You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 213 – News
Young Chinese women in Chinese traditional costume plucking classical musical instruments

Higher Level Wife – 213 – News

Chapter 213: News

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated by Gumihou

Proofread by Pill Bug

Gumihou: The author had probably ‘accidentally’ included the girls for the trip. Come, Jiao’er, protest this.


Early the next morning, even before the sun had risen, sounds of chirping and cackling could be heard in the courtyard. Jin Fengju rolled over, still half asleep. He said, “When did you move your ducks and chickens here? Their chattering is so noisy, are they not afraid of disturbing their masters to death?”

Fu Qiuning rolled away, murmuring, [1] “If you hate them, you can move somewhere quieter.”

Jin Fengju coughed. He immediately stretched and carefully hugged Fu Qiuning from behind and said, “No, no, you’re right. That can’t be the sound of our birds chattering. There is no way that our birds would be so boorish.”

Fu Qiuning could not be bothered to entertain his nonsensical ramblings and remained silent.

Suddenly, he fiercely cried out, “It’s that group of bear children! Why are they so noisy so early in the morning? You listen carefully, isn’t this noise made by those children?”

Fu Qiuning opened her eyes reluctantly. [1] It was clear that the man had no intention of letting her sleep in peace. She sighed and sat up, “If you have woken up, go and get ready for court.”

Evading his groping hands, she slipped out of bed to call for the maids to bring in hot water and other grooming items. Jian Feng beamed and said, “Was Madam woken up by the young masters’ and young misses’ voices? Even before the sky had brightened, this maid saw them getting up. They had been relatively quiet until a knock at the door and in came Young Master Xuan, Second Young Miss, Fourth Young Miss and Fifth Young Miss. After getting together, the children started laughing and chattering together.”

“Brother Xuan and other young misses are here?” Fu Qiuning asked in surprise.

Jiang Feng nodded, but before she could say anything else, Jin Fengju snorted, “What is this nonsense? Brother Xuan’s presence is still excusable, but what are the girls doing here? They may be young enough to avoid scandalous entrapment, but no matter what, they are still young girls from a noble family. Not to mention, even if we bring them out, I cannot look after them.”

Fu Qiuning raised an eyebrow, [1] “Look after them? You?” she allowed the pause to lengthen, but when it was clear that he was only bewildered by her sudden frosty demeanour with no understanding of his own misogynistic words, she sighed and said, “Just have their maids look after them. There is no need for you to exert yourself in any way.”

[1a] For a moment, Jin Fengju felt as though he had misstepped somehow, but for the life of him, he could not put his finger on what he had done. Now and then, Fu Qiuning would sometimes look at him with cool eyes that seemed to expect nothing from him. It made him long to get her to smile more and look at him with approval, but the best he could do thus far was a look of vague indifference.

Hesitantly, he asked, “Do you… want the girls to come with us?”

[2] “… …” It was one thing for young masters to go out. They would be cared for and watched by the servants for fear that their masters would take their lives if they lost the ‘boy of the family’. However, could the same be said for girls? Not to mention, they would be seated with the Emperor and Empress Dowager. It was one thing to bring the boys and the minimal number of attendants, but if Jin Fengju were to bring the girls with him along with their attendants and take up more than their share of seats… who knows what the people would say? Not that she really cared one way or another, but it would certainly be more trouble than it’s worth.

“Jiao’er is already making noise about coming with us, so, maybe…”

There was a troubled look on Fu Qiuning’s face. If she were to push it, she could probably get his daughters’ seats, but that would take effort. Not to mention, if he couched it as something she had ‘requested’, she would be required to pay for that ‘favour’ one day.

No, it would not do to owe this man’s favours.

“No need, I expect there will be shops and stalls set up within the Lingji Palace to make the place even more lively. The sisters can get their brothers to bring something back for them.”

Jin Fengju was wiping his face and hands with a white, mulberry silk towel with a smile of relief. “That’s right, as good brothers, they should bring little souvenirs home for their sisters. What’s more, aside from these little brats, there’s also Brother Yun from Eldest Brother’s side as well as Brother Yue from Second Sister’s side. Hehe, with so many monkeys around, if something were to happen, do you think I could ever atone for it even with death?”

Brother Yun was Jin Zhenyun, Jin Pengzhan’s son. Since they all stayed at the main estate, Old Madam Jin had been looking out for them. With such an exciting thing happening, Jin Fengju could not just take care of his own many sons and neglect the nephews around the same age, lest he be accused of showing favours.

By the time he was done washing up, Jian Feng had arrived with bowls of congee as well as a selection of side dishes. Jin Fengju elegantly ate his breakfast in a hurry before saying, “I will go to court now. Send someone for Brother Yun and Brother Yue later. Once I am done with court, I shall send a representative to escort everyone.”

Fu Qiuning nodded as she helped him into an autumn-coloured velvet cloak. After he left, she had Jian Feng prepare extra congee for the children since they had more children over.

[2a] Once breakfast was over, it was time to break the news. For a moment, Fu Qiuning cursed Jin Fengju in her mind for misleading the girls like that and leaving her to break the news to these poor girls.

[2a] “Mother? Is something the matter?” asked the ever-sensitive Jin Changfeng.

[2a] “There is… a small matter,” said Fu Qiuning. The children all tensed. Jin Zhenyi had that stubborn mutinous look on his face again.

[2a] “Are we still going?” Jin Changjiao asked anxiously. She had been very excited the night before and was awake even before her brother.

[2a] “It has been decided that some of you will go, while some of you will stay back,” said Fu Qiuning. She allowed the children (Jiao’er and Zhenyi mainly) to wail and cry out for a moment. Jin Zhenxuan’s slightly animated little face took on its usual gloomy countenance again.

[2a] “Now, now,” said Fu Qiuning. “I worked hard to negotiate this with your father over this, but with so many strangers at the location, there is no way to guarantee everyone’s safety. Therefore… only the boys will go.”

[2a] Even as Jin Zhenyi’s hearty cheer echoed through the room, Jin Changjiao’s wail of despair shook the rafters. The other girls were… there was this dumb look of apathetic resignation on their faces that made Fu Qiuning very uncomfortable. Girls in this patriarchal era must have suffered a lot, having to give way to their brothers on everything.

[2a] When the cheering and wailing subsided a little, Fu Qiuning said, “However, since your sisters have to stay back for your sake, as brothers, you must compensate them.”

[2a] The children looked at each other in bewilderment. Compensate? Compensate what?

[2a] Jin Changfeng stepped forward. Instead of speaking to his mother, he said to Jin Changjiao, “Sister, I know that you must be looking forward to this, how about I exchange places with you…”

[2a] “No! You must be looking forward to this too!” Jin Changjiao cried. “No, it’s, it’s fine. Didn’t Mother say that there will be lots of stalls at the palace? Buy something nice for me.”

[2a] “Of course,” said Jin Changfeng, “I’ll buy you something nice with my own money.”

[2a] “Me, me too!” Jin Zhenyi said loudly. “I’ll buy you something, Sister!”

[2a] Jin Xiunan, whose expression had stiffened earlier, relaxed into a small smile.

[2a] Jin Zhenxuan said nothing, but he grasped Jin Xiuzhen’s hand tightly.

[2a] The other two girls who had no brothers with them, held each other’s hand and kept their eyes down. Fu Qiuning swept her gaze over the children twice before saying, “This is a rare and special occasion for all of you. Young masters, all the young misses here are your sisters, yes? As proper brothers, shouldn’t you bring souvenirs for all your sisters?”

[2a] “This…” Jin Zhenxuan started.

[2a] However, he was interrupted by Jin Zhenyi’s enthusiastic, “Yes! Of course! Mother is right!” Jin Zhenyi then beamed at Jin Changjiao, “I’ll buy you something good to eat!”

[2a] Jin Changjiao exchanged a quick glance with Jin Xiunan before quickly declaring, “What? Am I your only sister?”

[2a] “Of course, I’ll buy something for my other sisters too!”

Soon, the noise devolved into happy chatter as the sisters got together to talk about what they wanted their brothers to buy for them.

Seeing the slightly chaotic scene, Fu Qiuning sighed a private sigh of relief.

Before she could fully relax, a maid called from the outside, “Eldest Madam is here.” Fu Qiuning got to her feet and saw He’shi enter with Jin Zhenyue.

He’shi smiled and said, “When Second Master informed us yesterday that he would be taking Brother Yue to Lingji Palace today, the boy was so excited that he could hardly sleep a wink all night. Yo, everyone’s here. Looks like they have all gathered here thanks to Second Master’s announcement. Yi? Let me see, looks like nearly everyone is here. Tsk, tsk, and Brother Feng is now taking charge of everyone like the serious leader he is, how admirable.”

Fu Qiuning smiled and said, “The boys are taking some souvenir orders from their sisters. Since the girls could not go, as brothers, they should bring something back for their sisters. How about asking your girl if she would like something for later?”

He’shi laughed and said, “No need, no need, I believe your boy has collected quite the comprehensive list.” She turned to Jin Zhenyue and said, “You take a look at Brother Feng’er’s list and pick out some things that your brother and sister may like. They are still young and easily pleased, so you should have an easy time of it.”

[3] Fu Qiuning was not quite sure what to make of this He’shi’s dismissive behaviour and weird insinuations. Was she trying to imply something? Who knows? However, Fu Qiuning could not be bothered to allocate too many brain cells to this matter. If she grew paranoid at every weird insinuation, life would become very difficult.

Later, Concubine Han from Jin Pengzhan’s household also arrived with Jin Zhenyun. Fu Qiuning barely saw all these random sisters-in-law except at Old Madam Jin’s place. Even then, they mostly just exchanged greetings and sat around to laugh together at Old Madam Jin’s jokes. Aside from the odd jab or two, there were no serious harem intrigue actions from them. Not to mention, since she usually avoids giving her salutations whenever she could help it, it was rare for her to meet with them.

Concubine Han smiled and said, “Look how thin your face is. You must have worked so hard. That Fengju really doesn’t know how to properly take care of you.”

Naturally, Fu Qiuning gave an obligatory trill of laughter at this joke before inquiring whether Han’shi and He’shi had breakfast yet. When they answered in the affirmative, she had the kitchen send in several plates of light snacks, ostensibly for the ladies, but they were mostly eaten by the children.

A short while later, Jin Ming called, “Madam, the Master has reached the gate. This servant is here to escort the young masters to the carriage.”

“The carriage? Can’t we all ride our horses there?” Jin Zhenyi muttered.

Fu Qiuning resisted the urge to knock the child on the head, “And what of your servants and attendants? You can ride a horse wherever you want once you’ve reached thirteen years old. Take the carriage or stay home.”

Naturally, Jin Zhenyi chose to take the carriage. He properly got into a carriage with his other brothers. Once the children left, Concubine Han and [4] He’shi stayed a little longer to chat. He’shi laughed and said, “Brother Yi has become a lot more sensible after coming to sister-in-law’s place. Otherwise, who knows what kind of tantrum he would have thrown just to have his way.”

Fu Qiuning smiled politely back and said, “A mother’s love is depthless. Otherwise, the saying that a mother spoils their child would not exist.”

At this time, Yu’shi and Luo’shi also appeared to chat with the other ladies for a while. After a lively chatter with light jabs scattered through the laughter, He’shi and Concubine Han finally left. After a while, Fu Qiuning accompanied her mother to Health & Longevity Court for a little chat to remind Elder Madam of Yu’shi’s existence before leaving for the Jin Estate next door where the performers were working on some final preparations for the <<Celestial Couple>>.

Official Lin enthusiastically said, “Madam, the preparations are all done. We are only waiting to perform this much anticipated <<Celestial Couple>>. This opera will definitely be a great favourite and beat all the competition!”

On the makeshift stage in the garden, dancers and musicians swayed and fluttered according to the music in their practice costumes. Fu Qiuning watched them for a while and said, “I have done my best. Official Lin has done your best as well, along with all the dancers, singers and costume makers involved in this opera. [5]”

[5] Indeed, as the saying goes, ‘10 years of hard work just to perform 10 minutes on stage’ proves to be true here as well. She had taught them her skills, and guided them whenever she could, but had mostly allowed them to grow the opera on their own terms. The protagonist of the <<Celestial Couple>> was a rare talent. Fu Qiuning had enough talent to know that this girl surpassed her in terms of singing, dancing and performance. If she had existed in the modern world, she would probably be known as a great star. [5a] Fu Qiuning had no idea how singers and dancers were treated there, but if possible, she would like to be the patron of these promising girls and support them in their art.

Official Lin was very pleased and proud to hear Fu Qiuning praise the performers and musicians. She nodded and said, “The girls on this stage are all carefully chosen by the Imperial Cultural Studies Department. All of them have top-notch singing and dancing skills. However, I think those musicians are even more amazing! To think that they could compose such complex music based on Madam’s singing alone is too incredible!”

“Isn’t it so? They must be commended for their skills,” Fu Qiuning agreed. The musicians to the left and right of the stage had reconstructed the music based on the melody of her singing and managed to create something that was similar to Huangmei Opera, yet wholly theirs. It was at once a thrilling, yet humbling experience for her to be a part of this opera.

“Madam is such a great genius. What a pity that we can no longer get along with Madam day and night once the All Nations Cultural Festival is over,” sighed Official Lin. She coughed and forced a smile, “Look at what I’m saying! How could such depressing words pass through my lips at such a time? Who knows, maybe the Emperor and Empress Dowager would ask us to perform again, with Madam as the guest of honour. Who can say for sure, right?”

Official Lin looked like she was genuinely disappointed about not being able to see Fu Qiuning again. She thought for a moment and smiled, “I fear that Official Lin may one day be sick and tired of seeing my face. The Empress Dowager had expressly ordered me to create more of these operas and I have foolishly complied. In the future, I shall have to trouble Official Lin again. We may have no choice but to work together for a long time.”

Official Lin looked stunned.

It took her a few moments to digest the news, and when that finally happened, she sprang to her feet to grab Fu Qiuning’s hands, having completely forgotten all about status and propriety. “Truly? Is this true? Madam will continue to guide us in the future? Heavens, ah. This… this is too excellent! I, but of course, how could I be so foolish? If Madam is a genius who could craft one excellent opera, of course, she could craft even more! Her Majesty the Empress Dowager is such a great lover of operas that she would of course wish to hear more of it! Goodness, Madam, ah… this… this is so very excellent!”


[Gumihou: Naturally, I redid Fu Qiuning’s final speech in this chapter.]


[1] Destroy cute scenes between JFJ and AR Qiuning with realism. Go facts! Go reality!

[1a] Result of being punched in the face by reality

[2] Give a realistic, if bleak, reason for not letting the girls come with them. None of this smoothed over, tee hee~ iyaan~~ attitude.

[2a] Replaced the line below with an entire scene

At this moment of joy, the children had put aside all their usual quarrels. The girls were thinking hard and doing their best to search for the things they wanted from their brothers.

Yeah, nope

[3] It is unclear whether He’shi was meant to be sarcastic or just a badly written ‘good-hearted’ person.

[4] Typo, a wild ‘Liu’shi’ suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Han’shi ‘left’ the place twice.

[5] Deleted some condescending remark that was basically ‘wow, these ancients are so talented, too bad they are not in the modern world’ that was probably meant to make FQN look sensitive and enlightened, but just came off like an asshole.

Check out this gem: It was a pity that she was born at the wrong time. In ancient times, one had no choice but to be an actress and a dancer.

Like, why is it a pity?

[5a] Have FQN think of supporting these girls as a patron instead of pitying them like vermin.



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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Melissa

    Rooster- why are the ducks and chicken so near to us to wake us?
    Our beloved lady – if they bother them move them yourself.
    Rooster – its the kids honey
    Time to get up
    Oh looks like the girls thought they were going to they may come for a price…
    Not necessary.
    Why are you so indifferent?
    You need to ask?

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