You are currently viewing Vending Machine – 115 – Heart & Rice
Homemade Cooked Steamed White Rice in a Bowl

Vending Machine – 115 – Heart & Rice

Chapter 115: Heart & Rice


Author: Hirukuma

Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou


On the way back, we managed to return to the village without having to fight a single battle. The hunters that had remained within the village cheered as Ramis pushed the barricade aside.

“Oooohhh—! How was the mission?”

“Who is that you’re carrying?”

The Leader held up his hand, stopping the hunters who were eagerly crowding over.

When it looked like everyone was no longer rushing in, he took in a deep breath and loudly announced, “We have captured the Commander. Our mission is completed!”

Immediately, the village erupted with joy. Their cheers were so powerful that it felt like the entire village shook.

We had no clear details of what happened regarding the tragedy of the Beginner’s Level, but one could imagine it.

Happiness and joy filled their hearts as they realised that they had avoided the terrible situation that happened at Clearflow Lake Level.

After locking up the female Commander, Keryoil, along with Vice-Leader and the Red and White Twins [2] made their way to see the Director of the Beginner’s Level, who was dressed in his bright red suit.

“Well done, everyone! Hakkon, could you provide food and drinks for the celebration? I shall cover all the necessary expenses.”


But of course, that is the job of a vending machine.

It should be alright to serve liquor today. As for food that goes well with liquor, we must have Karaage, Yakisoba, Takoyaki, Edamame and French Fries. In short, a vending machine that dispenses food backed by a frozen food manufacturer. They would have all of the above.

Such a vending machine would be very popular when placed within an alcohol-serving izakaya.

I also thought about becoming an <Auto-Vending Convenience Store> but since I have already transformed so many times today, it is best not to overdo it since I’m not sure what’s the remaining time limit.

Tables and chairs were brought into the square near the barricade, and the dishes I provided were lined up one after another. As alcohol was distributed and the party began, I took out food and drinks and placed them on the tables since I couldn’t eat or drink.

Hyurumi wanted a fresh salad, so I transformed into a <Veggie Vending Machine> and distributed all kinds of vegetables which Ramis quickly cooked up.

I provided so many vegetables that a few packets were placed on the long desk for people to take. Also, it looked like not everyone was told that I would be serving food, because some overly enthusiastic person had brought a large pot before realising that food was already on the table. Instead, [2] they left the pot beside me, along with a knife and cutting board to enjoy the party with the others.

So, now I have a pot, a knife, a cutting board and a (nearly) endless amount of vegetables as well as time to myself. Should I try it?

There was a function I had been wanting to try for some time but never had the opportunity before.

First, let’s transform into a form that I had collected but never used before, a <Rice Vending Machine>.

The top part of the vending machine was pure white, reminiscent of freshly cooked rice along with an illustration of a rice bowl heaped with rice at the bottom part. There were options for different kinds of 10kg and 5kg rice lined up, waiting to be chosen.

I wanted this function because I wanted to create a rice boom in this Other World. However, since rice was not eaten in this world, the locals had no idea how to cook it.

However, with <Telekinesis>, I should technically be able to cook rice by myself… maybe. Anyway, it’s worth a try.

There are all sorts of rice on the product list. However, for this experiment, I went with 5kg of [2] Koshihikari No-wash Rice.

Since No-wash Rice doesn’t need to be washed, it saves me time and effort.

I lifted the 5kg packet of rice from the outlet and placed it next to the pot. After opening the packet, I borrowed a paper cup from the <Cup Vending Machine> side and scooped up a cupful of rice.

Then, I transferred the cup of rice to the pot.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten… surely that’s enough?

Plain rice might be boring, so let’s make [4] Takikomi Rice.

Shimeji mushrooms are easy to split without using a knife, so they’re a good ingredient. I’d like to add burdock root, but since I can’t use a knife safely, let’s give up on that. Daikon radish is also rejected for the same reason.

Shimeji alone is too lonely as an ingredient, so what else could I use… Oh, let’s add the bamboo shoots from the souvenir container that I used for Oden before.

I also want to add chicken, but it might be too much work to remove the fried chicken batter first before adding them to my Takikomi Rice.

Since this is an experiment, the ingredients are a bit lacking, but let’s keep going. Should I use the [5] Flying Fish Broth from before? Eh, let’s use it. Hmm, dilute the broth with some water and there we go.

Now, how should I cook this… it’s pretty common to cook rice in a claypot on a gas stove, I can do it, except… the main problem is how to heat it up. It is not possible for me to do this on my own. I need help.

I can’t do this alone from here on out. I need to ask for help.

“Hey, Hakkon. What’s that?”

Looks like I had been so focused on my task that I was unaware of my surroundings. I turned my attention towards the familiar voice and found Ramis and Hyurumi peering at me.

“I couldn’t interrupt you since it looks like you’re focused on something, but are you cooking?”

It is as you say.

“Seeing the ingredients floating silently into the pot was like looking at some kind of a magic ritual.”

I see. From a third-party perspective, it must seem like a mysterious sight to see paper cups of rice, shimeji and soup stock floating by themselves into a pot without anyone touching them. Kind of like a little horror movie thing.


Was my short and to-the-point answer. Since the two of you are here, please help me. The rest is beyond my range of skills.



“Sure! What should I do?”

“Oh, I don’t mind.”

The two cheerfully agreed.

Ever since I obtained <Telekinesis>, I felt like I could do anything. However, in reality, I still needed the help of my companions. Since I can only move my own merchandise, it’s tough for me to do things like cooking on my own.

Since you guys are here, I could really use the help. I transformed into a <Gas Dispensing Machine> for the first time in a long time. Since that time I was trapped inside the belly of an Eight-legged Gator, I think?

Anyway, a simple, old-fashioned stove manifests itself at the end of an extended gas pipe.

“P-ut he-re”

“Just put it on top of this strange device?”


It’s a fairly large pot, but Ramis, who regularly carries me around on her back, easily lifted the pot and set it gently on the stove. Since I manifested the stove, I guess it was considered as part of my ‘product’.

Before, without <Telekinesis>, I could not turn on the stove, but things are different now.

With a thought, I push down the knob and turn it, sparks scattered and the stove lit up.

“Oh, so it’s a fire-starting tool, eh? Hakkon is pretty skilled at creating things like this,” Hyurumi commented as she crouched down to stare at the flames.

Even a simple stove stimulates her curiosity as a magic tool engineer as she continues to study my body and the stove with sparkling eyes.

I feel a little embarrassed to be stared at so closely.

Should I keep the fire low for the moment? Wait, I need to cover it.

“P-ut o-n”

I manipulated the empty plastic bottle of Flying Fish Broth to tap at the pot lid.

“This thing?”

“Thank you”

Alright, the basics for cooking rice is to start with low heat. So long as I don’t make a mistake with the heating, I can make delicious rice. Hopefully…

When I cooked rice at home I started with a certain amount of water. I’m not sure if the ratio of rice and water is correct, but since I’m making mixed rice, even if it is a little burnt, it should still be delicious.

I had a little help with the last bit, but it looks like I could manage some simple cooking.

“Still, why do you suddenly want to cook, Hakkon?”

“That’s right. You can dispense as much hot and cold food as you like after all.”

I guess it’s natural for them to wonder why. As for the reason… hmm…

I just had an idea I wanted to try out. While it’s true that I don’t have to cook anything… rather, it would be strange for vending machines to actively cook.

Back in my previous life, I used to buy all kinds of vending machine products and ended up short of money. Things from vending machines aren’t necessarily cheaper, after all. In order to fuel my desire to keep buying products, I ended up compromising by cooking cheap meals for myself. Maybe it’s some leftover habit from that time that made me want to cook something.”

“Oh, it’s starting to bubble up, is that alright?”

Eh? While I was lost in thought, the fire continued to cook the food. The pot lid was dancing about and white foam was swelling and puffing out through the gaps. Even so, the fire is still at the minimum level, so, it should be alright?


“K-eep li-ke th-at”

After a while, I turned off the fire and let the rice steam under the residual heat. Before I knew it, quite a lot of people had gathered around me.

“It smells really good…”

“Hey, what’s that? Give us some!”

“Is this Hakkon’s new product?”

A few drunkards had wandered over to gather around me, attracted by the smell.

It’s times like this that not having a sense of smell is tough, but considering how many people my rice is attracting, I guess that the scent of freshly cooked rice is stimulating their appetites.

Right, looks like the rice has been nicely cooked, shall we distribute it?

“Oh, I’ll go get some bowls.”

“I’ll help too.”

The two ladies started to ladle out the rice for me. From sight alone, it looked like my mixed rice had been properly cooked. I think it’s no exaggeration to say that I make truly remarkable mixed rice.

“Ku~ haahh! Delish!!”

“Warm, tasty and filling, it’s the best!”

Oh, looks like it’s a great hit. Since most hunters are big eaters, it did not take long before they were scraping the bottom of the pot.

Since Ramis and Hyurumi haven’t eaten yet, I insist that they eat the rest.

Seeing them with their stuffed cheeks chewing happily on something I had made gave me an inexplicable feeling inside me.

What was this feeling? Is it happiness?

I had always been happy when people bought products from me as a vending machine. However, I never imagined that I would experience this kind of happiness seeing others eat the food that I had made.

I guess the joy I felt when people cheered at vending machine products was due to the vending machine maniac in me. The happiness I felt when someone said they received something they liked from a vending machine.

Right now, I’m receiving praise for something that I had personally created.

Vending machine products were made by scores of suppliers, vendors and other people involved in the supply department. Even though I sell them, I was not involved in determining the taste and final stages of the products.

To be praised for something I had no hand in creating or making as if it was my own achievement had always made me feel guilty. Like I was taking credit for the efforts of the corporation behind the products and boasting pointlessly about it.

It must have bothered me on an unconscious level.

Maybe, that is why I wanted to make something using my own power.

A vending machine is very useful to the people and serves a lot of people’s needs. However, it is all someone else’s power.

Even now, the ingredients I used were all provided by the vending machine. However, I was the one who put the ingredients together and made it into food. It was a simple thing, but I can now sincerely accept everyone’s praises more honestly.

“Hakkon, thank you as always.”

Ramis smiles innocently at me. The hunters all around me are eating with smiles on their faces.

I think, it’s alright to try cooking once in a while. The thought occurred to me as I looked at the smiles around me.


[Gumihou: Complicated thoughts for a vending machine]


[1] After Locking up the female commander they had captured in the prison, Keyroil, along with the vice-leader and the red and white twins, they headed to the jail.

Dude, what?

[2] Added details for clarity.

[3] Koshihikari No-wash rice

Koshihikari is a popular cultivator of Japonica rice. There are actually different types of Koshihikari and is considered a premium product.

‘No-wash’ or Musenmai is rice that you can just buy, add water and cook without having to wash. Sorry Uncle Roger, not all rice needs to be washed. In fact, if you want to make sushi, it’s best to just rinse the rice once and not overwash it to retain its stickiness (I learned this from Shokugeki no Souma… also, I tested the theory and it worked!).

[4] Takikomi Rice or ‘Mixed Rice’

Something like a Japanese Pilaf

[6] Lol, the vending machine Flying Fish Dashi in plastic bottles do exist! has a new Membership System!!

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Orannis

    Wasn’t the director a she, not a he?

    1. CountryMage

      You might be thinking about the one on the second level, I don’t even remember the one from the first level, red suit doesn’t sound very familiar.

      1. Gumihou

        The Director on the Labyrinth Floor is a woman

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