You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 180 – Unexpected Visitors (Unedited)
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Higher Level Wife – 180 – Unexpected Visitors (Unedited)

Chapter 180: Unexpected Visitors (Unedited)

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated Pill Bug

Gumihou: Okay, I think the author is experimenting with <<Dream of Red Chamber>> style of writing. Which could be incredibly dull if not handled properly. Doubly so when the point of the writing is to polish someone’s ass, and thus sacrificing good writing.

Sigh. Anyway, read the Edited Version HERE


Speaking of Fu Qiuning, she was caught off guard by Jin Fengju’s sudden move, which greatly disturbed her. She was originally feeling tired and sleepy, but at that time, she couldn’t even take a nap. She called for Aunt Yu and Jian Feng, saying, “The junior maids are unaware of today’s events. Only the three of you know. In order to ensure the peace and stability of our Elegant Mansion, you must not leak a single word about this matter. Even if someone suspects something and tries to probe openly or secretly, you must keep it hidden. Do you understand?”

The three of them also understood the gravity of the situation and nodded in agreement. Fu Qiuning sighed, having many things she wanted to discuss with these trusted confidants of hers, but she didn’t know what to say. Silence filled the room.

Yu Jie then stood up and said, “The little kitchen in the back made some new dim sum today. I will go check if they’re good and bring a couple of plates for Madam.” Just as she was about to leave, a young maid named Deng Hua rushed over, her crisp and sweet voice saying, “Madam, Madam, there is someone outside claiming to be Madam’s younger sister, saying that she came specifically to see Madam. Madam, please go out and greet her soon.”


“Younger sister?”

Fu Qiuning looked with surprise at the junior maid, then turned to Aunt Yu and Jian Feng, wondering, “When did I have a younger sister? Who is this person who has come now? Do you two know anything about it?”


The maids burst into laughter upon hearing her question. Aunt Yu shook her head and said, “Why would Madam ask us maids about this? How would we recognize Madam’s relatives? Yu Jie might know more, but I have been by your side for so many years and have never heard of any relatives visiting you. However, at the palace, people were coming to visit occasionally.”


Fu Qiuning thought to herself: Were those people really just visiting me at the palace? They were simply trying to re-enact the <<Mystery in the Residence>> drama. [1] She stood up and said, “Never mind, regardless of who it is, let us go out and see.” As she spoke, a flash of inspiration crossed her mind. It was as if something had passed before her eyes, but she wasn’t able to grasp it.


When she stepped out of the Elegant Mansion, she saw a sedan chair being lifted in the courtyard. Xia Yue, Jiang Wanying’s maid, was standing outside the sedan chair. When she saw Fu Qiuning, she came forward with a smile and said, “This is Prince Lie’s concubine. She came to our mansion today, and our Second Madam received her. She said she wanted to see Madam, so the Second Madam sent this maid to escort her over.”


As they spoke, the vibrant red curtain of the sedan was lifted, and a stunning young woman emerged. Upon seeing Fu Qiuning, she approached with a radiant smile and performed a wanfu salute respectfully. Qiuning quickly helped her up with a sudden realisation, thinking: That’s right, Jin Fengju did mention to me before that my second uncle’s di-born daughter has been married off to Prince Lie as a lesser concubine. And now, it seems this sister of mine has risen from being a lesser concubine to a proper concubine.

With a renewed spirit and a smiling face, she exchanged pleasantries with Fu Qiulan. Qiulan was then welcomed into the house, while Xia Yue excused herself. The two sisters settled in the side hall, and Jian Feng personally served tea. Fu Qiuning said, “When Younger Sister was married, I simply had some matters to attend to in my residence and was not able to see you off in time. Please do excuse me for having Younger Sister longing for me so much that Younger Sister even specially visited me today. Younger Sister really has a kind heart.”


Although Fu Qiulian was stunningly beautiful, she still appeared composed. She softly chuckled and said, “Elder Sister, we are the same, both being victims of circumstances. On this point, if I used to be simple and naive in the past, ignorant of these twists and turns, what is there that I don’t understand now? During my idle moments, I often thought of you, Elder Sister. I believe these past few years must have been much harder to bear for you than for me. Unfortunately, Younger Sister understood this truth too late; otherwise, I would have come to visit Elder Sister earlier.

People say offering help in times of need is the most difficult. Yet, now, Elder Sister has gained the favour of the Young Marquis. If I were to speak of whatever sisterly love, it would seem like adding icing on the cake. In truth, whether it is offering help in times of need or adding icing on the cake, we sisters are merely sympathizing with each other in the same predicament.”


Fu Qiuning was taken aback by her words, but she couldn’t discern any clues despite scrutinising her younger sister’s expression. Although her heart whispered doubts towards her mind, she still smiled and asked, “Why do you say such things, Younger Sister? Previously, my Lord Husband told me that you married as a lesser concubine, but now, you have become a proper concubine. This is indeed a good thing. Why would you bring up the idea of sympathizing with each other?”


Fu Qiulian smiled faintly and murmured, “A proper concubine? What’s the difference between being a lesser concubine and a proper concubine? To Lord Prince, I am nothing more than a fleeting novelty that can be thrown away after a few days. It is fortunate that this belly of mine is competent and I have managed to conceive. Otherwise, in the fierce competition within the Prince’s palace, where all the beauties vie for attention, when would it ever be my turn to become a proper concubine?”


Fu Qiuning’s face immediately lit up with joy. She stood up and said, “So Younger Sister has actually become pregnant? This is fantastic news. If you can give birth to a royal child for Prince Lie, why would you still worry about not receiving much of his love and favour?” Afterwards, she walked up to Fu Qiulian to examine her waist carefully and asked how many months along she was. Hearing that it was just over two months, she urged her sister to take good care of herself.


After the two sisters chatted away for a while, as the sun began to set, a matron entered the room and said, “Concubine has been away for quite some time, and this servant is afraid Lord Prince will start worrying. It would be better to return to the Palace early.” Upon hearing this, Fu Qiulian stood up, a trace of melancholy appearing on her face. She softly said, “Elder Sister, I should be going now. When I have some free time, I will come and visit Elder Sister again. If Elder Sister has the opportunity, I hope you can visit the palace as well and visit me. You know I have a lively personality, but now that I am confined to a secluded chamber, I feel terribly lonely.”


Fu Qiuning hurriedly agreed, immediately seeing Fu Qiulian off and watching the sedan chair depart before turning back. However, Yu Jie expressed doubt, “Madam, I have indeed seen this Sixth Miss when we were in the palace, but it seemed that her relationship with you wasn’t very deep. So why did she suddenly come over now? What does it mean?”


Fu Qiuning smiled and replied, “Do you understand the saying ‘Use the unchanging to prepare for ten thousand changes’? [2] Let’s not worry about her intentions. All will be well as long as we have no ulterior motives. We won’t plot against her, and we won’t let her plot against us either.” After saying that, she returned to her bedroom, leaned back on the couch, and let out a lazy stretch. “Really now, seeing this guest has indeed reawakened my weariness. We still have some time before the children finish school, so let me relax for a while.”


As soon as she finished speaking, a junior maid’s voice came from outside the door, “Madam, Concubine Huo has arrived.”

“Concubine Huo?”


Fu Qiuning sat up abruptly and first glanced at Yu Jie in confusion, then became irritated and said, “What’s happening today? It seems that the Heavenly Emperor doesn’t want me to rest. Yu Jie, go and check the almanac later to see if it is an inauspicious day for staying at home. It is a really odd day to have guests coming one after another while I am at home. This is truly peculiar.”


Yu Jie couldn’t help herself and wanted to laugh, but seeing her Madam’s annoyance, she dared not laugh and quickly accompanied Qiuning to the side hall. There, they saw Concubine Huo sitting and drinking tea. When she saw Qiuning coming out, she stood up, saluted, and smiled, “I have been busy lately and haven’t had a chance, but I have always intended to come and visit Madam. However, one thing after another kept coming up, and I couldn’t find any leisure time. That Second Madam Wan of ours, Madam should be well aware of what she is, right? Whenever I am noticed by her, if she does not stop bothering me until I comply, she would not be able to highlight her abilities. I woke up early today with much difficulty and a slight headache, told them I was ill, and finally obtained some free time to come visit this afternoon.”


Fu Qiuning smiled faintly, sat down at the main seat and calmly said, “If Younger Sister has a headache, you should rest quietly in your room. If you come here and then catch a cold on your way back later, the people who know your situation would say that Younger Sister came here on your own, but wouldn’t the people who do not know your situation think that I disregarded Younger Sister’s illness and even ordered you around? By then, won’t I appear more ruthless than Younger Sister Wan?”


Concubine Huo’s expression froze for a moment, and then she quickly followed up with a smile, “Madam, how can you say that? There will not be anyone who would think that way anymore. Since you moved to this Elegant Mansion, ai, well, not to mention now, let us talk about when you were in the Night Breeze Pavilion, would there even be anyone left in this estate that can find fault with you? Second Madam Wan caused trouble twice, yet how did it all end? My heart is as clear as a mirror on this matter. It is not just because Lord Husband dotes on Madam, but more so because you walk under the heavens with righteousness. As long as Madam walks the straight road and sits upright, what would you have to fear?”


While speaking, she reached out and took a box from the maid’s hand, smiling, “These are snacks my maternal family sent yesterday. They hired a pastry chef from the West, and when I ate them, they were indeed different from our snacks. It is not that they are better than ours, but they have their own unique flavour. I also gave two boxes to the Old Madam and Elder Madam in the afternoon, and they both said it was good.”


Although Concubine Huo’s status was not high, because her maternal family held a third-ranking official post in the capital, she often had the opportunity to visit places like the Health & Longevity Court, Madam Jiang’s residence and others. She didn’t have to be as cautious and restrained with her status as other people with her status in different noble families.


Upon hearing her words, Fu Qiuning felt as if she had been struck by lightning, her eyes filled with astonishment as she looked at the box.


Indeed, these Western pastries were a novelty. Because of Concubine Huo’s father’s position in the Ministry of Rites, overseeing the reception of foreign envoys and their tribute, he had more contact with people in that field. So, after he hired such a master and had these pastries made, he eagerly sent them to his daughter, hoping that she would secure her position in the dukedom and not end up like Concubine Xu, who was sent away to the village.

When the pastries were sent to the Old Madam’s, Madam Jiang’s, Jiang Wanying’s and other people’s rooms earlier, everyone found them remarkable, and they all praised the taste after trying them. So when Fu Qiuning showed surprise, Concubine Huo didn’t pay much attention. However, seeing Fu Qiuning’s expression as if she had been struck by lightning, it was hard not to be curious.


“Madam, Madam?”


Concubine Huo called out twice in succession before Fu Qiuning finally snapped back to reality. Seeing the other’s puzzled expression, she realized that she had lost her composure.

But then again, she also couldn’t be blamed for that. Previously, she had always believed that although the Great Ning Empire wasn’t too isolated, its interactions with countries across the ocean were very limited. Wasn’t the reason why the glass mirrors mentioned by Jin Fengju could fetch sky-high prices in the capital because there were very few merchants venturing out to conduct business in the West? How… how could such a lowly official’s household in the capital even manage to hire a Westerner to make pastries? This… Could it be that in this period, the exchanges between the West were actually frequent, but she had been sitting in her own little world in her home and remained oblivious to it all?

That didn’t sound correct either. This dukedom was incredibly wealthy, and if trade was truly frequent, there should be many Western objects in the estate, right? However, up till then, besides seeing the striking clocks in a few rooms and the occasional bottle filled with perfume, she had hardly seen anything else.


Pill Bug TL Notes:


[1]       《深宅谍影》            I couldn’t find an exact match. The closest I got was 《深宫谍影》<<Mystery in the Palace>>, a court costume drama produced in 2012. 宫 means palace while 宅 means residence, so I just swapped the names around.


[2]       以不变应万变            Chinese idiom, meaning: Things change from time to time. Pay attention to observing the changes when doing things, and not be surprised when things change. has a new Membership System!!

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