You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 166 – Brilliant Scheme (Unedited)
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Higher Level Wife – 166 – Brilliant Scheme (Unedited)

Chapter 166: Brilliant Scheme – Unedited

Author: White Pear Flower


Please read the Edited Version HERE


Jin Fengju interrupted before she finished speaking, hastily explaining, “Alright, alright, don’t drag me into this. I’ve never thought that way. It’s just that people tend to think like that.” But Fu Qiuning smiled and shook her head, “I’m just not satisfied with the situation. However, as you said, this is how society is. I ended up with such a husband, I don’t even know which life I burned incense for. Look at my sister, she’s beautiful and intelligent, yet even Prince Rong still dallies with other women. As for someone like me, who has neither talent nor beauty, what right do I have to demand anything?”

Jin Fengju felt happy when she praised him, but something didn’t seem right as she continued. She chuckled, “Alright, I know you’re standing up for my sister. I’m afraid you also think that woman is pitiful. You’re also a woman, and society really does constrain you more. But don’t be angry with me because of this. You should also go out and find out. Men like me, not only in the capital but in the whole world, are hard to come by.”

“You’re getting carried away. Your skin is getting thicker. Let’s eat some snacks and drink tea. Get to the important part. We can’t keep going on like this. When will we finish?” Fu Qiuning laughed and picked up a pastry from the plate and stuffed it into Jin Fengju’s mouth.

Jin Fengju happily ate the pastry and drank a cup of tea before continuing, “As I told you before, that woman committed suicide by hanging herself. There were sure to be rumors circulating in the capital. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but those who have their eyes on us now wouldn’t miss a chance to fan the flames. Sure enough, the next day, I sent Jin Ming out to inquire, and there were rumors everywhere that Prince Rong was trying to silence people. Most of the rumors were slandering my sister, saying she couldn’t stand it anymore and paid someone to take action. She’s a princess after all, but they said she’s ruthless.”

Fu Qiuning knew how powerful rumors could be. Although she had seen Jin Fengju’s methods in this regard, she still couldn’t help but worry, frowning, “Since the rumors are so strong, won’t they reach the emperor’s ears? And you’re also injured. Can Prince Rong handle this alone?”

Jin Fengju laughed, “Do you think my husband is a fool? Since I asked her to bring that woman back to the mansion for treatment, he and my sister knew what to do. But that concubine’s injury was too severe. Although she survived, her throat was injured, and she can’t speak in the short term. That’s what I wanted.”

“What did you want?” Fu Qiuning was even more puzzled. With Jin Fengju’s cunning, she shouldn’t be so naive as to think that the woman’s damaged throat meant that she could no longer compete with Prince Rong’s wife in the future.

Jin Fengju chuckled, “I got what I wanted. On the second day when the rumors started, my husband was summoned by the emperor to the study and scolded. The emperor asked about that woman, and my husband replied truthfully. The emperor saw how sincere he was and sent the imperial physician to examine her. It turned out that the mother and child were safe, so the accusation of killing them was unfounded. My husband saved his image of being loyal and righteous. Although it was inappropriate to bring that woman back to the mansion, it was an emergency. After all, it concerned the future of the Phoenix and Dragon families. Even if it was inappropriate, how could the emperor care?”

Fu Qiuning nodded, “That’s exactly what I meant. You told the prince to take a gamble beforehand. Since this matter has come to light, it’s better to leave an image of loyalty and righteousness in the emperor’s mind. It seems that it was successful.” After speaking, she saw that Jin Fengju was just smiling and drinking tea without saying anything, and hummed, “But I also know that such a small matter cannot show my husband’s true ability. There must be more stories in the future. Don’t tease me and just tell me now.”

Jin Fengju laughed heartily and held Fu Qiuning’s hand and stroked it, “Indeed, there is nothing that can be hidden from my Qiuning. Indeed, if such a good opportunity is wasted, not even heaven will forgive me. So by the third or fourth day, there was a new rumor that someone intentionally tried to harm the woman and blame it on my brother-in-law.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Qiuning’s eyes brightened and she clapped her hands, “What a good plan, this is really a good plan, and it is also reasonable and logical. The woman cannot speak, so everyone temporarily does not know the truth. Since Prince Rong has already shown through his actions that he has no intention of silencing himself and the consort, then besides her committing suicide, it is natural that someone else may have harmed her and blamed it on Prince Rong. This is really logical and does not need to be explicitly stated. Now in the capital, who sees the prince as an eyesore? Apart from the Prince Hong and Prince Lie, anyone who has blocked the prince’s path may be suspected in the emperor’s eyes, right?”

Jin Fengju nodded and smiled, “That’s right, but my goal is not to frame them.” He took a sip of tea, his eyes shining like stars, and smiled, “The other day, the woman finally spoke and had no major problems with her movements. So I let my sister accompany her to the Empress Dowager’s palace, one, because my sister was previously willful and wanted to apologize to the Empress Dowager, so it was necessary to completely turn things around. And two, for this woman, who had caused such a stir in the city, to meet the Empress Dowager. Although given her status, she was not even allowed to sweep the floors in the Empress Dowager’s palace, but since she was carrying the royal seed in her belly, this transgression did not matter.”

As he spoke, Fu Qiuning nodded along, thinking to herself, no wonder. I was wondering how this strictly hierarchical feudal society could allow such a woman to meet the Empress Dowager? Now it seems that it was probably because the Prince Rong consort wanted to show her own virtue and sincerity in apologizing, and also to give an explanation to the Empress Dowager, so she specially brought her over.

Just as she was thinking, she heard Jin Fengju smile and say, “In front of the Empress Dowager, the woman admitted that she heard about my brother-in-law getting into trouble because of her, so in order not to burden my brother-in-law, she hanged herself.”

As soon as these words were spoken, even Fu Qiuning was stunned, staring at him blankly and murmuring, “What did you say? You actually made her admit that she hanged herself? Such a good opportunity to frame Prince Lie and Prince Rong…” She stopped abruptly, remembering what Jin Fengju had said earlier. Since framing the two princes was not the goal, then why did he go through all this trouble?

Jin Fengju didn’t say anything in response, just leisurely sipping his tea and smiling at his pensive lover across from him.

Suddenly seeing Fu Qiuning’s eyes shining brightly, he understood that his lover had already guessed his intentions. He couldn’t help but sigh at how smart Qiuning was, and asked with a smile, “So, have you figured out my intentions?”

Fu Qiuning nodded repeatedly, full of admiration in her eyes, and whispered, “I used to think that you got to this position at such a young age mostly due to luck. But now it seems that while luck is certainly important, you also have extraordinary abilities. The Emperor is not easily swayed by others. If you said that Prince Lie and Prince Rong framed Prince Rong, the Emperor would probably still be suspicious of Prince Rong. Who can guarantee that it was not Prince Rong who used this incident to frame the other two princes? However, you surprised everyone and made that woman confess to hanging herself. Although this cleared the suspicions of the two princes, Prince Rong benefited more. The Emperor will surely admire him as a loyal and upright gentleman, who even in the face of such great temptation to seize the throne, still adheres to his conscience. Although he may not treat his brothers fairly, he refuses to act unjustly towards them, which is exactly the kind of prince suitable for an emperor. As a result, although the status of Prince Lie and Prince Hong has not been lowered in the Emperor’s mind, the status of Prince Rong has risen significantly. This is truly a good plan.”

Jin Fengju laughed heartily, “I knew it, Qiuning can’t be fooled. You really understand my thoughts the best.”

Fu Qiuning nodded and sighed with admiration, “Although this plan is complicated, most people would only think of framing the two princes and not go any further. But if they think about it carefully, it’s not that difficult. However, I feel that when you heard the news that the woman was saved, you had already planned everything in your mind. That’s why you had people block the news of her rescue and let the first wave of rumors start. My goodness, I really admire your ingenuity. I don’t know what kind of brain you have to come up with these methods and consequences in an instant.”

Jin Fengju smiled modestly, “That’s exactly it, but when I think back, if that woman hadn’t been saved that day, there might have been some serious trouble. So every time I think about it, I can’t help but break out in a cold sweat.”

Fu Qiuning laughed, “It’s just that the road is getting wider and wider now, so looking back, it just seems difficult. But I believe that with your abilities, even if that woman couldn’t be saved that day, you would have had another way to deal with it.”

Jin Fengju was even happier, but he humbly said, “Does Qiuning really have such confidence in me? That’s too much praise. I dare not accept it.” As he spoke, he suddenly heard Jin Ming outside saying, “My lord, Prince Rong sent someone to see you. He said no matter what, you must come to his residence tomorrow. He got two bottles of good wine and has no one to drink with.”

“This is not just getting good wine, it’s clearly his way of showing off his pride,” Jin Fengju chuckled and said to the person outside, “I got it, you can go. Oh, and go to the account room and collect the 20 taels of silver reward I asked for earlier. You’ve been busy running around these days and must be tired. I’ll be at the elegant restaurant today, so there’s no need for you to come and serve me.”

Suddenly, Jin Ming’s voice was filled with joy and he happily took his leave. Fu Qiuning smiled and said, “The master not only has exceptional skills, but also the ability to win people’s hearts. For Jin Ming, 20 taels of silver may not be enough to make him happy like this. Only care and understanding from the young marquis are truly heartfelt.” has a new Membership System!!

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