You are currently viewing Tondemo Skill – 481 – Demiurgos Drama
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Tondemo Skill – 481 – Demiurgos Drama

Chapter 481 -Demiurgos Drama


Author: Eguchi Ren

Translated by Gumihou

Edited by Gumihou


“Ahem. Tis I, Demiurgos, the Creator of this world. I am also the highest-ranking God among all Gods of this world. Speaking of which, I have something I wish to know. Oi, the one who calls himself the pope, come out from that fancy church of yours.”

Demiurgos-sama’s voice echoed familiarly in my head. From the looks of the people around us… it looks like the believers of Rubanov heard his voice too. [1] When I last spoke with Demiurgos-sama, I requested his assistance. Having the actual Voice of God in your head would do a lot to convince religious people of his existence. I really don’t want to have to deal with a random fanatic running after my party, accusing me of being a liar and being killed by Fer or something.

[1] I proposed to have Demiurgos-sama speak to the people in the main Rubanov Church, I was even prepared to bribe him, but Demiurgos-sama actually said ‘I shall speak directly to false church as well as the main churches of the Four Goddesses and the Imperial Family of Rubanov’ at my request.

[1] “… …” I can only imagine the shock and excitement of the people hearing God speaking to them right now.

“Come out now!”

I, as well as the Knights, jumped.

Ah, I guessed the Pope was not moving as fast as Demiurgos-sama would like…

Suddenly, a bunch of people dressed in the typical Cult of Rubanov’s flashy outfit of too much gold and flashy sparkles over pure white cloth came rushing out.

The flashiest and gaudiest of them all, honestly there were even jewels sewn onto his robes, was at the front. He must be the Pope.

“So, you have finally decided to show yourself, eh? [2] Cult of Rubanov, tell me, just who is this Rubanov punk, haahhh?”

[3] “… …” that’s… Demiurgos-sama is kind of threatening them, right? Ah, but I can’t bring myself to be too sorry for these fellows.

Speaking of which, the flashy-looking priests have all gone pale.

Well, it’s not often that an actual God comes to confront you about the God of your religion. They must be worried.


“R-r-r-rubanov-sama is all-knowing and all-powerful. He is the absolute God of the Human Race.”

The Pope’s voice echoed faintly across the nearly silent grounds.

“Oho~ an all-knowing and all-powerful God of the Human Race, eh? Fumu, fumu, as mentioned earlier, I am the Creator God. The highest ranking God of this world. Naturally, as the Creator of this world, I know everything there is to know about it. On the ground as well as in the heavens above. I regret to inform you that this Rubanov fellow does not exist. Also, the Gods of this world do not differentiate our believers according to race.”

The people in the square erupted into an incoherent rage at this.

“P-preposterous!” howled the Pope.

Demiurgos-sama’s reply was firm, “The fact that the God of Rubanov does not exist should be known to those in the higher ranks. You must have learned of this when you took office as pope. I believe that Rubanov may have started as a cult to scam money off people before it grew to this size. In short, you are all thieves and conmen.”

The faces of the people dressed in gaudier outfits turned purple before going white.

“In fact, I am prepared to overlook this money scamming cult, after all, it is human nature to be greedy. However…”

Ah, is it me or has the atmosphere suddenly gone chillier? Demiurgos-sama? Hello?

“You have chosen to take it a step further. To make it a rule to discriminate against Beastmen, Elves and Dwarves, demeaning them as toys and pets. When you tire of them, you sold them off as slaves. Those of you in the ruling position are worse. You know that those slaves you sold to the Imperial Family are subjected to gruesome training, to fight and die as death soldiers. Know this, for those who participate in this heinous crime, a terrible fate awaits you after your death…”

Erm, that sounds… kind of ominous…?

“To the ruling family of Rubanov, heed my words. You do not see the people of your kingdom as people, you knowingly support the Cult of Rubanov as it suits your greed and appetite. Know that I, the Creator God Demiurgos, do not look kindly upon these heinous actions. In short, I am watching you.”

… I can almost see Demiurgos-sama doing that classic eye pointing ‘I’m Watching You’ thing to emphasise his remark.

I didn’t know that the royal family was conscripting non-humans as soldiers, but, considering the civil unrest that was happening just a forest over, it is not impossible to imagine that Rubanov must have had some hand in it.

Still, to be directly told that ‘God is Watching You~’ I wonder what the imperial family members are thinking now…

“To the Cult of Rubanov. Your evil deeds are as numerous as stars in the sky. You have committed the crime of spreading the word of a false god, blasphemy, discrimination, murder, deceiving the people-”

The list just went on and on…

“… for your crimes, receive your punishment. Ahem, Fenrir, Ancient Dragon, raze this blasphemous place to the ground. Fuoh, fuoh, I’ve always wanted to try saying this~~”

…Demiurgos-sama, I can hear you perfectly well…

Are you re-enacting some kind of army general or something?

“As you command!!” my two familiars howled as they stepped forward menacingly, practically twitching to act.

“Oi, if you don’t want to be destroyed along with your garish church, flee now,” came Demiurgos-sama’s lazy voice

“Humph, Demiurgos-sama is benevolent to the end,” growled Fer.

“Indeed, flee you shiny humans, or be razed along with your shiny building,” said Grandpa Gon.

A second later, the self-proclaimed Holy Knights of Rubanov and the Pope of Rubanov shrieked and fled.

That’s the most sensible thing to do, really.

Ah, it looks like everyone has the sense to run.

“Enough with your lies!!!! The Church of Rubanov is the Supreme Doctrine. I shall destroy these filthy monsters with my magic sword!!”

Well, almost all of them.

Wait, what did he just say?!!

“M-magic sword?!”

Indeed, the knight with the most gold decorations on his armour was now waving a sword at us. I think Elland-san once mentioned that Rubanov has a magic sword called the [4] Juwayuse? Juven-use?

[4] I remembered it because Elland-san would not stop talking about it and comparing it with the sword he had made with a dragon fang. However, the only thing that sticks out in my mind about this sword was that it was dangerous!

“Nooo!!!” My hand automatically reached into my [Item Box] withdrawing the magic sword I am most familiar with and-



Our swords crossed.

“Humph? Magic sword? That sword is as magical as side road rock,” came Fer’s derisive voice.

“It is still a good sword, to withstand Gram,” said Grandpa Gon politely.

“It is most unfortunate. The real magic sword had already been exchanged for gold about 200 years ago, or was it as recent as 100 years ago? Anyway, that one is just a clever fake,” came Demiurgos-sama’s voice.

“Eh? Eehhhhh?!!!” the knight’s scream echoed across the square as his ‘magic sword’ broke at the point where Gram had struck it.

The so-called paladin collapsed to the floor, staring at the broken-off blade.

I’m starting to feel sorry for this fellow. I looked at his knightly comrades, “Um, so, are you going to take your friend? They are really going to raze this place to the ground, you know?”

Fortunately, his comrades were still honourable enough to grab their leader and rush away from the square.

“How unexpectedly forward of my cowardly master,”

Fer, if you’re going to praise me. Please do it properly.

“Mm, most of the humans have left, shall we?” said Grandpa Gon.




My familiars charged forward and-

Crackle— ZzzZZzzttt!!!

Dogon—! Dogooonn—!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Pew! Pew! Pew!

The destruction started off with a flashy move from Fer, followed by signature moves from the others. Grandpa Gon was using Earth Magic and… wow, I didn’t realise that you can cause an entire building to collapse into dust like that…

Anyway, once the great destruction was over, all that was left of the once magnificent building was a bunch of grey rubble.


[Gumihou: Woah, they really destroyed it.]


[1] Edit the text so that it makes sense. Give a reason for how Mukouda knows (or at least has some idea) how far Demiurgos-sama’s voice travelled.

According to the text, it reached: the main churches of the Four Goddesses and the major Royal Families, but like… How you know? How you know?!!

[2] There was an attempt at a joke/sarcasm here, it sounded kind of lame? Changed it to mockery.

[3] Adjusted Mukouda’s reaction to ‘haahhh…’ instead of ‘pupupu’ which was kind of weird considering how he had nearly worried himself silly over the whole confrontation.

[4] Add details to build up suspense has a new Membership System!!

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This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. dgtb

    Can’t believe, people are that disappointed with how they destroyed the building, not sparing the supposedly valuable things in it, and letting the members scram without bloodshed.

    Destroying all evidence of existence of a scandalously materialistic supremacist cult is not an uncommon, if not the popular, course of action for something like the Rubanov. Like, if you learn that the cup you’re drinking tea from was Hitler’s, you’d spit out all liquid and get the hammer nearest you to smash the china and curse your mouth for touching it.

    And not killing anyone has been pacifist Mukōda’s aim all along.

    1. Gumihou

      Haha, right?

      It’s all very in character for pacifist Mukouda. I mean, if they want to see destruction, there are any number of Korean novels that dishes up that particular cuisine.

  2. Sheena

    This is it for me, this author is all about “I’ll tell my daddy about this”

    I was actually expecting for a solid plot or maybe some tactics but🤷 i hope you continue enjoying guys and thank you very much for the editors, for sharing with us this beautiful artwork untill now😁 I wish you continued luck👍

  3. Diggydawg

    I think Mukouda just shot himself in the foot again, he’s going to get increased notoriety as someone who basically has a hotline to the gods, cue hordes of religious fanatics come to worship him and countries trying to get close to him.

    1. Gumihou

      Ahhh, that would be very bad for Mukouda.

  4. Tednihon

    Thanks for the chapter ☺️

    Might be just me but I feel sad that MC wasted all the resources used and inside the building. Slaughtering the people would be less of a waste than what he did

    1. Gumihou

      All those, gold, jewels, stained glass, marble, precious stones, magic tools…

      Ugghh, thinking about it made Budget Gumi twitch with anxiety.

  5. Otaku Hikikomori

    It should play “Somebody’s Watching Me” as BGM.
    Thanks for the treat.

  6. RemAishiteru!

    Demiurgos got to say his cool lines! I wish it wasn’t just buildings they were destroying though…

    1. Gumihou

      Demiurgos-sama don’t have any official church or worshippers (that we know of), so I guess that’s why he thinks it’s fun?

  7. Jules

    Awww man, no slaughter? I was hoping it would be at least the higher ups from the church. Thanks for the TL!

    1. Gumihou

      You and everyone else…

      Yes, Gumi is included in this everyone else. However, not even the power of editing could do anything…

  8. Oji-san

    I always find”pew pew pew pew” adorable and it makes me smile. BTW, i thought they gonna destroy evrything and everyone related to the Rubanov church? Why are they letting them go? Thanks for the chapters. There’s lots and they’re early today.

    1. Chibibar

      Well, Since Demiourgos gave an oracle (mass broadcast which was WAY awesome), he is showing his benevolent side, but they are getting this “one chance” 😉 (He did say he is watching them) so…… next time? Sui may get to melt some bad people who bully Arujii! 😉

      1. Gumihou


        Pink, pixelated things!!!

  9. Gackt1

    Well, I give a point for that stupid paladin for brave enough to protect his stupid belief, and minus him 1000 point for being stupid…

  10. Filip

    That’s it? Just smash a big building? No divine punishment, no curse placed on the top brass, no mass slaughter? I’d say it was tame, but it’s more like lame. They should have smashed the building to bits, using the clergy as weapons.
    Thanks for the chapter! Awesome translation! May God bless you!

  11. chibibar

    Whether the Royal Family of Rubanov will heed Demiurgos’s prophecy remains to be seen. Given the Church of Rubanov’s arrogance and irrational behavior (as we’ve witnessed on at least two occasions when they foolishly confronted Mukouda and threatened to harm Bartel), it’s possible that Mukouda’s familiars may take pleasure in exacting revenge by trampling and razing their castles in the future.

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