lowborn commoners, if his gaze strayed too long at any girl, I could grab his ears and freely give him a scolding or three…”

Fu Qiuning watched as Jin Yanqiu stared silently at a distant pool. What was it with this girl and pools of water? However, it did not feel right to break the silence, therefore, Fu Qiuning also gazed at the pool. When a stray breeze flitted over, the surface of the pool rippled gently.

Finally, Fu Qiuning sighed and said sadly, “Indeed, as women born to a noble family, we are different from ordinary girls. We are raised to be political pawns. Back then, how much of my life was controlled by Father and Grandfather? My role was to marry into the marquis’ family to slap the faces of the people here. Once I married out, my role ended, and no one cared whether I lived or died.

Even so, I shouldered less responsibility in my wretched fate. The moment my maternal family dismissed my existence, it also allowed me some measure of freedom. It is different for the Princess Consort, there are still many expectations and responsibilities on the Princess’ shoulders. Your burden is heavier than mine.”

Princess Consort Rong was silent. As someone who knew when silence is golden, Fu Qiuning also did not speak up. There was really no need. Instead, she stood up with a smile and said, “It is this humble woman’s privilege to encounter the Princess Consort on my way to Night Breeze Pavilion. A foolish thought struck this humble woman’s mind when I saw Princess Consort staring deeply at a pond. However, it is clear that this humble woman thought too much. Do forgive this humble woman’s impertinence and allow this foolish woman to excuse herself.”


Gumihou: Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I had fun. Hue hue hue~~

Pill Bug: I have popcorn ready for when the seeds of rebelliousness sprout in Princess Consort’s heart!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Seri

    Thank you gumi for cleaning out the filth once more.

    1. Gumihou

      I’m happy that you’re happy~~

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