Higher Level Wife – 153 – Throwing Rocks Down a Well

Chapter 153: Throwing Rocks Down a Well

Author: White Pear Flower

Raws: https://book.qidian.com/info/2386994/

Translated by Gumihou

Proofread by Pill Bug

Gumihou: There was a moment here where Gumi went ‘tch’. See if you could spot it.


[1a] “In short, they are all princes whose mothers were favoured by the emperor,” said Fu Qiuning. “And Prince Rong is at a disadvantage because his Imperial Mother had died.”

[2a] “…speaking of which, I have spoken to Jin Ming about rooting out Prince Lie’s spy. Unfortunately, though we searched openly and secretly, we still did not manage to find anything. It was too strange. I have never encountered such a thing before. They must have hidden themselves too well. However, it’s fine. Even if there’s a spy within the estate, so long as we remain upright, there is no need to be afraid of any spies. Come now, let’s sleep. I have to be up early tomorrow. You must be early to serve me too.”

[1a] “… …” what is this cringey attitude?

[2b] She had no idea what kind of expression she was making, but for some reason, Jin Fengju was grinning at her and saying, “Are you surprised? I am only in my twenties, but Old Madam and Elder Madam all say that I am too serious. However, how can I be anything but serious? Is the court a place where one can act immaturely? However, now that I have met you, I felt like I have recovered some of my youth. This is very good, even in my youth, I have never felt this much happiness in my heart.”

[1a] “… …” Fu Qiuning could almost feel bits of her soul flying out the window from the sheer cringe of this statement. Just what kind of books had this guy been studying lately?

[2a] Also, after taking his outer clothes off, Jin Fengju blew out the candle and, instead of climbing onto the kang bed to sleep or whatever, he went over to the window to look wistfully into the moonlight. It was only after his monologue started that she finally realised that she was being treated to a performance.

A gentleman does not see the surging white waves,

It is too late to collect the pole and turn the boat,

The world of man suffers turmoil most infinite,

But it pales to the Old fisherman’s loss on Mandarin Duck Lake. [3]

Jin Fengju murmured the lines as he stared out into the moonlight. Then, he turned burning eyes at Fu Qiuning and said, “This is a most wise saying. Qiuning is a rare talent. Could the Mandarin Duck Lake be the Mandarin Duck Lake in Jinzhou? Moreover, these four sentences appear to be the conclusion of a longer poem. Where did Qiuning get this poem from? Why won’t Qiuning recite the whole thing?”

[1b] Fu Qiuning stroked her own hair, hiding the fact that she was totally rolling her eyes at this comment. Hasn’t she already told him? It’s all that old woman. All her weird knowledge came from that dead old woman.

[1b] “Unfortunately, though the old woman from the village is well-versed in opera, her knowledge of poetry is lacking. I’m afraid this is all she had bestowed on me.”

[2b] Jin Fengju was now looking at her with… knowing eyes? Why? Before she could speculate on what was really happening in this fellow’s mind, the man himself was smiling down at her in an indulgent way, “Goodness, the village Qiuning comes from must be teeming with talents and prodigies. One day, you must take me there for a look. Perhaps together, we could uncover some wonderful scholars there.”

[2b] Jin Fengju was… snickering to himself, as though he had discovered some great secret of hers. [1b] However, her one witness had already passed away and could not be questioned by anyone. If this guy really wanted to, she could show him where the old lady was buried. It would at least be amusing for him to try and find out that woman’s origin.

[1b] Therefore, Fu Qiuning merely shrugged and said, “As the Young Marquis likes,” before going to bed. Having no one to witness his dramatic solos, Jin Fengju also went to bed next to her.


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In the middle of the night, the patter of rain suddenly woke Jin Fengju up. He sat up to find that Fu Qiuning was also awake. In a low voice, he said, “Is it raining outside?” [2c]

[1a] “…yes, it is raining, and it is happening outside,”

“… …”

[1a] “Perhaps the Young Marquis has never experienced the rain before? It happens ever so often. Back at the village, spring rain is considered as precious as oil because it comes so sparingly.” Since he wanted to mock her for invoking ‘the village’ for every little abomination, let’s mention it at every opportunity.

[2c] Jin Fengju cleared his throat and appeared to listen to the rain for a while before smiling and saying, “These days, the emperor mentioned something about this year’s crop being poor due to bad weather conditions. However, now that the rain has arrived, it looks like the emperor’s mood would be better tomorrow.”

[1b] “Yes, the emperor’s mood being better would lighten the pressure on Prince Rong as well,” she said agreeably. Then, in a more decisive voice, “Go to sleep.”

[1b] Unable to find a way to extend the conversation, Jin Fengju obediently went to sleep as well.

The weather in ancient times was really fickle. When she went to bed earlier, the moon was shining. For it to suddenly [1c] rain, it brought her back to the times when life was hard and resources were limited. Back then, she had acted strong in front of her maids and the twins. However, thoughts of how to fulfil basic necessities and how to give the children a good life had plagued her mind.

[1c] Spring was a time of gladness for everyone, especially so for the people at Night Breeze Pavilion. However, there was a lull between dwindling winter provisions and waiting for the next batch of crops to ripen. She had not anticipated the weather to withhold its ration of rain. If not for the pond, which had drastically lowered due to the dry weather, their clumsily planted crops would have died. Fortunately, perhaps due to the nutrients that came with the pond water being close to the bottom, [4] their harvest was unexpectedly good, allowing them to live on enough to see the next spring. That was before they even had any ducks or chickens to supplement their diet.

[1c] They ate a lot of wild vegetables during that first year. Later, life was a little better with eggs and a bit of poultry meat…

Suddenly, a beloved poem appeared in her mind:

The youth listens to the song of rain upstairs,

The red candle flickers dimly under the veil.

The ageing man hears the rain on his boat,

The river is wide and the clouds low,

With broken cries of geese in the wind.

Now I listen to the rain under a hut,

The stars are my temple,

Heedless of man’s joys and sorrows,

The dawn comes dripping in, drop by drop.


Perhaps influenced by the feelings brought on by the poem, tears began to fall from her eyes. She thought: After transmigrating into this world, I can never go back, unlike these travellers who could still return home despite wide rivers, low-hanging clouds and bleak Western winds. But me? I’m afraid that even the stars above me are not the same as the ones from my previous life. I can only take each day as it drips by, knowing that I can never set eyes on the asphalt roads and concrete jungle of my hometown ever again.

Weighed down by her sad thoughts, she could barely sleep. Another sound of thunder woke her and she noticed that it was time for Jin Fengju to get up. She pushed against the man sticking to her, saying, “It is time for Lord Husband to wake up. Though it is not yet light, it is already dawn.”

Jin Fengju got up and allowed Fu Qiuning to help him wash and dress up. He rushed outside with an oil paper umbrella with a glass lantern, even forgoing breakfast. 

As he was hurrying across Yong Cui Garden, there was a sudden flash of lightning, followed by the heavy sound of thunder. For a moment, he was stunned by the sudden racket but reassured himself by thinking: Since I am surrounded by trees, I should be safe. Still, he picked up his pace. More lightning flashed and there was suddenly a cracking sound that did not belong to the heavens at all. It was only then that he noticed that a tree, about as thick as a large bowl, had been split in half and was falling to the ground.

Jin Fengju reflexively leapt backwards. However, he was focusing so much on the tree that he did not notice a stone behind him that was as sharp as a bamboo shard. He tripped and fell, unfortunately, despite being quick of mind, he could not fully control his body and he lost his balance. A sharp rock pierced his calf and he immediately started bleeding.


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As the thunderstorm continued outside, Cai Lian and Bi Yu waited anxiously inside the study.  Jin Ming had gone over to meet the master for some time now, but why have they not arrived yet? As for why the maids were so anxious, how could they not be? The thunder and lightning outside were so ferocious and their beloved master had to walk through the whole garden in this terrible weather, what if something were to happen to him?

They were still preoccupied with their thoughts when Jin Fengju suddenly appeared, supported by Jin Ming. The two servant girls immediately tensed and quickly rushed out, asking, “What happened? What happened to the Master?”

“It’s nothing, a rock pierced my leg. Cai Lian, Bi Yu, bring a little salt water to wash the wound. I still have to attend court- Aiyo!”

The cry was so painful sounding that Cai Lian and Biyu’s hands trembled with fright.

“Master, how about resting for a day? Just look at your leg, how can you still attend court?” Jin Ming gave the wound a bitter look and muttered, “Moreover, it is not right to just have us servants treat you. We should call the Imperial Physician over to take a look.”

“Where did this nonsense come from?” Jin Fengju snorted. “Go and have them prepare a sedan chair. Today’s morning court, leaving aside a single pierced leg, I must attend even if I have broken both legs. En, this is perfect for the ‘Mourning Soldier’ scheme, perhaps this is Heaven’s way of assisting me.”

Knowing that he could not dissuade his master, Jin Ming quietly agreed and made arrangements for the sedan chair. The sedan bearers swiftly carried Jin Fengju along the road and the group managed to reach the court just a little over half an hour before the start of the morning court.

The courtroom was already filled with ministers and princes with official positions. Seeing Jin Fengju, who rarely allowed himself to be brought in on sedan chairs, they were very surprised and hurried over to find out what was going on.

Jin Ming was not qualified to enter the court, therefore, after finding a seat for his master in the waiting hall, he withdrew. By now, Prince Rong was staring at Jin Fengju with concern on his face as he trotted over to ask Jin Fengju what happened to him. As for Prince Hong and Prince Lie, their eyes flickered as a sense of schadenfreude filled their hearts.

Jin Fengju briefly explained the situation. They chatted for a little while until it was time to enter court. When it was time, they made their stately way into court with the princes leading the way. Jin Fengju tried his best to maintain his dignity as he limped in. Hopping on one leg would be less painful, but also less dignified.

Seated behind the screen, the emperor noted everything that was happening and frowned. When the eunuch announced ‘The Emperor has arrived~’, he stepped forward and seated himself on the dragon chair. Behind him, the eunuch called out, “With reports, court ensues; with no reports court retires~”

How could there be no reports? Several ministers stepped forward, one after another, to make their reports. Finally, when there was a lull of reports, a Censor Official stepped forward, knelt and said, “I wish to report that the Duke of Jing’s estate has committed the crime of immoral conduct.”

Jin Fengju’s heart skipped a beat. He thought: Here it comes.

On the surface, he showed a look of astonishment, privately, he assessed the person making the report. It was Chu Daxiu, a staunch supporter of Prince Hong. No wonder Prince Hong had tasked him to carry out this scheme.

“Immoral conduct?” an imperceptible frown appeared on the emperor’s brows as he glanced over at Jin Fengju. He said lightly, “What is this immoral conduct? Let Us hear it.”

Thus, Chu Daxiu began talking about the Jing dukedom taking in unchaste women into their estate. The ancient people attached great importance to a woman’s chastity. Though there were no explicit rules within the Jin estate for women’s conduct, it was a private rule that unmarried daughters were not even allowed to appear in public. Therefore, the accusation of ‘immoral conduct’ was able to barely scrape through.


[Gumihou: About adding random mockery against JFJ. From Gumi’s Characteristics Calculation, he appears to be the type that chases longer the harder one runs. If FQN had really been replaced by AR Qiuning, their so-called ‘great love’ would have been as short-lived as a summer storm. In other words, Gumi has been helping the novel to stay realistic. Seriously.]


[1] Remove the AR Qiuning:

[1a] Calling out texts that were clearly made to make JFJ look good. At the same time, delete all disgusting AR Qiuning’s dialogue

[1b] Remove over 250 words of AR Qiuning’s ‘oh noes oh noes~~Iyaan~~’ panic that just baits JFJ to ‘look at her with sparkling eyes as though he knew she was thinking up an excuse

Yeah? Well with the ‘iyann~’, ‘kyann~~’ and ‘ufufufu~’ scenes gone, there goes the entirety of ‘wow, that village must be full of talents. Qiuning must bring me for a visit one day~

Naturally, this was followed by an ‘iyann~~’ blush moment from AR Qiuning.

Total number of words deleted would have gone over 500 if not for [2b]

[1c] In the original version, AR Qiuning suddenly recite poetry as a way to sob and make us feel sorry for her in general. Basically, make us even more glad for JFJ’s existence.

However, since Gumi had deleted over 250 words, I have to make up the numbers somehow, right? How about reminiscing about the time when she was stuck at Night Breeze Pavilion for six years with limited resources? Isn’t that a wonderful idea?

[2] Add details:

[2a] Reveal JFJ’s creep factor

[2b] Reveal JFJ’s crazy. His ability to reinterpret everything Fu Qiuning did and say to his advantage is a special kind of entitlement.

[2c] Jin Fengju attempting to look intelligent. Attempting.


Pillbug TL Notes:

[3] This comes from 《鸳湖曲》”Yuanhu Qu” “Song of the Mandarin Duck Lake”


[4] I really do not recommend using water from the bottom of a still body of water. Yes, the nutrients are dense, but so are the heavy metals. You can see reports of lead or arsenic poisoning happening near towns with dried-up lakes.

Gumihou: Maybe it’s not so bad in the past? Before the era of industrialisation?


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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Momocucupiu

    I guess that’s the same moment I was like “tch, just a bloody calf? Couldn’t it be the femoral vein?”

    But i’m an evil person and don’t count as an average answer.

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