Higher Level Wife – 157 – Visiting the Wounded (Edited)

Chapter 157: Visiting the Wounded – Edited

Author: White Pear Flower

Raws: https://book.qidian.com/info/2386994/

Translated by Pill Bug

Gumihou: …let us light a candle for Jiang Wanying


A short while later, news came from the front courtyard, saying that Prince Rong had met with the Princess Consort and the two of them had left together. For a while, the atmosphere within the room felt a little gloomy. Still, it eventually warmed up under the efforts of Jiang Wanying and a few others. After a while, the people gradually begin to disperse.


[1] Old Madam kept Fu Qiuning back longer than she would have liked. Personally, she would have been the first to skedaddle from this place. Unfortunately, it turned out that she had underestimated the old woman too much. By the time she managed to escape the Health & Longevity Court, she ran right into the middle of Jin Fengju’s entourage of women. Namely, the Jiangs and Jin Fengju’s concubines.

For a moment, there was only her vs Jin Fengju’s women and his mom. How unlucky was she? Let’s get out of here quickly. Keeping her posture straight, she fixed her eyes forward and begin to walk. Don’t call out, don’t call out, please don’t-

“Elder Sister, surely as the official wife, it is only natural for you to visit Lord Husband?”




Fu Qiuning closed her eyes in resignation. If she backs down now, they would hound her forever. However, if she stands her ground, Jin-deluded-in-the-head-Fengju would think she was in love with him enough to cause a catfight. Why? Why couldn’t you just let me go, ah? Sister Jiang?!

In the end, she could only muster up her best service industry smile and say, “Little Sister is most understanding. Here, I thought you would have placed some fierce dogs at the door to prevent my entry. However, it looks like I have unfortunately misunderstood the situation.”

“You…” Jiang Wanying glared at Fu Qiuning, who was smiling benignly at her. [1b] She shook herself twice before sneering, “Elder Sister, do feel free to come. This little sister only fears that you have no face to see the Lord Husband. If Elder Sister had not wished to guard your own peace so much, Lord Husband would not have been struck by such unwarranted disaster. If Elder Sister is so shameless as to rush over to see Lord Husband, well, I shall not speak a word against it.”

Fu Qiuning blinked, “What does my shame have anything to do with a visit to Lord Husband? Isn’t it a wife’s duty to visit the sick? Whether Lord Husband disdains me or not has nothing to do with it [1c]. Isn’t it so?”

Faced with such irrefutable logic, Jiang Wanying had no idea what to say. She was still thinking when Jin Yanfang came over with her own entourage and smiled, “I, as well as the sisters, are planning to visit Second Brother. Is Sister-in-law visiting as well? If so, let us go together. We may return to the garden together as well.”

Jiang Wanying frowned, eyes flashing with a stern glare as she unhappily thought: What is this charity case female with a dead husband doing here? You are living under another’s roof, but you still dare to join the scene for fun? Do you think you are a great madam? Why don’t you take a good look around and see just whose rice you are eating and whose roof you are living under? Have you forgotten that you are living off our goodwill?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Before she could say anything, Madam Jiang’s indifferent voice said, “If everyone is so considerate, let us all go. However, do not stay too long. Your second brother still needs to recuperate.”

Jin Yanfang agreed and winked at a perplexed Fu Qiuning. [1] Fu Qiuning herself was already sighing at the world: I want to go home. Just let me go home. Why did Madam Jiang allow this? Just say your son is too sick for visitors and let us all go home~~

On Madam Jiang’s side, well, she had agreed to the visit out of helplessness. Did she want to help this horrible Fu woman? Of course not. However, his son liked this woman so much that if possible, he would hold her in his hand and keep her in his mouth all day long. His injury was clearly that woman’s fault for living too far, yet he still managed to find the energy to threaten her, his mother, to guarantee that woman’s peace before he was willing to settle down to recuperate. What was she, as his mother, to do?

She obviously hated this woman for being so indifferent, but now, hearing that she was willing to visit his son, she had to ensure that this visit happened. [2]  Otherwise, who knew what her son would think of her? She had openly wronged the woman twice now, what if he learns that she actively blocked that woman from visiting him? Would he not be even angrier at her? Perhaps, if she actively assisted the woman in seeing him, he would look favourably upon his mother again.

Thus, after some hesitation, she finally retreated from Jiang Wanying’s side and overtly supported the visit instead. Since her son loved that vixen so much, perhaps seeing her would speed up his recovery.

Jiang Wanying was shocked by her aunt’s unexpected betrayal. However, she could not do anything now that Madam Jiang, their senior, had openly sanctioned the visit. The only thing she could do was lead the way to Clear Soft Pavilion. As for Jin Changfeng and Jin Changjiao, this was the first time they heard about their father’s injury. [3] They were upset, of course, but seeing Fu Qiuning’s calm countenance they assumed that it was no big injury.


Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~


At Clear Soft Pavilion.

Jin Fengju was reading on the bed. Prince Rong had dropped by to visit him, reporting that the emperor would summon them to his study and speak to them in the future. Right then, with the situation unclear, there was no point talking about it. The Prince sat for a while before leaving with the Princess Consort.

Jin Fengju thought: 80% of the storm should have passed. So long as Princess Consort confesses her mistake to the Empress, the emperor may only mete out some light punishment on Prince Rong. It should not hurt his chances as Crown Prince candidate. Even so, there was the issue of the courtesan and the child in her belly. Surely not even Brother-in-law would be so reckless as to bring them into his palace with all those eyes on him, right?

Still holding the book, his mind whirred endlessly over his chaotic thoughts when it was suddenly interrupted by the sound of many footsteps. He sighed, thinking: Aren’t I supposed to be recuperating? From morning till now, the line of visitors has never stopped. Who knows which matron from what noble family has come to for a little visit or some maid or housekeeper is trying to see what I want? Aiyo, are you trying to annoy me to death?

Just as he was about to lie down and pretend to sleep, he heard it, “If Lord Husband is asleep, we shall leave at once.”

Each word rang like the crisp peal of a bell in his head.

[4] Suddenly, he sat up and cried out, “I am awake! Don’t go!”

There was a pause and sedate steps came trotting over. To his disappointment, the first to come through the door were Jin Changfeng and Jin Changjiao [3] with their slightly anxious faces. “Greetings to Father. We just learned of Father’s injury, we hope Father will get well soon.”

Jin Changjiao even ventured to say, “Mother told us that if we blow on the injury, it will heal faster. Should Jiao’er blow on Father’s leg?”

Even as Jin Fengju rubbed the children’s heads, his eyes eagerly trained on the door curtain. Soon enough, it parted to reveal… Jiang Wanying. The next person to come in was Madam Jiang, followed by his cousin Jin Yanqiu and her shy-looking cousin and sisters-in-law. Finally, Fu Qiuning stepped through. Her eyes flitted to his leg and he quickly assumed the position of a sick beauty. If he could [4] gain her sympathy through this injury, all the better.

“Qiu Xia, serve tea,” said Jiang Wanying.

Jin Fengju smiled and said, “Have you all come from Old Ancestor’s place? Have the Princess Consort and the Prince returned to the palace?”

Jiang Wanying rushed to answer. Jin Fengju nodded absently before smiling at Fu Qiuning, “I specifically asked Old Ancestor not to say anything about me, and only asked Jin Ming to tell you that I am very busy these days. How did you still find out about it? Did the news accidentally leak out from somewhere?”

Fu Qiuning blinked at him with a smile that was not a smile, “One of my maids overheard the matter and informed me.” [1c] She paused and said, “Old Madam also mentioned it in passing.”

Jin Fengju laughed and said, “I fear burdening you and the children. I feel like this is retribution for my past actions. I thank Heaven for being lenient, for not wanting my life, only a little blood. There is no need to worry about a stone piercing my leg, it’s not like I’ll die from it.”

“… …” This was such an obvious ploy for sympathy that Fu Qiuning was embarrassed for him. [1]

Next to them, the Feng sisters and cousin had their heads down, but each of them was noting every look and word between Fu Qiuning and Jin Fengju, especially Jin Fengju’s handsome countenance. Their maidenly hearts beat wildly at the sight of his handsome face, fawning words and winsome expression. If only, they thought, if only it was me who receives his attention. I would never be as cold…

Suddenly, Jiang Wanying interjected, “The injury may not be great, but what of the emperor’s punishment? I heard that though the emperor had presumably allowed Lord Husband time to recuperate, it is in fact a punishment. Lord Husband can only return to court when summoned, even after you have recovered. I heart that it’s all because of that Chu Daxiu…”

“Cough cough cough…” Jiang Wanying was interrupted by a sudden violent coughing fit from Jin Fengju, who miraculously recovered the moment she stopped speaking.

Fu Qiuning privately rolled her eyes. Seriously, this entire family’s need for drama is too great. As for Jiang Wanying, in her eagerness to show solidarity with her beloved husband, she had misstepped by trying to step into the ‘man’s world’ of politics.

Indeed, Jiang Wanying had nothing but hate in her heart against Chu Daxiu. However, she also harboured hatred against Jin Yanfang for helping Fu Qiuning. As someone who had always been in charge from the moment of her birth, followed by her marriage to this exquisitely fine man as a secondary wife with household power, only two women stood above her in terms of status within the Jin Estate.

Having an abandoned wife suddenly showing up and showing off already pierced her pride enough. To think that these squatters of loose women and orphans also dared to defy her, how could she not be angry? She must make these lowly people realise their own status within this family.

Thus, occupied with her anger, she missed Jin Fengju’s acting and hurried over with a cup of tea. [5] Believing that her husband must also be indignant to the point of coughing, she patted his back and continued, “Lord Husband, moisten your throat with this tea. As for that Chu Daxiu, what does he amount to? Does he even have any right to interfere with our family affairs? What ‘lax in moral values’? Is his estate so clean and pure? What’s more, his…”

Jin Fengju set the teacup down with a loud clunk. “Enough, woman. What are you, as a woman, doing messing about with court matters all day? If you have time on your hands, you should spend them studying feminine arts to cultivate your mind and temperament. Perhaps that way, you would not forget your womanly virtues.”


[Gumihou: … this chapter is so painful. AR Qiuning is such an asshole that I just… anyway, adjusted it so that Fu Qiuning does not succumb to OOCness. Also, that final double-standard statement is just too beautiful. The pinnacle of Jin Fengju’s hypocrisy.]


[1] Remove the AR Qiuning:

[1a] Actual FQN, you know, the one who wants to stay under the radar, would not have deliberately picked a fight with Jiang Wanying. Also, you seriously don’t need to ‘pick a fight’ with Jiang Wanying, that woman had shown time and again that she would happily pick up a stick and smack you should the opportunity arise

[1b] I never like it when characters are described as ‘neither arrogant nor servile’ it’s just a cheap and easy way of saying someone’s superior without properly describing the situation.

[1c] Blablabla long speeches to make oneself sound important.

[2] Madam Jiang’s original motivation is sus. Adjust.

Originally, it was ‘aww, my son loves her, so I must care too~~’ to ‘If I do something wrong, my standing would waver because my son won’t like me anymore’

The second motive is more likely

[3] Kids were ‘omaigad daddee!!!’ when they were pretty much non-existent until now. Anyway, instead of wishing they could flyyyy to daddeee, take their cue from mom instead.

Please don’t just use the kids to make drama and then forget about them the rest of the time.

[4] Here, JFJ was supposed to be huff, visitors, but are you sure he would not do this stupid thing? Also JFJ being a crafty bastard, because that’s canon.

[5] Please don’t degrade Jiang Wanying by saying she ‘pretended’ her affection for Jin Fengju. If there is anything that poor woman isn’t faking, it’s her cursed obsession with the ML


Pill Bug TL Notes:  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄

Gumihou: (;*´Д`)ノ

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