You are currently viewing Tondemo Skill – 515 – Adventures of the Gluttonous Quartet (Part 1)
Pirate and parrot skeleton are displayed in photo zone at hallows eve party. Close up view of skull in cocked hat of buccaneer with blood and cuts on vest for halloween holiday decor at fall season

Tondemo Skill – 515 – Adventures of the Gluttonous Quartet (Part 1)

Chapter 515 – Adventures of the Gluttonous Quartet (Part 1)


Author: Eguchi Ren

Translated by Gumihou

Edited by Gumihou >_<

Eguchi Ren: Thank you to everyone who purchased the manga! The main manga and side story mangas are out!

So happy to hear that both books are doing well. Thank you for your continuous support for Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi!

Gumihou: So happy that you wrote this story, Eguchi-san~ Please don’t mind the editing~ It’s done out of love~


Fer, Grandpa Gon, Dora-chan and Sui landed on the other side of the beach.

They were all staring up a steep cliff that suddenly rose up from the sandy beach. The cliff itself was rugged bare rocks, but what was more interesting was the gaping cave where seawater was flowing in.

“Kukuku, it is here.”

Umu, we have found it.”

““So, this is it?””


All four of them were staring at the cave with glittering eyes.




While their master was preoccupied with cooking, the Gluttonous Quartet edged away from the group for a secret meeting.

““Oi, so, why did you accept the ‘take a break’ thing? Don’t you want to move quickly?”” Dora-chan grumbled.

Umu, naturally, it is for hunting.”

“Oi, that kind of poor explanation won’t do,” said Grandpa Gon. “Allow me to explain, you know how this place is filled with sea monsters, right?”

A general noise of affirmation followed.

“Well, I had been exploring this place a bit, and found a cave just on the other side of the island-”

“I found it actually!”

“-Fer sensed something different about that cave.”

Umu, that cave contained undead!” Fer interrupted again.

““Undead monsters?””


“There could be Skeleton Monsters there too, as they are part of the Undead Monster category,” said Grandpa Gon.

“More importantly! No one is to tell Master about this!”

““Yeah, he would totally go ‘no no no no’ over and over again, hah!””

“Exactly, even though he has the Holy Stamp.”

“Holy Stamp? What’s that?”

“Anything and anyone stamped with this Holy Stamp would be invincible against Undead.”

“Oh my, what a wonderous thing…”

“”What are we waiting for? Let’s goo!!!””

“”Pew pew! Pew pew!””

“Shhh, quiet down, you want to alert everyone? What if Master stops us?”

““Oh, right…””

“”…pew pew~””

“More importantly, there’s a fairly strong fellow there…” Fer said with a grin, his eyes glittering brightly in the twilight.


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Thus, the next morning, the Gluttonous Quartet set out nice and early after breakfast, equipped with the Holy Stamp and Mukouda’s lunch box.

Now, they were looking at the cave entrance where the rumoured Undead Cave was at.

Seawater ebbed and flowed into the cave opening.

“Hmm, we may have to get on Sui to enter there…”

“”Hey, what’s that thing?””

‘That thing’ in question was a little boat. A little boat was coming out of the Undead Cave. On it was a skeletal creature.

It stood up with a rattle.

“”A bone~! Pew pew!!””

Acid Bullets struck the Skeleton Monster in the ribs.


Instead of collapsing into pieces, the Skeleton Monster remained standing. Sui’s attack had only slightly melted its ribs.

“Sui, Undeads are stubborn monsters. Strike it repeatedly on the head,” said Fer.

““Huh, we killed off Undeads pretty easily before, didn’t we? Is it due to that Holy Stamp? Woah, that’s some powerful juju!!””

“”Humph, Sui will attack again!! Pew pew!!””

This time, Sui spat out large Acid Bullets that nearly enveloped the Skeleton Monster’s skull.

Pew! Pew!

The skull melted with a sizzle and the rest of the skeleton lost its structure and crumbled to pieces.


Sui bounced up and down with glee.

“Well, well, looks like you crushed that stubborn undead, eh?”

Umu, the undead are annoying since they could revive themselves if they are not properly killed.”

“”Crush the heads, eh? Well, I’m ready to crush some heads!!””

“Nice, let’s go.”

They entered the cave. As they ventured deeper, the number of Skeleton Monsters increased, attacking from all sides, coming after them on boats and behind rocks.

Eventually, higher-ranking Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Knights and Skeleton Mages started to appear.

However, none were good enough to be considered enemies of the Gluttonous Quartet. In fact, only Sui and Dora-chan had been attacking thus far. The two titans of power, Fer and Grandpa Gon, had been strolling leisurely behind Dora-chan and Sui.

The Gluttonous Quartet ventured steadily deeper into the cave without feeling even a shred of danger.



“To think the passage leads to an open place like this,”

At the end of the cave was a dome-shaped room.

It looked like a naturally formed docking area where seawater collects, perfectly protected from the wind and rain.

Mu, there should be a ship.”

“Hmm, I sense a presence over there…”

The quartet looked over and saw a huge wooden ship with tattered sails and a rotting hull just floating there.

“Huahahahaha!! Congratulations on making it this far!!”

From the rotting wooden deck of the ship, an unusually large Skeleton Monster dressed in ragged pirate clothing, complete with a large tri-corner hat sprang up. Red light lit up the sunken pits of the skull like a pair of malevolent eyes.

It was staring directly at Fer, Grandpa Gon, Sui and Dora-chan.


The one who let out this pathetic little sound was the skeleton pirate.

“Fumu, a Skeleton King, eh? I shall be your opponent,” Fer laughed ferociously as he locked eyes on the Skeleton King. “Let’s rumble.”

“Wait, hey! Why is a Fenrir here—!?”

The question ended in a squeak as Fer unleased a Claw Slash in reply.


Before the Skeleton King could even counterattack, his body and the ship fell apart.

““Uncle Fer~~ sneaky~~!!””

“”Hey! Don’t just take all the good opponents away!!””

“I wish to fight as well…”

Fer actually looked a little embarrassed by his comrades’ rebuke.

“W-well, it’s a dungeon monster, so you can defeat it when it respawns.”

Grandpa Gon stared steadily at Fer, “And when do you think it would respawn? Hmm? Comrade Fer?”


While Fer was wilting under the stares, Sui suddenly started bouncing about. “”Sui is hungry~~””

“Th-that’s right, why don’t we have a meal first? What did Master pack for us anyway?”

“Hmm, I supposed there’s nothing we could do about this situation for now. So let us have a meal first.”

“”Hey look, a treasure chest appeared. Let’s get it for Master,”” chirped Dora-chan.


Gumihou: Well… at least Fer knows some shame…

Eguchi Ren: The story is a bit long, so split it into part 1 and part 2 has a new Membership System!!

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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Hiyana

    The quartet got their hands on the stamp somehow, but they fight normally. so what’s the point of getting the holy stamp? This chapter really has many plot holes…

    1. Gumihou

      I agree, they really should have left the Holy Stamp at home if they wanted a ‘good’ fight. Using the stamp lacks sportsmanship.

  2. RemAishiteru!

    Huh…how did they get the stamp. I can’t remember.

  3. Letty

    I remember them heading to the cave and battling the skeletons and the Skeleton Pirate King. But I don’t think the two chapters ever mentioned them having the Holy Stamp. How could they get the stamp if they don’t ask Mukouda for it? And he wouldn’t just hand it over without asking why they needed the stamp. I thought they wanted to keep the undead hunting a secret from him?

    1. OP MC is shitty, and you should be ashamed for liking it

      Maybe they just convince him to give it “just in case they came upon undead” instead of plainly telling him that they’re planning to specifically hunts undead.

      We do know that Mukouda knew about how strong boss undead could be.

  4. OP MC is shitty, and you should be ashamed for liking it

    Thanks for regular update 🥰

    But please don’t delete too much scenes, we didn’t care if repetition get deleted.

    But please don’t oversimplify scenes with somewhat unique interactions, please understand that, sometimes we as readers just wanted to read something we look forward to, regardless of repetition.

  5. Cuchillo

    Considering his long life his only options for love are someone like the “elf grandma” once he gets over how old she is, like you will be that old one day man, get over it. Or maybe like a dryad? Some kind of vaguely female monster that would be strong enough to join the party

    1. chibibar

      I agree. He will need to change that attitude because he will eventually be older than anyone alive with Dimiurge’s blessing. Plus remember the extra chapter “Hunter F” she is single sexy elf 😉

      1. Shadow

        Which number is it? Somehow I don’t remember.

  6. Otaku Hikikomori

    Thanks for the treat.

  7. Filip

    Truly battle maniacs, this monster hunting pet party. Undead don’t give food drops, at least generally (though I guess some might eat bones, but I highly doubt Fer would), so the only reason left for them was just to get a chance to kill stuff. No wonder they didn’t want Mukoda to know, he’s a scaredy cat but even worse with the undead
    Thanks for the chapter! Awesome translation! May God bless you!

    1. Gumihou

      Eww, bone drops from Undead is probably not edible, or not recommended to be eaten

  8. Chava

    How they got the holy stamp without mukoda getting it out of his storage?

    1. L

      Probably Mukouda gave them as an insurance

    2. Gumihou

      Tis the plot hole of the day.

      Gumi looks into the distance…

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