You are currently viewing Tondemo Skill – 512 – Forced Day Off

Tondemo Skill – 512 – Forced Day Off

Chapter 512 – Forced Day Off


Author: Eguchi Ren

Translated by Gumihou

Edited by Gumihou >_<

Gumihou: Adjusted dialogue, especially Sui’s. She’s suddenly speaking ‘normal people’ words, completely different from her ‘Sweet Sui-tan~~’ way


““Hm? This fish looks kinda different?”” Dora-chan commented.

“”Can eat fishy~?””

“”I guess that’s the most relevant question. Hey, Master, can we eat this one?””

I was currently looking nervously into the sea at the circling dorsal fin. When it burst out of the sea, instead of the long spear-like nose, what I saw was an image from a completely different iconic blockbuster poster.

When a gigantic mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth suddenly lunged at us, the last thing on my mind was whether it would be good to eat or not!!

Just don’t eat meeeee!!!

It’s JAWS!


I had already long since abandoned any thoughts of preserving my dignity and was currently flat on the deck, trying not to be thrown off by Sui’s speed. Members of the [Ark] were in varying stages of distress/apathy. In short, no one was in any shape to judge others.

In contrast, Fer and Grandpa Gon were so chill that they were still napping…

I don’t know whether to be furious or comforted by this scene.

“How could you guys still sleep now!!”

“I’ll remember this!!”

Being angry is certainly more therapeutic.

“”Take this! Pew pew!””

Sui launched Acid Bullets into the gigantic shark’s mouth.




The shark twisted and splashed in place 


When the super giant shark started raging and splashing around, the [Mizumaru] shook and trembled. This was terrible. It was like a replay of yesterday’s whirlpool of death, but worse! Because this time we were thrown about all over the place instead of being smashed down by constant G-force going one way!

“”Yay~ woohoo~ fun~~””

“… …” I’m so glad the [Ark] couldn’t hear Sui having fun…

Splash, slap…

The shark’s movements were noticeably slower now. Eventually [Mizumaru] stopped heaving and shaking so much. I looked ahead and saw the white belly of a very large fish.

““Aah… it’s over…””

Sui sounded disappointed.

The shark disappeared and Sui’s tentacles stretched forward. She dropped a large jagged fang and a magic stone on board. “”Here~ Aruji~””

““Ah, Sui got it? Damn. Welp, Imma get the next one!!””

“”Eehh~~ Sui wants to beat more~! That one is boring~~””

““Ou!! Let’s gooo!!!””

“Wait, no more, no noooooo!!”




“Hey, how long are you guys going to continue this?”

“”Until I get that fish with delicious meat!””

“”Fishy~ meaty~~ yummy~~””

These two…

“I think we have enough marlin meat, okay?”

“”More is better.””

“”More fishy~~””

This… reminds me of the time Fer casually said he wants to eat all the fish in a lake, or was it a stream? I can’t remember anymore.

“Hey, I really don’t think-”

“”Ou! I see something!!”” Dora-chan crowed before launching himself into the sky once again.

“”Let’s gooo~~!!!””

Sui, I do wish you wouldn’t pick up all these bad habits…

“Hahhh… no one’s listening to me…”

Should I apologise to the [Ark]? I felt like I have to, but…

When I look at them, each of them has this serene smile on their face. As though they have attained some sort of enlightenment…


Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~


“I’m exhausted…”

These were the first words that trickled out of my mouth when we arrived at our ‘camp’ island.

I mean, sure I was not the one running around chasing after shadows of Tyrant Swordfishes, but… you know that feeling of being dragged around by an enthusiastic shopper of things you have no interest in?!

That’s how I am feeling now…

Today’s super diligent shoppers were Sui and Dora-chan who kept speeding after every dorsal fin to track down the Tyrant Swordfish. Since Dora-chan had to depend on his eyes instead of special senses like Fer and Grandpa Gon, we ended up chasing down things like sharks, more sharks, a killer whale-like thing and something that looked like a whale but has a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

Aahhh, there are times when I missed the creatures from my own world. There’s a reason why whales are called gentle giants, you know? The giants here are not gentle at all!!!

Even the enlightened [Ark] had turned completely white from the shock and horror of the thing. Personally, I think I should be commended for keeping my sanity, you know?!

“Haahhh… what a terrible day…” On days like this, I just want to flop into bed and shut out the rest of the world-

“What’s for dinner today?”


That’s right, although I’m exhausted, it was mostly mental exhaustion. I still have a job to do. Maybe I could just give them Something Don-

“Shall we eat the fish caught by Sui and Dora?”

“Sounds good, I [Appraised] it earlier, it’s supposed to be delicious.”

Gunununu… they are deciding things on their own again…

“So,” I said, “it turns out you guys are very much aware of everything that’s going on even when asleep, huh?”


“Of course.”

Ugh, I was being sarcastic, but look at their smug faces…

Hah, want to eat fish? Forget it! Just eat some randomly thrown-together rice and meat. You should be grateful to have food provided by great me!

“”Sui wants to eat fishy~~ Sui caught the fishy~~””

“”Me too! Fish! Fish!””

“Hahhh… fine, you all want fish for dinner right?”

A chorus of ‘yes’ answered me.

“Fine, but I have a condition.”

“A condition? What is it?”

Grrrr, that smug look on Fer’s face makes me want to… to smack him with a frying pan!

“I want a break, a day off! A day off to rest on this island! Tomorrow, all day, no more exploring the sea!” I spat out all of my conditions in one go.

“Hear, hear!” the [Ark] people cheered me on, their eyes sparkling.

Fumu, very well.”


Fer is oddly agreeable?

““Oi, oi, oi, don’t we need to move quickly?”” Dora-chan protested.

“It’s fine, I shall tell you why later,”

““Hey, just what-””

“Dora-chan, later,” Grandpa Gon was smiling, but he was somehow threatening Dora-chan…


It’s all so very suspicious!

Whatever, I don’t care anymore.

Let’s just take it easy tomorrow.


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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. chibibar

    Why I have a feeling that they are no on an “island”?

  2. RemAishiteru!

    Well, Feru has another suspicious plan now…

  3. Otaku Hikikomori

    There must be some hidden treasures on this island.
    Thanks for the treat.

  4. Filip

    Hmm, I wonder, even if Mukoda and the adventurer party stays on the island do all the pets have to also stay there? I think not, I’m sure they will either leave the frail ones behind and go out to play, maybe one will stay behind to pretend to protect them (cuz barrier is op here, for some reason).
    Thanks for the chapter! Awesome translation! May God bless you!

    1. Gumihou

      Lol, for some reason I had to pfft at the ‘pets’ remark.

  5. Haaz

    Ty for your great work.
    Gess/Bet: The island is just a part of the boss isn’t it? And there’s no way he doesn’t wake up … new turtle hot pot?

  6. Felipe

    ……Fer is 120% suspicious so I’m going to bet that there’s something horrible in that island….I wonder if there will be a chapter where mukoda pass out for a whole day so the familiars can’t get his cooking and learn to value him more

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