You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 158 – Aftermath

Higher Level Wife – 158 – Aftermath

Chapter 158: Aftermath

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated by Pill Bug

Edited by Gumihou


In truth, not a single word from Jiang Wanying was overtly aimed at Jin Yanfang. However, just what kind of person was Jin Yanfang? She was also someone who grew up in a treacherous noble house her entire life and was naturally sensitive to such topics. The single line ‘lax moral values’ was enough to cause all the women’s expressions to change.

[a1] On Fu Qiuning’s side, she could only put a hand over her mouth as she gasped in aghast at Jiang Wanying’s faux pas. She sighed and thought: Sis, ah. Please stop digging, ah.

[a2] Jin Fengju, seeing his cousin’s expression, hurriedly said, “Dear sister, have you heard? Your sister-in-law actually got lost at Yong Cui Garden once. It caused a great uproar at that time, but we can laugh about it now. Hahaha. Even so, she had been busy arranging the nuptials for one of her maids and could not visit you. Dear wife, you must visit my sister when you have the time. When you move into Elegant Mansion in a few days, you must make sure to visit my sister and be more familiar with the garden.”

[a1] “…of course.” Look at this man, he did not forget to coerce me even as he soothed his cousin’s ruffled feathers.

Unfortunately, despite his attempt at humour, Jin Yanfang’s mood had already sunk. She turned to Jin Fengju and said in a grave voice, “Second Brother, please tell me the truth. That Chu Daxiu’s censor… was it about myself and my sisters?”

“Look at you overthinking matters again. How could that be? Even he is not that shameless…” Jin Fengju beamed strongly at her. However, Jin Yanfang had already stood up with tears in her eyes. “Does Second Brother think that just because you do not say it, I would not know? This matter must be the talk of the entire Capital. Rather than inquiring into it myself, I would rather hear it from you.”

“Aiyo, this is all my fault. This is because of my careless words. Little Sister, you mustn’t think too much. If the matter was really because of you, even I would not dare to bring it up like this, ah.” Jiang Wanying was also quick to beam and cheerfully deny everything to smooth things over.

Jin Fengju looked at her hypocritical smile, disgust growing in his heart, overtaking the guilt of not being able to reciprocate her infatuation. Right now, he only felt that this woman was like a snake. She must have known that those words alone could pressure Jin Yanfang and others to death.

Jin Yanfang’s eyes reddened. She stared at Jin Fengju, who was mentally flopping around trying to up the best lie to fit the circumstances and soothe his sister, when the sudden sounds of footsteps came from outside. It sounded rather flustered and soon Jin Ming’s urgent voice came through, “Master! Not good, Prince Rong… Prince Rong’s mistress hung herself! The prince’s palace just sent news.”


Jin Fengju sat up sharply and called out, “Did the people from the palace say why she did it? Is she dead?”

Jin Ming said, “According to that person, she had apparently hung herself after realising she had caused trouble for Prince Rong. Fortunately, her maid dropped a scented sachet while serving her and came back to the room to fetch it, when she unexpectedly found someone hanging on the beam. Even more fortunately, the maid was sharp and did not just scream for help, but jumped onto a table and cut the rope instead. The person still draws breath, but it is unclear whether she can be saved. The prince also dared not call for an imperial physician.”

Jin Fengju urgently said, “Idiot, idiot, what is he doing worrying about principles now? Jin Ming, you go and inform the Royal Prince to take the person into his palace and have the best imperial physician come and treat her. So long as there is a trace of hope, we must save her life. Inform the Princess Consort as well and tell her that this is a critical life or death moment and that she must let go of all of her previous grievances. Also, have a few competent people go with you on horseback. No matter the news, you must relay it to me immediately.”

Jin Ming also had not expected his master to be so anxious. He privately thought: Luckily I did not delay the matter. If I had delayed this news until the next day, not only would I have been chased out of this estate, my master would be troubled too.

Thus, this loyal servant quickly got onto a fast horse and hurried over to relay Jin Fengju’s message to Prince Rong.

“Lord Husband, do not be anxious. This is no serious matter,” Jiang Wanying’s expression was a little uncertain. Beside her, [a3] the other women also looked at each other warily, unsure of what was going on. As for Fu Qiuning, she blinked slowly as Jin Fengju continued with his solo dramatics.

[a3] Wow, Jin Ming’s news came just at the right time for Jin Fengju to effectively perform a quick ‘topic change’. It was all very realistic too. However, she, [a4] Fu Qiuning, of all people should know that in a man’s harem, a woman’s death was no big deal. Especially so for one of low birth and lower status. [a5] In fact, one could say that once they died, their death would solve everything. Back when the original Fu Qiuning committed suicide at Night Breeze Pavilion, all she received was a pair of unloved twins, and the sneer of a man who was forced to marry her.

[a5] It was still shocking to her how this very same man imagined that she could conveniently forget the hardships of five years, six if she included the year that drove poor original Fu Qiuning to death.

[a3] As a ruse to distract Jin Yanfang and the others, it was pretty successful. However, Jin Fengju was not done yet. He dramatically got out of bed and loudly declared, “Cai Lian, Bi Yu, get some servant boys to bring a spring bench [1] here. I shall be leaving for Night Breeze Pavilion.”

[a5] While Fu Qiuning was privately aghast at being made use of by this man to punish his other wife, the shameless man turned to Jin Yanfang and the girls, saying, “You come with me as well. You have not yet visited your sister-in-law’s place, correct? Her culinary skills are excellent. Let us all go and have her cook us some fancy dishes to sample.”

Fu Qiuning… [a1] was in a dillemma. She knew that this Jin Fengju was afraid that Jin Yanfang would become depressed and wanted to persuade them somehow. However, she did not want these virtual strangers in her place. Therefore, she could only say, “Lord Husband troubles me with your compliments. I fear my humble fare would not live up to the sisters’ palate.”

Jin Fengju’s reaction was to laugh heartily and declare, “No need to be modest. Your Shepherd’s Purse Dumplings are very good, I never forget the taste. Yanfang, Miss Feng, you must all come with me and try it. Without your support, I fear Qiuning would refuse to make them for me.”

[b] With Jin Fengju coming down strongly each time she presented an argument, Fu Qiuning was helpless to protest. Short of saying ‘I don’t want you there’, there was nothing she could do but say, “Lord Husband, your injury…”

Jiang Wanying took the opportunity to jump in and say, “Indeed, Lord Husband’s injuries have not yet healed. The imperial physician said that you must not move around too much. Come, lie down now. What’s more, did you not say that news from Prince Rong would be arriving shortly? Isn’t Night Breeze Pavilion too far away for urgent correspondence?”

[b1] Fu Qiuning privately gave Jiang Wanying a thumbs up, but, as she had half expected, Jin Fengju made a disgusted face and sneered, “What are you worried about? Don’t we have servant boys to carry the spring bench? Do I even need to move?”

Fu Qiuning added immediately, “Little Sister has a point. If we talk about relaying news, Night Breeze Pavilion is indeed inconvenient.”

Jin Fengju’s heart tightened and he looked at Qiuning, secretly thinking: At this time, you are not helping me?

On the other hand, Jiang Wanying was relieved and looked pleased with herself.

Who knew that the next moment, [c] Jin Yanfang would suddenly say, “I heard that Elegant Mansion has long been prepared for habitation, that there are people cleaning the place every day. Why don’t we pay a short visit there for the moment?”

[d] A dawning smile appeared on Jin Fengju’s face as he continued to stare at Fu Qiuning, he could barely keep himself from laughing as he said, “Indeed, what a wonderful thought. Yes, we can move a few servants from Night Breeze Pavilion over, and slowly move the people there.”


Before she could fully form her protest, Jin Fengju smiled faintly and held Fu Qiuning’s hand. He said softly: “Let us follow this arrangement. I shall be sure to remember this rare moment of kindness from you.”

It was all she could do not to kick his bandaged leg. She was furious, helpless and speechless. However, before she could do anything that could be considered a crime against womanly virtues, Cai Lian and Bi Yu interrupted to say, “Master, the spring bench is ready.”

A large group of people departed from Clear Soft Pavilion in a stately manner, leaving Jiang Wanying alone in her chair, as still as a wooden carving or clay statue. After a long time, she sneered and muttered to herself, “Lord Husband, you really are a heartless person. So be it, do not blame me for also being unrighteous. I really am a fool, if I had known that today would happen, why did I not do more at the beginning, delaying matters until today? Hahaha… hahaha…”

Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen had been staying in Cui’shi’s room all that time. When they heard that Fu’shi had dragged their father away, the two were furious. They rushed out of their room, wanting to speak to their mother, but froze in place when they heard the harsh laughter coming from inside the room.


Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~


Let us speak of Jin Fengju and the line of procession towards Elegant Mansion.

When they arrived, the matron on duty at the door was so startled that she jumped a foot into the air. Naturally, when Second Madam Ning, the much anticipated future mistress of that place, ordered her to call a few people from Night Breeze Pavilion over, she rushed so quickly to fulfil this request that it was like she had disappeared in a puff of smoke.

[e] When Yu Jie and Aunt Yu received this order, they were immediately ecstatic and quickly rushed to obey their Madam before she could change her mind. They had to move quickly and make sure their Madam was so comfortable at Elegant Mansion that she would not want to move back again. If they managed to convince their Madam to stay, who knew what kind of things the master would reward them?

The mood between Jin Yanfang and the rest of the ladies was a little solemn. Fu Qiuning automatically tasked Yu Jie to serve the ladies and had Aunt Yu lead a few people to prepare some meals for them. [e] Unbeknownst to her, Aunt Yu ordered two bowls of Snake Soup to be made for Jin Fengju to nourish his body. Naturally, this largess was only limited to their beloved master.

Meanwhile, Jin Yanfang was once more pressing Jin Fengju about the Chu Daxiu matter. Fu Qiuning watched as Jin Fengju squirmed under the questioning, [a6] wondering just how this person was praised as the most intelligent of all the people in the capital when he could not fend off the questions from his own relative. Perhaps, it’s because all female-related things were automatically delegated to Jiang Wanying? Was that it? Wait, was she supposed to take up Jiang Wanying’s post now and solve all his harem conflicts for him?

Fu Qiuning watched the awkward back and forth happening for a moment before resigning herself to be the stand-in Jiang Wanying, and said, “Your brother clearly has something heavy ongoing in his heart. How about I tell you all about it after the meal?”


“Naturally, I shall tell you after sending the other sisters back to their courtyard.”

Finally, Jin Yanfang blushed and, realising that the matter probably has something to do with Jin Fengju’s position as the main pillar that decided the rise and fall of her Jin Family, backed down.

[a6] Satisfied that her Jiang Wanying roleplay was done quite well, she looked at Jin Fengju, expecting to see him beam happily at her in that obnoxiously ‘approving’ way, but she was a little surprised to see him frowning. What now? What is he dissatisfied about now? When silence did not beget answers, she said, “Lord Husband, this matter is not very serious, right? Why is Lord Husband so solemn?”

Jin Fengju sighed, looked at Qiuning and said, “Have you forgotten your wounds so quickly? If I had not handled the rumour about your embroidery in time. I fear that it would have reached an unmanageable level.”

[b2] Fu Qiuning blinked. Embroidery matter? “Oh, the embroidery matter? I fear the injury on the family name and your honour is greater than any suffering I would have endured. I had truly forgotten it. Moreover, I had been doing my utmost best to be a forgiving person, as I have been reminded by many people around me to be more benevolent to those who had done me wrong. Or, is Lord Husband hinting for me to practise less benevolence? After all, a woman who forgives too easily would be looked down on by everyone as a pushover. If that is Lord Husband’s advice, I shall harden my heart and be-”

[b3] “Hahaha! Indeed, Qiuning is right! The Emperor is an enlightened person and will not easily believe in rumours. As a prestigious noble house, of course, we would attract all sorts of odd rumours! Qiuning is right to forget all previous transgressions, haha! Your benevolence is your greatest charm. Prince Rong’s kind-heartedness is also his greatest charm and rumours of him silencing people would never be believed. The emperor must know this too!”

Look at how this person reverses his argument, thought Fu Qiuning. “It is as you say.”

Jin Fengju then sighed dramatically and said, “Although this may be true, with this matter happening on the day Elder Sister returns to the palace, I fear she cannot endure being so maliciously slandered.”


Gumihou Gain a new Skill!

[Dialogue redirect!]
  • You may allow a more appropriate character to speak certain lines per the OOC prevention guidelines
  • Use this power prudently


[a] Remove the AR Qiuning:

[a1] Since she did not know Jin Yanfang (no matter how the author spins it) and did not have reason to like her (JYF is the reason she had to look at JFJ’s face now) there’s no reason why she should spend over 200 words going ‘ahaha ahaha, change topic, ahaha’ to save JYF’s face.

[a2] Gumi activated [Dialogue redirect!] and have JFJ say all those nonsense instead. 200 words, what a waste to just delete them, right?

[a3] In fact, Jin Fengju was just acting. So what if a woman hung herself? It’s no big deal, he was just making a big ass fuss as a ‘topic change’. Have Fu Qiuning recognised this.

[a4] Let us remember OG Fu Qiuning. *press hands together*

[a5] Here, the author said ‘women in this era believed that their death would solve their men’s problem’ and making it look like FQN was pitying them.

Gumihou reverse uno this thought and make it so that ‘a woman’s death is nothing in the grand scheme of things’. Remember OG FQN’s death? Instead of sympathy, poor OG FQN was reprimanded instead.

[a6] Speculate over JFJ’s actual intelligence level and ruminate about poor Jiang Wanying’s position in his life.

[b] In place of ‘Fu Qiuning and Jin Fengju complemented each other in this duet performance’ put in a more genuine ‘this asshole…’ feeling in instead.

[b1] Beyond making it all Jiang Wanying’s fault, allow JFJ to shoulder some of the responsibilities as well.

Jin Fengju had always pitied this ill-fated sister of his, so he really hated Jiang Wanying’s maliciousness, feeling that he could not stay in this Clear Soft Pavilion for a moment longer 

Yeah, he’s just groping for a reason to hate Jiang Wanying, it really has nothing much to do with Jin Yanfang.

[b2] An obvious bait to make FQN go awww, I remember how you helped me~~ 

How could Gumi miss this obvious opportunity to let him know that, no, we did not forget.

[b3] Used [Dialogue redirect!] and have JFJ speak AR Qiuning’s long and utterly unnecessary speech instead.

[c] Used [Dialogue redirect!] and have JYF speak AR Qiuning’s suggestion to move to Elegant Mansion.

It made sense to have Jin Yanfang suggest this right at this moment. Because she had already shown such initiative earlier when it came to ‘supporting’ FQN to visit JFJ. Also, you can’t have her be strong, and then collapse her spine whenever it is convenient for you, author-san.

[d] Gumi changed this beautiful moment of tenderness between FQN and JFJ to something sinister and oppressive.

[e] Traitorous maids aiming to serve their true master


Pill Bug TL Notes:


[1] It sounds lousy, but it’s actually an ancient Chinese fancy couch.

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