You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 174 – Joyful Surprise of a Fright?
Pirate and parrot skeleton are displayed in photo zone at hallows eve party. Close up view of skull in cocked hat of buccaneer with blood and cuts on vest for halloween holiday decor at fall season

Higher Level Wife – 174 – Joyful Surprise of a Fright?

Chapter 174: Joyful Surprise or a Fright?

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated Pill Bug

Edited by Gumihou


On the other side, Jin Yu and Jin Shi were already engaging the Emperor with various small talks with smiles on their faces and answering his questions. The Emperor noticed that Jin Fengju kept his head slightly lowered, his behaviour today completely different from his spirited appearance in the royal study and in court, as if he was a well-behaved and sensible child. Unable to hold back his laughter, the Emperor said, “You little brat, why have you lost your voice now? When Chu Daxiu mentioned your family at court, you were quite passionate with your speech, weren’t you? That Chu Daxiu is an unlucky one. He just had to pay attention to something he should not have, losing so much skin off his face that he wasn’t able to leave the house for several days. Yet, why are you not speaking up now?”

Jin Fengju quickly stood up and walked to the centre of the room. Just as he was about to kneel, the Emperor expressed his displeasure, “We are currently a guest in your house, and ought to be treated like visiting relatives or friends. Set aside all courtly formalities today. We are tired of seeing all of you kneeling before Us all the time. Now that We have come to your house in disguise, you would still kneel? Instead of relieving Our boredom, you are only increasing Our annoyance. Go and sit down, we shall talk then.”

Jin Fengju hurriedly bowed and said, “Yes, this official obeys your orders.” He then retreated to his seat and said remorsefully, “This official has realised his mistake. This official should not have mocked Lord Chu out of anger and forgotten his duties as a minister, especially when in court. As an imperial censor, Lord Chu has every right to report on rumours. In fact, it is his duty to do so. As for whether it wi appropriate or not, the final decision should still rest with Your Majesty. This official was too immature and impulsive.”

The Emperor couldn’t help but laugh. He pointed at Jin Fengju and said to Jin Yu and Jin Shi, “Do you hear this? Just listen to what your family’s child is saying. It appears that he acknowledges his mistake on the surface, but still defended his actions in the end. Immature and impulsive? Pei! How many years have you walked through the halls of the imperial court? Still have the cheek to use this excuse?”

Jin Fengju privately heaved a great sigh of relief. Judging from the Emperor’s tone alone, it was evident that he was very pleased with Jin Fengju’s cheeky reply. Therefore, he quickly stood up and said, “Yes, this official understands his mistake.”

The Emperor smiled faintly, picked up his teacup again and took a sip. He looked meaningfully at Jin Fengju’s leg and drawled, “From the way you walk, we could hardly tell it was injured. Well? Has your wound completely healed?”Jin Fengju’s heart skipped a beat, and he hastily replied, “To answer Your Majesty, although there is no problem with walking, the pain is still quite unbearable.”

“Enough, you’ve already stayed at home for many days now. How long do you plan to hide at home and laze your days away?” The Emperor lowered his teacup and continued, “Attend court tomorrow. However, you are not to lose your temper like before. Amongst the civil and military officials, you are still the youngest in terms of seniority. Even if other officials speak or report incorrectly, you cannot be as reckless as before. Do you understand Our meaning?”

“Yes, this official understands,” Jin Fengju’s reply was flawlessly respectful. However, inwardly, he was rolling his eyes and thinking: This old man just cannot bear to see me idle. He is clearly telling me off for using tricks to slip out of work. Aih, I’m so pitiful, ah. This is what I get for learning literary and martial arts and selling myself to the imperial family. Pei, how can this be considered selling skills? This is simply already considered selling my life, alright?

At that, he sighed again, this time with relief, and thought: The Emperor must have specially come here to appease me, right? Now that he has done this, surely he would leave? This little visit alone granted me a heaven-spanning amount of face. On the other hand, surely it is unlikely for the Emperor to come here just to appease me? If that were the case, surely it is more likely for him to issue a decree with a few words of encouragement and invite me to a palace banquet? Was it truly necessary to come to our estate incognito?

He was still thinking about this and that when the Emperor stood up. Jin Fengju had finally managed to stuff his heart back into his chest. Jin Yu and Jin Shi both let out a sigh of relief. All three of them stood by respectfully, ready to send Emperor off on his merry way when the old Emperor spoke, “We did not allow you to inform others just now to avoid a fuss. Speaking of which, Fengju, is your grandmother still in good health? Come, lead Us to the inner court for a look. We last saw her at a banquet at the palace banquet. Back then, We were not as old as now, and your grandfather was still alive. Now, however, aih, things are different. This world would soon belong to young people like you.”

Jin Fengju’s eyelids twitched. The Emperor’s deep ponderings were lost to him the moment the Emperor expressed his intention to meet the Old Madam in the inner court. He was completely bewildered. When the old Emperor started to walk out, he hurried over to exclaim, “Your Majesty, please wait a moment. Please allow this official to send word to the inner court first.”

“If you report to them, your grandmother and mother will have to change into ceremonial attire to receive an Imperial visit. Today, We want to experience the ordinary life of common people. We do not want to be treated as an Emperor. If We let them do that, what’s the difference between here and the palace?”

Jin Fengju’s forehead was covered in sweat as he stammered, “That is certainly so, however, my grandmother is old, this… this…”

The Emperor glanced at him and suddenly burst out laughing. Still laughing, he scolded, “You foolish thing, what are you saying? Do you imagine that We are a monster? You fear that the very sight of Us will frighten the Old Madam into a fainting fit?”

“No, no, not a fright, a joyous, most pleasant surprise. Your Majesty must know that the elderly cannot bear extreme joys or sorrows. If Your Majesty suddenly appears before them, this official fears that grandmother would be so overwhelmed with joy and surprise and… it would be bad if something were to happen.” 

Jin Fengju desperately searched for the correct words as he trotted up beside the emperor. In fact, he was surprised that he could still think and speak clearly at the moment. Jin Yu and Jin Shi were still trailing after them like a pair of older gentlemen who had lost their souls. They could barely think enough to function properly, let alone consider all things as thoughtfully as Jin Fengju.

“If that is the case, then go and inform them, ba. Give them a little time to prepare. As agreed, no one is allowed to perform the formal imperial salute,” instructed the Emperor. Jin Fengju was relieved as though he had been granted amnesty. He quickly stood up, acknowledged the instruction, and rushed to the inner court.


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At that moment, Old Madam Jin and Madam Jiang were speaking together in the room, talking about how the younger generations should be arriving by now, but why haven’t they seen anyone yet? While engrossed in their conversation, they heard the maids say, “The Young Marquis has arrived, aiya, what’s happening?” 

The words had barely faded away when Jin Fengju suddenly charged in.

“Fengju, why are you in such a rush? What happened?” Madam Jiang frowned. She had never seen her son in such a state of panic before and her heart begin to thump uneasily. Who knows what was happening outside?

“Hurry, Old Madam, Elder Madam, Second Elder Madam, you must quickly prepare yourselves. The Emperor is heading towards Health & Longevity Court,” Jin Fengju wiped the sweat off his forehead and grabbed a cup from his mother’s table. Seeing that it was a cup full of water, he threw all semblance of etiquette away and gulped down the contents in one breath.

Old Madam Jin and Madam Jiang were still in a state of disbelief. Thinking that he must have misspoken, Madam Jiang smiled and said, “Why is this child so flustered today? Who did you say visited? I dimly recall hearing you say it was the Emperor. Are you trying to scare us to death?”

“What do you mean ‘scare you to death’? No, it is true… the Emperor has come. Aiya, there is no time to explain. It is that old man’s wish to come, he even wanted to surprise you. I had to beg and plead for the opportunity to come and give you some time to prepare your heart. He said something about not wanting you to dress up per your station or conduct a royal reception, and to treat this like a friendly visit from intimate friends and relatives. Aiyo, my heavens, ah. What is he thinking? This kind of big scene may cost me my life.”

Only then did the people in the room snap out of their daze. They finally noticed the sweat pouring from Jin Fengju’s forehead and his slightly dishevelled appearance from running around. In an instant, everyone became anxious. Jin Fengju turned to Luo Cui and said, “Why haven’t the rest arrived yet? Quickly, send someone to invite Second Madam and the others, including Yanfang, over to wait at the Health & Longevity Court’s flower hall. If the Emperor happens to summon them but they are not around, it would be a grave disrespect.”

Luo Cui was stuck in place as though stunned by a lightning strike. At Jin Fengju’s orders, she eventually stuttered, “Second Madam? Which Second Madam?”

Jin Fengju said, “What are you saying? Naturally, both Second Madams should be called over. Also, Sister-in-law from Second Elder Madam’s room, and Elder Brother’s children. Bring them all and have them wait in the garden together.”

Luo Cui finally snapped out of her daze and quickly arranged for a few quick-witted maids to deliver the messages. Although they were not permitted to dress according to their ranks, they should still dress in grander clothes. Fortunately, Madam Jiang and the others were dressed appropriately. With only enough time to get that done, the Emperor arrived.

The old emperor exchanged a few words with the Old Madam. As he asked after her age and health and reminisced over some old stories about the Old Marquis, the rest of the room fell into excruciating silence. Everyone kept their heads lowered and barely dared to breathe.

The Emperor sighed at the tense silence. He turned to Jin Fengju and said, “It is certainly cold and lonely at the top. An emperor is a solitary individual. We had counted on this visit to bring some little warmth and comfort, yet, everyone in this room is just as reverent and distant. Well, enough about that, where are your wives and the rest of the women? It is the Dragon Boat Festival today. Surely they should come and pay their respects to the Old Ancestor and the mothers-in-law?”

Jin Fengju hastily smiled and said, “There will be a Dragon Boat Festival banquet tonight and all have already arrived earlier. Upon hearing that Your Majesty is here, they dare not enter without permission. Beg Your Majesty for your indulgence.”

The Emperor nodded and said, “Call them all in. It has been a long time. We heard that you have a few young sons and daughters, but have yet to lay eyes upon them.”

Jin Fengju hurried outside and spoke to a maid by the door, “Quickly invite the Second Madam and the others in. Call in all the young masters and young misses too.” The maid rushed off and soon, a line of women came forward.

Of the people in this group, aside from Jiang Wanying, none of them had ever set foot within the palace before, let alone have an audience with the Emperor. Therefore, they only knew to kneel, kowtow and shout ‘long live’. Fu Qiuning followed along with the rest of them. [1] Dread was already filling her stomach. She knew that something terrible would almost certainly happen today. She could only hope that she was wrong, but what are the chances?

The Emperor didn’t ask Jin Fengju to introduce each person individually. His gaze flickered, and suddenly he said to Jin Fengju, “Ah, that’s right, We vaguely remember the hotpot you previously sent me. It seems that your wife made it, yes? That hotpot was good. We often eat it, nowadays.”

Fu Qiuning closed her eyes. How she wished Jin Fengju could forget about her existence. From the way Jin Fengju keep doing his best to drag her into the limelight, would he actually let go of this opportunity to make the emperor notice her? Would he make her sing before the court as he had once threatened?


[Gumihou: Jin Fengju said ‘aiyo’ three times in this chapter. Clearly, it’s the author’s attempt to make him ‘helpless’ so that readers would find him more sympathetic and relatable. Is it working?]


[1] Actual Fu Qiuning being fatalistic instead of ‘kyaa~’ flag-waving AR Qiuning

On this occasion, I must absolutely not say a single word, and I must not draw any attention to myself. Anyone else wants to grab his attention by standing out? Please, go ahead, thank you very much!

Gumihou is suffering second hand embarrassment from this very transparent attempt to make Fu Qiuning appear ‘humble’

[2] This weirdly ‘curse JFJ on the surface yet still defend him’ is clumsily designed to still praise JFJ while cursing the situation.

Fu Qiuning almost fainted. At that moment, how she wished Jin Fengju could forget about her existence completely. She prayed he would only praise his younger cousin and attribute all the credit for the hot pot to Jiang Wanying. But she also knew it was impossible. Did Jin Fengju need to commit the crime of deceiving the Emperor just for this matter? As she thought about it, she regretted it secretly, thinking: Why did I have to eat hot pot in the first place? When I saw this troublemaker coming, I should have poured that hot pot away. But nooooo, I just had to serve it to him, and today, I get this shit in return!

It’s really long too…

Pill Bug TL Notes:

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Melissa

    Rooster – don’t mess up I want to keep my head.
    Emperor – dumplings, dumplings, dumplings!!!!!

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