You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 192 – Concubine Huo
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Higher Level Wife – 192 – Concubine Huo

Chapter 192: Concubine Huo

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated by Pill Bug

Edited by Gumihou

Gumihou: Deleting all unnecessary mentions of JFJ since 2022. Also, from the sloppily structured sentences and stilted dialogues, it was clear that the author barely paid any attention when writing this chapter. Even the JFJ-littered sentences seemed more forced than usual.


After bidding farewell to the Empress Dowager and returning home, Fu Qiuning met with Old Madam Jin and Madam Jiang first before returning to Elegant Mansion. Aunt Yu was there to greet her with a smile, “A single trip takes a full day just like that. Really, even the royal family shouldn’t keep someone this busy. My heart was hanging all day, while Yu Jie and Jian Feng get to follow you. While it wasn’t so bad for them., it was only me who suffered. Tomorrow, have the two of them stay to look after the house while I accompany and attend to you. You must be served by someone you can rely on.”

Yu Jie and Jian Feng laughed in reply, “Go ahead, you’ll understand once you’re there. Truly, entering the palace feels like descending into a space as deep as the sea. Did you think we were always by Madam’s side? Don’t be silly, we only saw her late in the evening after spending the whole day being stifled in a room. We had nothing to do, but all that idleness made us restless. If you think this is a good job, you may try it tomorrow. We would much rather stay in the Elegant Mansion, watching the junior maids clean up the courtyard. You are soft-faced and kind-hearted, so you might not be able to tame them.”

Fu Qiuning [a] rolled her eyes at the maids’ antics. She clapped her hands for attention and said, “Right, enough of that. Has anyone stopped by when I was not at home?”

Yu Jie said, “The Young Marquis came by specifically to see Madam. When he saw that you were not here, he wanted to enter the palace and personally escort you back. However, Qiu Xia suddenly came over with news that the mistress of Clear Soft Pavilion was suffering from recurring chest pain. Therefore, the Master had no choice but to head to Clear Soft Pavilion. Before leaving, he bade this maid to ask when Madam plans to visit the palace residence to fetch Madam Concubine.”

[b] Yu Jie’s eyes practically sparkled as she relayed the message. Naturally, she knew the ‘Madam Concubine’ in question would be their Madam’s mother. Look how wonderful their Master was to their Madam! Is there any of the other women in the harem, no, has any other women ever been treated so well as their very own Madam? Isn’t their Young Marquis the absolute best of the best?

Fu Qiuning recalled her conversation with Jin Fengju the previous night and couldn’t help but sigh, “[a1] Perhaps later tomorrow after I have put in the hours for the performers. It would be best to pick her up as soon as possible before the Zhenjiang Palace people have recovered their senses.”

Aunt Yu smiled and said, “Madam Concubine will be delighted to know that you have been thinking of her. She must not have had many opportunities to move about after entering the palace. This would be a great opportunity for her to come out and experience the outside world a little. Oh yes, Concubine Huo also stopped by. She said that she noticed that Madam liked those Western pastries last time, so she brought another box. However, seeing that you were not here, she left without leaving a message.”

Fu Qiuning was wary, “What medicine is Concubine Huo carrying in her gourd? Why has she suddenly become so close to me? If it’s about sending pastries, any servant or matron could have done it. But she came herself. Both she and Concubine Xu used to be competitive, and even Jiang’shi might not have been able to suppress her in conversation. So why is she being so humble before me now?”

Aunt Yu laughed and said, “Perhaps it is due to Madam’s benevolent nature and, seeing how the Master doted upon you, Concubine Huo wishes to climb up on this big tree. Who could say?”

Fu Qiuning shook her head slowly and said, “Not necessarily…”

Before she could finish her sentence, a childish voice sounded from outside the door, “Aunt Yu, what do you know? When someone offers kindness for no reason, they plan to either rob or trick you. When you next see that Concubine Huo, just sweep her away with your biggest broom.”

Jin Zhenyi strutted in ahead of the twins and his sister, Jin Xiunan. His three siblings all wore a look of baffled exasperation on their faces.

After the children gave their greetings, Fu Qiuning turned to Jin Zhenyi. She smiled and said, “[a2] Regardless of the truth, appearance must be maintained. She is still your Third Mother, you know?”

Jin Zhenyi rolled his eyes and retorted, “Mother, [a2] I don’t believe you don’t want to chase Concubine Huo away with a broom. When you lived in the Night Breeze Pavilion before, didn’t you want to avoid trouble? But now, trouble comes knocking every day. Don’t tell me you like them coming here all the time?”

Ignoring the smart-mouthed child, Fu Qiuning turned to Jin Changfeng and asked, “Has Brother Yi been praised by the teacher at school today? Isn’t he being a little too cocky?” She glanced over at all the children and lowered her voice, “Listen here, you should know not to break the bridge before crossing the river. [1] Understand that I am not trying to scare you, but how long has it been since your mother has been sent to the village? Beware of your words and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Even here. [a2] Perhaps I should say, especially here.”

Jin Zhenyi fell silent, his eyes were filled with conflicting emotions. Fu Qiuning sighed to herself. Adults may think that children do not understand what is happening around them, but as a teacher of children, she could tell that children understand a whole lot more than adults would like to believe. In this noble household where superficial harmony has to be kept up and hidden motives guarded against, children grow up even faster and develop cunning out of sheer self-protection. It would be foolish to imagine any children in this kind of dirty household to have any innocence left after the age of three.

While she was lost in thought, Jin Changfeng said, “Today, the teacher said that Second Brother has shown improvement in both his calligraphy and studies. [a2] That is why he is so happy.”

Fu Qiuning nodded, “That is excellent, keep up the good work. [c] Remember, everything you learn, whether it is at school or outside, be it scholarly learning or martial arts, all belong to you, and no one can take it from you.” Then, she looked at Aunt Yu and said, “Is the food ready? If it is, let us eat first. I may return even later in the future, so there is no need to wait for me from now on. Make sure the children have their meals on time. Just keep some food for me when I return.”

After Aunt Yu accepted the order, Fu Qiuning continued, “Speaking of which, why are you still here? You are still a newly wedded person. I don’t want your mother-in-law to accuse you of neglecting your household. Yu Jie, have the kitchen pack some dishes and rice for Aunt Yu to bring home. As for you, there is no need for you to come early tomorrow. Elegant Mansion has more maids than we know what to do with. I shall also promote two maids into senior positions, so there is no need for you to be here all the time.”

Aunt Yu accepted the order agreeably and left. After their meal, Fu Qiuning oversaw the children’s homework. [a3] She noticed that whenever Jin Fengju looked over the children’s work, there would always be an inevitable air of gloom over the children after the Fengju Storm. Therefore, she had to make sure he did not ruin their self-confidence beyond repair. It would be good for Jin Zhenyi to receive praise from a third party and know that Jin Fengju’s approval is not everything.

“Come now, bring me your homework, all of you.”

When Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan first arrived, they hardly set foot into Fu Qiuning’s personal rooms aside from mealtimes. Now, however, they would enter freely to spend time there whenever they could, just like the twins. Although Fu Qiuning had told them that there was no need for them to greet her formally every day, they had started coming in to give their greetings before breakfast along with Jin Changfeng and Jin Changjiao. After breakfast, the four children would set out for school together. Although the time spent together was relatively short, it was clear that all four children had gotten a lot closer.

Perhaps due to the fatigue from the day, Fu Qiuning slept soundly that night. When Yu Jie woke her up early the next morning, she was so groggy she could hardly open her eyes.  It was not until she had splashed water on her face that she could fully open her eyes.

“Madam rarely sleeps so soundly like this. At first, the servants and Jian Feng hesitated to wake you up, but thinking that you have to go to the palace to pick up Madam Concubine, and deal with palace matters, they had to harden their hearts. Jian Feng is a cunning one, she doesn’t step forward in situations like these and instead pushes the responsibility of waking you on me. She said that since I have been with Madam for so long, any morning temper you have won’t be directed at me. Madam, listen, see how smart she is?”

Yu Jie continued to chatter on and on with an ingratiating smile on her face. Fu Qiuning eyed her longest-serving maid and could not help but sigh to herself. [a] This maid had been with Fu Qiuning since before her transmigration and was the one who had endured the longest. However, she was also one of the first to jump up for favour when Jin Fengju extended his gold leaf-laden hand. Not that she could blame the maid, who could be truly loyal to a master who could not even pay their servants a proper wage?

[a4] “You will be twenty this year, right? It’s about time you get married,” said Fu Qiuning off-handedly. “Unless you wish to stay by my side until you become an old maid.”

Yu Jie gasped dramatically, “Is Madam really annoyed with me? It wasn’t as if this maid woke you up early on purpose. Wasn’t it because there was no other choice? Why bring up such things now and talk about them? It’s so embarrassing.” She even stomped her foot and pouted.

Fu Qiuning thought: Yes, somehow, everyone in this household is addicted to fits of dramatics. Jin Zhenyi is just a little bit more obvious than most.

Eventually, the children came by to pay their respects. Jin Changfeng dithered for a little while before saying, “Mother, will you be going to the palace again today? When will the task be over? Mother even has bruises under your eyes. How can anyone be ordered to labour like this?”

Fu Qiuning smiled faintly, “Bruises? I suppose, considering how I am being beaten from all sides to work on this thing, these dark circles could be considered bruises. We only have four months left until the All Nations Cultural Festival, and I have to teach a group of performers how to sing and dance, ensure the orchestra plays the right music and so forth. Fortunately, the performers are very motivated, and the musicians are excited and self-sufficient. Otherwise, I really don’t know how I would survive this task.

There is no need to worry about me. Focus on your own studies and be sure to stay out of trouble. Step back when you should, but never let anyone cross your bottom line. As brothers and sisters living under my name, you must be united against outsiders. Keep your private quarrels within these walls, is that clear?”

Jin Zhenyi grumbled, “In the end, Mother just doesn’t want us to make trouble for you.” He sounded belligerent, but still addressed her as Mother, so no one took his mutterings seriously.

“There are times when we have to deal with a problem right away to avoid a bigger mess in the future. However, it takes time and experience to know which trouble needs to be dealt with immediately, and which ones will dissipate when ignored,” Fu Qiuning said with a mysterious smile. “It would be best if you practice recognising them now.”

After the children had left for school, she changed into her palace outfit and was about to leave when a chorus of “Greetings, Young Marquis” and “Young Marquis has arrived” was heard. She sighed to herself: Well, here’s a problem that cannot be dealt with immediately nor dissipate when ignored.

Before she could lament her life further, Jin Fengju pulled the beaded curtain aside and entered.


[Gumihou: Author worked hard to scatter bits of JFJ into the text while Gumi worked hard to take them out]


[a] Reduce cutesy moments with maids, because they are basically extensions of JFJ’s influence, even though we’re supposed to pretend they are loyal to FQN. Delete all ‘covert’ mentions of JFJ

[a1] Delete long-winded ‘hubby so good to me’ line in which FQN forgot about her own mother but ‘hubby remembers~~~’

[a2] Just… delete all unnecessary mentions of JFJ, because Actual Qiuning would rather not think about that stain in her life

[a3] Special mention of JFJ’s shit teaching method

[a4] Deleted the special ‘JFJ is wonderful and special for not making my maids his concubines uwu’ speech by AR Qiuning

[b] Make the maid’s obvious brown nosing and JFJ support more obvious. Honestly, the language used here is so bland that it was like no effort went into it at all.

[c] Replaced some generic ‘don’t lose yourself in happiness kyaa’ with advice Gumi’s father gave to her. Readers, remember that the knowledge that you’ve earned will always belong to you and no one can take it away. So, learn what you can while you can.


Pill Bug TL Notes:


[1]       不等过河便要拆桥    The original idiom is 过河拆桥, “breaking the bridge after crossing the river” AKA pulling up the ladder behind you. Jin Zhenyi is jumping the shark, trying to throw Concubine Huo under the bus even before he gets to fully enjoy all the benefits, lol. has a new Membership System!!

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Melissa

    I like the premise too. So this was what started all this joy. As long as you keep doing mukodasan and this I’m happy. I just want to know what happens with this one, like I know this is a train wreck but I can’t look away. I must know!

  2. Melissa

    And rooster of course must come to see his beloved toy though because of him has too much to do. Thank you so much for your hard work. Without your cleaning this up I would have left this novel a long time ago. Now we will find what the rooster wishes to boast about. Yes yes hello you want to feel better. Sorry I’m now too busy for the likes of you. Good luck with the happy grateful expression you were expecting. I’m glad our girl is taking care of the kids in her care well though she is so busy. Now the greatest child has decided to take on an appearance. Go get him girl!

    1. Gumihou

      I really don’t look forward to the moment when the children become a huge lump of ‘Daddee bestest! Daddee greatest!’ or worse ‘Ori moms are no moms!’

    2. Gumihou

      I stuck with this novel because I love the premise. Also, their novel is the one that sucked me into this whole translation thing in the first place, so I want to see this project to its bitter end. Well, unless it goes waaayyy too weird.

      Also, I just noticed my list of ‘Dropped’ novels are longer than my Japanese or Chinese ones…

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