You are currently viewing Vending Machine – 148 – Full Throttle
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Vending Machine – 148 – Full Throttle

Chapter 148: Full Throttle


Author: Hirukuma

Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou

Hirukuma: With the number of characters increasing, I think a gentle development is better when it comes to showcasing their characteristics.

Now that we had captured the enemy general and secured her for transport, we decided to return to the Dark Forest village.

As we made our way back, the once lush and overgrown forest was no more. All that was left were charred trees and ash, turning the once green (if a little gloomy) forest into a black-and-white world.

The raging flames had finally consumed everything, eventually dying down as it ran out of fuel.

“Once again, we won’t be able to make use of this floor for a good few decades,” sighed the humanoid form of condensed darkness. The Director of Darkness sighed again as he surveyed the scene around him.

Perhaps due to the atmosphere of gloom surrounding him, but even the eye-searingly gold coat seemed a little faded. Though we could not see the expression on his entirely pitch-black face, there was a sense of loneliness about him.

“Don’t be discouraged… although, I imagine it’s easier said than done, at least all of the inhabitants here should have been moved to Clearflow Lake. You may take some comfort in that at least,” said Director Bear.

“Much obliged, Director of Clearflow Lake,” said the Director of Darkness. His excessively high-spirited tone sounded unusually subdued.

Well, of course, he would feel down. The floor he was responsible for had been razed to this pitiful state. It would probably take decades for this level to return to its normal state. Monsters would cease to appear, which meant that there was no reason for hunters to visit this floor.

“I wonder if everyone managed to evacuate properly?” said Ramis.

“If it’s those Big Eaters, they should have arrived several hours ahead of the fire. With their sense of smell and hearing, they would be able to search out anyone who had gone into hiding and lead them to safety,” said Hyurumi reasonably.

“Yes, that’s right,” said Ramis as she hugged herself, her large bosom plumped up over her arms.

Despite her small stature, she effortlessly carried me on her back. Because of this, I could feel it when her back trembled from anxiety. Hyurumi must have sensed it as well because she purposefully spoke her thoughts out loud. It was probably for the Director of Darkness’ sake as well.

She may have a rather crude way of speaking sometimes, but I know that she is really kind at heart and protective of the people around her, in an older sister kind of way. The way she shyly scratched her milk tea-coloured hair was proof of her true feelings.

It had been a week since we had left the village, but we barely covered much distance since we had to take out the huge trees in the way. The Big Eaters would have an obstacle-free path back to the village. If they run at full speed, they should reach the village in less than half a day.

From there on, all they would need to do is explain the situation to the hunters, help them locate villagers who had turned into trees, and activate the teleportation circle that would send everyone who used it to the Clearflow Lake Floor.

The Director of Darkness had also shown us a map of the village, with marks showing areas where villagers that had transformed into trees were located. So, I think it should not take them long to collect everyone, especially since most of the people there would be hunters. Even if there were any sort of panic on the [1] part of the children or elderly, I’m sure the Big Eaters’ cute appearance should calm most people down.

“We’ve done all that we can, there’s no point fretting over it now. I’m sure there’s nothing more we could have done,” said an elderly voice. It was Grandpa Shimurai.

“Indeed, we have done our part, now all we can do is await fate’s hand,” said Granny Yumite.

The wisdom and experience resonated within their voices. That’s right, this old couple has tasted life’s ups and downs many times over, and though their words have a certain fatalistic tone to it, it was also profound and kind in their own way.

Both were dressed in Japanese-like kimono clothing, which made me question their origins. Since both were dressed in clothes similar to traditional Japanese garb, surely it means that there exists a land somewhere out there with a culture that was similar to Japan or that there was someone else, like myself and Mister Field, who had transmigrated from distant past Japan to this place.

“Besides, it’s possible that everyone has left this floor safely right?” chirped Shui. “As long as you’re alive, anything could be overcome. Even if you lost everything else, so long as you have yourself, it will all be fine!”

These words were more meaningful from someone who grew up in an orphanage, compared to someone who had lived most of their life in peaceful Japan. Shui looked like a young boy at first glance with her short hair, however, I can say for sure that she has the body of a fine young woman, because I have already seen her naked once.

“So long as a person has feet and shoes on, they can keep walking no matter how difficult the path.”

This profound remark came from Hevoy, the shoe fetish. Although, since it was part of his fetish, it was less profound and more suspicious. Still, despite his weird hobby, he maintained the look of an ideal, kindly, handsome cleric in his white robes and cloak. Unfortunately, this pure image has a shoe-fetish pervert hidden underneath it.

“That’s right, we cannot give up. So long as we have a will, there’s always a way,”



Kikoyu looked sweet and adorable all bundled up in her white coat as she nodded repeatedly to herself at her little kernel of wisdom. Botan and Kuroyata interjecting their own little responses made it even more adorable.

Although she looks like a small girl, her age must be closer to Ramis’, or maybe even older. As for her pets, or maybe I should call them her companions, Botan is a white Unasus that looked very much like a white boar with a horn sticking out from its forehead. It was also far more powerful than the rest of the Unanus found in this place.

As for Kuroyata, I have learned that he was a type of called Kirise. Similar to a crow but for its three eyes and three legs. Despite its unusual appearance, it inspired no fear. It was actually quite intelligent for a bird with its sharp cunning gaze. In fact, I would say that the intelligence level of these two creatures was about as high as regular humans.

The girl and her animal companions travelled with us in order to find a way to save Mister Field, the other transmigrator from Japan. I would love to meet and chat with him one day. 

“Indeed, there is no point worrying about things that we have no control over. Let us hasten back,” Director Bear fell to all fours, clearly preparing to sprint.

Ramis bent her knees slightly in a ready position. It was already impressive enough that she could move around so casually with a vending machine on her back. To think that she could run so nonchalantly while carrying me was quite mind-boggling.

“Could you run a little faster, Botan?”

“Buh-fo-buh-fa!” Botan grunted and pawed the ground. It appeared eager to rush forward. 

The cart he was pulling was specially made to carry great load and volume. Hevoy, Shui, Kikoyu, the elderly couple, Director of Darkness and Hyurumi were all seated inside the cart. There was also Kayorings, the subordinate of the King of the Netherworld. Naturally, she was bound up with special ropes due to her ghost-like being. Aside from taking up a little more space, at least she doesn’t add much to the weight of the card.

Oh, but the cart also contained two of the unused barrels of herbicide. The others had been discarded to make room for people to sit in the cart.

At some invisible signal, everyone simultaneously starts off. The first to gain an advantage was our gentleman bear, the Director of Clearflow Lake. Although he usually walks on two legs, he could gain serious speed when running on all fours.

A few meters behind and pursuing in earnest was comrade Ramis. Despite the extraordinary handicap of having a heavy vending machine on her back, she was running faster than any regular person.

Just when I thought Director Bear would keep his advantage, Botan, who had fallen behind earlier, surged forward like a white bullet.

His starting form was sluggish, but he steadily picked up the pace and was now slowly closing the distance.

With the loaded cart behind him, he likely had a handicap that was as heavy, or even heavier than Ramis’. Yet, as if to demonstrate the powerful leg strength of a wild animal, he continued to gain more ground.

“No way! We’ll lose at this rate!”

It felt like watching a live race with everyone competing fiercely against one another. Ramis certainly has no intention of losing.

If I were to change form to <Cardboard Vending Machine> now, it would reduce her load almost instantly. However, I only have a total transformation time of two hours. Even if I helped her gain distance by changing form, it would only be a temporary reprieve. Instead, I decided to remove the products from my body.

Thus, all the loaded plastic bottles and cans were temporarily removed from the vending machine into an unknown space.

Just the products alone could weigh up to several hundred kilos. An empty vending machine weighs about 400 kilos, but when fully loaded, depending on the products, it could weigh up to 800 kilos.

“Ah! It’s a lot lighter! Thanks, Hakkon!”


It is natural for me to help you as your partner. In fact, it is an honour.

As a vending machine, I could not walk or move alone. However, once I met Ramis, my world suddenly expanded.

I am who I am today because of her.

Therefore, even though this was just a friendly race, I cannot let Ramis lose. By working together, our victory is certain.

“U-uwaahhhhh—!! H-hey, isn’t this too fast!?” Hyurumi screamed.

“Botan! Hey, Botan, there’s no need to run like this. Are you listening, Botan?” Kikoyu was trying to coax Botan into slowing down to no avail.

As though driven by something, Botan kept his gaze fixed forward, running as though his life depended on it. Or, perhaps he was driven forward by some wild streak running through his blood? Could this be why we have the saying ‘Rushing forward like a wild boar’?

The elderly couple and the Director of Darkness sat back with their beverages, which had been purchased from me by the way, and casually chatted with each other. Such poise must come with experience, I guess.

Hevoy looked calm, but I saw the bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. Shui, on the other hand, was waving her fist about enthusiastically and cheering, “Go, go, go!”

Not to be outdone, Director Bear picked up speed. Despite being a Director, it looked like his competitive streak had been triggered and his hunter’s pride would not allow him to back down easily.

Kuuh— at this rate, Ramis might actually lose! If that’s the case, I may have to disrupt the opponent with a ‘Cola Splash [1]’! However, that would be too unsportsmanlike-like, considering how earnestly everyone was competing. Let’s just sit back and watch quietly.

We have covered quite a distance. Eventually, through the ashes, the scorched but still-standing gate came into sight.

Ramis, Botan and Director Bear exchanged a quick glance and nodded.

Looks like they came to some unspoken agreement to treat that gate as their goal. I wonder just how they came to this conclusion so quickly.

Everyone made their final sprint. Despite the distance they had already covered, everyone seemed to have some last bit of stamina for that final bit of run.

Inside the cart, Kikoyu and Hyurumi were clinging desperately to the sides, clearly frightened about being thrown off. I guess that the old man must be shielding them somehow with his magic.

There was only 10 metres left to the gate. Now is the best time to transform into the <Cardboard Vending Machine>!

The weight on her back disappeared all at once, releasing Ramis from the shackles of the heavy burden of carrying me. However, the sudden lightness caused Ramis to lose her balance and… she took a spectacular tumble.


Ramis… hit the floor with her face and slid forward with me on her back. Sorry Ramis, I have miscalculated. Hopefully, your superstrength means you’ll be alright, but let’s have Granny or Hevoy look at you later.

Now that Ramis had collapsed thanks to my carelessness, it became a one-on-one battle between Botan and Director Bear.

The goal was just a few steps away. For the moment, Botan has the advantage thanks to his horn. Is Botan’s victory assured?

As if to mock my predictions, a black bullet whooshed over Botan and Director Bear’s heads and flashed over the finish line.

“What the- Kuroyata!”

I had completely forgotten about Kuroyata, but it looked like the crow had been with us in the race from above.

After crossing the line, Kuroyata made slow elegant loops overhead, looking down as Director Bear and Botan crossed the finish line. Then, there was Ramis and I, sprawled on the ground.

“Only a bird would swoop in for the best bits like this.”

The competition concluded with the Director of Darkness’ comment.

[Gumihou: Well, that was interesting]

[1] Cola Splash – when I Googled this, it just gave me pictures of ‘a splash of cola’, I guess, it could be distracting? has a new Membership System!!

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