You are currently viewing Tondemo Skill – 489 – New Magic Stove
Blue gas flames from stove burner in the dark

Tondemo Skill – 489 – New Magic Stove

Chapter 489 -New Magic Stove


Author: Eguchi Ren

Translated by Gumihou

Edited by Gumihou >_<

Gumihou: It seems kind of pointless for the familiars to trudge after Mukouda in search of the Magic Stove. Sillier still for the familiars to agree, grudgingly or not, to be dragged all over the place only to serve as a united voice of ‘yeah yeah Magic Stove yeah x 4’


The next morning found everyone lazing around in the living room after breakfast. Since I only have to see Orson-san the day after tomorrow, the plan was to take it easy today and go do a little shopping tomorrow for my Magic Stove.

That was the plan, at least…

“Right, let’s go hunting.”

“Hey, haven’t you hunted enough yesterday?”

“We hunted a whole crab but only ate its legs. I want to gather more. Isn’t having more crabs better?”

“”Oooh! Great idea!!”” Dora-chan immediately perked up.

“More crabs means more of the guts, yes? I look forward to it.”

“”Sui wants to eat crabby too~~””

I glared at them. “Hey, why don’t you think about why we are in this city?”

“To catch crabs?”

“To eat crabs?”

“”To hunt crabs?””


“Have you all really forgotten? We came here to get a Magic Stove! A Magic Stove!”


“There are four of you now, don’t expect me to cook on a dinky little portable stove. A big Magic Stove is practically a necessity to keep you all fed, you know?! There’s only so much pre-made food I could pack and go.”

This seems to finally convince them of the seriousness of the situation.

U-umu, I supposed it can’t be helped…”

“”Ugh, but do we have to all go with you?!””

There was a pause.



“But Master…”

“No, if I leave you alone to go outside, you’ll overdo it!”

“Nuu, what if we only hunt crabs and fish?”

“”We won’t snatch other Adventurer’s prey.””

“We will be discreet, we’ll travel on the water slowly with Sui.”

“”Sui catch fish~?””

“Ugh…” I really don’t feel comfortable leaving them on their own. I sort of promised the guild master that I will keep an eye on them, but having them walk around all over the city with me is not good either, right?


“We shall be careful…”


“”Please~ Aruji~~””

“Fine,” I said grudgingly.


“BUT, I’m going to escort you outside. I will come back to the city alone to do my shopping and meet you later at the place where we cooked the crab legs. Okay? Don’t come into the city on your own. This is very important.”

Umu, fine.”

“That sounds like a good plan.”

““Yeah, yeah, let’s go already!!””

“”Yay~ hunting~ fishy~~””

“Haahh… I hope I don’t regret this.”


Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~


After sending out my familiars, I stopped at the first store on the list that the Merchant Guild had given to me. There were three stores altogether that dealt with large stoves.

Actually, they were really Magic Tools shop, and not a shop that ‘sells kitchen tools’ so it was all up in the air whether they would carry the item I wanted. Anyway, since I have the names and directions, it was time to go have a look.

It was weird travelling alone like this. Nobody looked my way at all, it was kind of novel and exciting~

Let’s see, the first store is called Waldner’s Magic Tools.

According to the directions I’m given, it should be down this road, turn left and the second junction and, woah, this place is positively crammed with stuff. 

When I entered the store, a clerk came up to ask, “What are you looking for?”

“Um, I’d like to buy a Magic Stove. Something with four burners and an oven would be good. If you have something that’s above that would be fine too.”

“Four stoves and… apologies, but I’m afraid there are very few stores that would carry such heavy-duty stoves in their shop. If you wish to order it through us, we could custom order one for you, but it would take time…”

“Time? How long?”

“About… a year…”


“Ahem, truly. Currently, the only heavy-duty Magic Stoves are the ones with two burners…”

“I see…”

“Perhaps you could check with Rigoni’s Magic Tool or Alfaro’s place?”

“I understand, well, thank you for your time.”

It really can’t be helped. I decided to visit Rigoni’s first since it was closer.

“Apologies, but the best we have here that fits your requirements is the two burner stove, with a small oven function…”


I could only place my hopes on Alfaro now. If they don’t have what I wanted, I’d have to go to the Royal Capital or something. What a pain.

Luckily I let my familiars go hunting, otherwise, if I had to trudge around the city with them in tow, who knows what kind of complaints they would make by now?

So, I made my way to Alfaro’s.

Woah, the shops along the way to Alfaro’s appeared quite huge and, this place clearly has more of an industrial or specialised wholesale business merchant street. Maybe they would have what I want.

Please let them have it.

I am now in front of Alfaro’s. For one thing, it was more than twice the size of the previous magic tool shops that I had been to. Taking in a deep breath, I stepped into the shop.

A clerk immediately rushed over, his face wreathed with smiles.

“Dear lucky customer! You are just in time to witness our never seen before latest Magic Stove that surpasses all other Magic Stoves you’ve ever seen or heard!”

“Oh? Really?! Show me!!”

Is this some kind of fate? I followed the cheerful clerk deeper into the shop where the rumoured ‘latest Magic Stove’ was stored.


“Ahem, our latest ever Magic Stove has not two, not four, but six burners in total! All of which could be activated at the same time! Not only that, but this Magic Stove also has two ovens-”



“A-ahem, I mean, wow, this is very exciting.”

“Indeed, with this Magic Stove, catering to a large party at home is no longer a dream-”

The clerk went on and on a bit after that, but I wasn’t listening. I had already made up my mind.

“I’ll take it!”

“-so this area here is, eh? Ehh?! Dear customer, you wish to… buy it?”

“Why? I can’t? Has it been reserved? When can I get one?”

“Ahem, no, no, this model is available for sale, but I have not mentioned the price…”

“Ah, money is no issue. For I am an S Ranker!” Well, my familiars are my true source of income, but because of them, I am an S Ranker.

“This super special Magic Stove is priced only at 1200 gold,” the clerk beamed. “Would you like us to arrange for a delivery?

“Hmm, that won’t be necessary,” I said as I reached for one of the many bags of money in my [Item Box].

“Oh, sir has an [Item Box]! How convenient. Allow me to ring up your purchase, dearest customer.”

“1200 gold is not bad, my previous stove was 860 gold, and only has four burners and one oven.”

“Oh? It must have been a display item. Stoves with more than two burners are only built by special order. Ahem, I shall let dear customer in on a little secret. The noble who special ordered this stove made a fuss about its specs after it was built, citing that we made it wrong just to get out of paying…”

“How terrible!”

“Indeed, we only received partial payment for the item. In fact, the boss was supposed to collect full payment before we even start on the job, but in the end, we as the employees had to bear the burden…”


“That’s only if it’s never sold and ended up as a useless item! Thanks to dearest customer who bought it, we managed to avert a disaster. Hohoho.”

“Hohoho… ho?”

“Thank you very much, please do come again~!”

What an… interesting clerk.


[Gumihou: the original ending was ‘yay, let’s eat’ from the familiars after they trudged around all day after Mukouda.] has a new Membership System!!

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This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Jii

    It seems there is at least two nobleman poorer than mc, or is it the same person hahaha. He should definitely have one made custom just in case, sure he’d have to wait a year but he’s not in a hurry, he could even have a deep frying area(?) In the stone cause he likes deep frying, and he can pay them in full too.

  2. Zax

    Pretty much is fate if they developed something like that after the first one almost didn’t get sold. thanks for the chapter

    1. Gumihou

      Someone ordered it, but didn’t pay up.

      Tch, these irresponsible nobles.

  3. Eaa

    Buy 2 or at least give order so you could have extra when 1 broken or have acsident,…Not like you are sort of money!? or anything like that!…

    1. Gumihou

      Can’t, he would have to put in an order and wait for a year for the second one.

  4. D

    Surprised he only brought one new stove

  5. Shutterbulb

    Hey.. forgot my password I try resetting my password but the link never came.

    I already looked on the spam folder but it was empty.

  6. Jeff

    Demiurge-sama did say his reward was coming, maybe this is it?

  7. Otaku Hikikomori

    I shell let dear customer in on a little secret. -> I shall let dear customer in on a little secret.

    Don’t know who is lucky, Mukoda or the store?
    Thanks for the treat.

    1. Gumihou

      Win, win situation.

      Thanks for picking up the mistake. Fixed.

  8. A-Reader

    So the editing changed the familiars being around?
    Mukouda shopping alone is a nice change of airs
    Feels like the author gets too comfortable repeating the same things over and over sometimes

    1. Gumihou

      Yup, Gumi sent the familiars out to play instead of being dragged around to be stared at by the populace.

  9. RemAishiteru!

    Well, Mukouda has some great protagonist luck finding a SIX burner magic stove when he was looking for four xD. Thanks for the chapter TL!

    1. Eaa

      which lucky he can not get 1 women 4 famlyar. Others have 4 woman and 1 familyare!?…

      1. S. Shortcake

        It might precisely be his spineless personality. Mukoda probably seems too flaky for someone in the Isekai world to share a (hard) life with.

        Being a coward that won’t go against the flow is perfectly fine in a partner in Modern Earth Japan, since you can realistically expect to never be put into life-threatening danger, but in a High Fantasy Death World?

        One where people have to face monsters up to and including things like Mukoda’s familiars?

        People here live clustered together in cities because living outside established walls is plain too dangerous what with the man-eating beasts and monsters. Remember that Carelina nearly had to evacuate the whole population when a bunch of Wyverns rolled in. It’s the kind of reality the people of this world live in and Mukoda’s default of panicky terror at anything remotely threatening and weakness to social pressure is probably a major turn-off. Even his magnificent cooking and wealth can’t offset it enough for him to be considered as a romantic partner. Imo, he must be considered a guy that I want to grab a beer with.

        Men AND women here look for strength, in body or in character; heck even Lambert was more composed when faced with near death back when his caravan nearly got wiped by bandits. The kids of Rosendal have more spine than he does.

        Mukoda calls Dora and Fel’s Law of the Strong hardcore, but that’s probably the necessary amd realistic mindset to survive and thrive as they did.

  10. Gackt1

    Today, this store sure get such and ideal customer, pay with cash, do the delivery themself and bought and very expensive item already just gather dust…

  11. Filip

    Huh, made to order only. I think Mukoda should pre-order an even bigger stove, not necessarily with more burners, but more options. Maybe with one really big burner to make use or large pots, since most game they hunt are of giant sizes.
    Thanks for the chapter! Awesome translation! May God bless you!

    1. Felipe

      Well he did custom order a barbecue grill from a dwarf once, maybe he should talk with them again next time, they could build him ANYTHING if mukoda offered to pay with whiskey

  12. DK

    Thanks for supporting our laziness.

    This feels like we should see a scene some chapter where the stove fails badly. Both of them seem too eager and excited for it to have a good outcome, especially with the clerk having a sob story prepared.

    1. Am I Un-Dead Yet?

      Now here is a right villain with a dire prediction!

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