You are currently viewing Vending Machine – 160 – Missing

Vending Machine – 160 – Missing

Chapter 160: Missing


Author: Hirukuma

Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou


Business was booming and the customers came in waves, leaving me a without no moment of respite.

At first, most people just watched from afar while Ramis demonstrated how to properly use a vending machine to buy products. [1] I think the way she happily gulped down the sports drink with a refreshing ‘puha!’ that spurred the first wave of people forward. After that, I had no peace until late night.

I had thought about whether to include food among my list of sales, but for now, beverages appeared to be the most popular item, so let’s go with that for the moment.

Next time, I should find some space for Ice-cream and Kakigoori or Shaved Ice. I’m sure it will be a hit among these people.

“Thank you for your hard work today, Hakkon,” said Ramis. She had been standing beside me all day, patiently showing the newcomers how to use my services and explaining the types of things for sale. Even though she had been here all day, she looked barely sunburned.

Looks like the sunscreen worked really well. It pays to get better quality products.

“Thank you”

“What do you want to do next? Shui has run off somewhere. Hmm, shall we go check out the magic tool shop that sold those shoes?”

What should we do indeed? We have already received information on the exact location of the shop, but would it still be open at this hour? I noticed that in this ‘other world’ most shops, aside from adult shops, tended to close their doors just before nightfall. Then again, [1] there is a possibility that it could be open since some people may want to catch off-hours customers.

“Shall we go for a walk and check it out?”

That’s right. There is no harm in going for a walk and taking a look at the place. The security in this place seems good. Even if something tries to attack us, Ramis and I are good enough as a team to fend them off. Even if the shops aren’t open, we won’t lose anything from taking a stroll together. That’s right, let’s check out the place first.

Also, now that the ‘sun’ had gone down, the temperature had gotten quite chilly. It would be great for Ramis to move her body around a bit and warm up.


“Un, let’s go!”

I was hoisted casually to her back, as usual. I had already taken for granted that I would be carried around on her back. Even so, as we travelled through the streets of the Scorching Sand village, I thought it would be nice to return the favour and carry Ramis on my back once I turned back into a human.

Now that night had fallen upon the village, it was quiet and dark, with the occasional light streaming out from doorways and windows.

This made me realise just how brightly lit Japan’s night skies were. Here, once we entered an alleyway with no street lights, we could barely see a metre ahead of us.

To counter this, I turned on the vending machines’ lights to the maximum and our surrounding area lit up nicely.

“Thanks Hakkon, I can walk more easily now that I can see my feet clearly.”

Ramis usually carries me in a way so that we’re back to back. Which must made it look like she has a halo shining out of her. However, now that she needed light, I could switch myself around to light her path instead.

I’m really glad that I could be of help.

The street here looked like a craftsman area. Despite the late hour, various sounds still echoed around us. The clink-clang of metal being struck and the smell of burning fuel filled the air. We could even hear apprentices being scolded for whatever reasons.

“I did hear that craftsmen often work till late at night. Looks like it’s really true, right? Hyurumi also works till dawn a lot of times. I wonder, do people who like to create things are similar?”

I understand that quite a few people find that their concentration increases at night. Maybe blacksmiths and people like them like to work through the night just to finish their projects. I remember watching a documentary about swordsmiths who would continue working on their project non-stop the moment they fired up the furnaces.

Also, could it be that since it’s much cooler at night on this floor, the smiths decided to do their work around this time?

“Let’s see, according to the map, the place should be right up this alley… ah, that’s it, right?”

She was pointing in the direction of a fine-looking stone building. There was a signboard, but I could not read it due to my lack of education. I may have memorised numbers, but characters are still a little beyond me.

“It says ‘magic tool shop’ so it must be here. Since the lights are on, so… I guess it’s fine to go in?”


Since it looked like Ramis was a little hesitant about disturbing the residence, I raised my voice when answering her. It would be a waste to have come all this way and not do anything, right?

“Um? Welcome?”

A young woman’s voice answered. She sounded young and a little puzzled through the door. Still, it was hard to gauge a person’s age through voice alone.

“Excuse me, may we come in?”

“Please do, please do.”

I wonder why she is speaking to us through the door without opening it?

When Ramis reached out to open the door, a small woman in a purple coat… or rather, a jacket similar to Hyurumi’s black striped coat, was standing there.

She was clutching her hands in front of her chest, eyes darting around nervously, not making eye contact at all. Was she shy?

Her hair was in the bob-cut style and under the purple striped jacket was a plain-looking kimono-style dress. Similar to the one worn by the elderly couple. It really suit her, the clothes I mean. However, I think, if she did not have that purple jacket on… with that bob-cut, she kind of resembles a…

A zashiki warashi!

[2] That is… a kind of house spirit that brings good fortune and riches.

Wow, now that I realised it, I can’t unsee it.

“Um, so, are you still open?”

“Yes, it’s fine. P-please do come, in.”

Wow, what a nervous way of speaking. Is it alright for someone like her to be at the front of the store?

She skulks around the counter and in corners, pretending to read a book while stealing glances at us. I think she looks more concerned about me than Ramis.

I think it’s fine to just come straight out and ask for information, but Ramis seems to want to take a look around the store first. I guess the conversation may go forward more easily after she purchased something.

There were all sorts of things scattered throughout the shop. Are they all magical devices?

One of the things that caught my eye was a metre-long corrugated hose with something that looked like a ball attached to both ends. Just what is it for, I wonder.

There was also another tool that looked like a compass with one of its ends that had a small pair of pruning scissor-like tips. The ones used for cutting small branches. If Hyurumi was here, she could probably explain everything to us. Once she reaches this floor, we ought to bring her here.

“Err, what kind of magical device is this?” Ramis asked as she picked up the hose.

“Ah, that, um. Well, you put this end in a bathtub and the end in a bucket. Water from the bath would be filtered and clean water is collected in the bucket.”

So, a water filtration system? Sounds like a useful gadget for emergencies.

Also, since this place is so hot, I guess it makes sense for people to bathe in cold water. This tool may have been created so that the bathwater could be reused.

“That sounds really useful!”

“Um, well, it hasn’t been selling well since… no one wants to drink bath water…”

I suppose that makes sense. Even if the water had been cleaned, the idea of drinking bath water can’t be appealing. It’s perfectly normal for people to be repulsed by this idea.

“S-still, since it looks like it could be handy during emergencies. I’ll take it!”

“T-thank you. Business has been looking up lately, you are my third new customer.”

Ramis immediately reacted to the shopkeeper’s words. Even as we watch her pack the magic tool into a bag, [1] I already have a feeling I know who those two other new customers are.

“Are your new customers a man who dresses like a priest and a woman with short hair and a bow?”

“Y-yes, that’s them. D-do you know them?”

At the shopkeeper’s stuttering response, Ramis suddenly started breathing heavily as she approached the bob-hair girl.

Hey, hey, chill a bit, Ramis. I know you’re excited, but you’re scaring the poor girl.

“N-o welcome”

“Ack, um, sorry. I just, could you tell me more about that?”

“Um, did I, um, just hear a man’s voice from… that box?”

She looked frightened but curious at the same time. Her mouth is tight with fear, but her eyes were fixed firmly on me.

“I’ll explain later, but please tell me about those first two customers first!”

Ramis sounded forceful, but was bowing deeply at her. I, who was more than a head taller than Ramis, nearly struck the shopkeeper on the head.

“Y-yes! I- I shall answer everything!”

I guess Ramis’ request looked more like threats in the end. Still, I think it’s best to put aside any explanation of this misunderstanding until the conversation is over.

According to the teary shopkeeper, a priest came to the shop to ask about a pair of shoes they had sold some time ago. However, because of confidentiality reasons, she refused to name the hunter who sold them those shoes.

“A-although… I can’t really remember much, I think he stopped questioning me and left rather quickly.”

At this, I had to wonder whether Hevoy had employed his <Sensory Manipulation> Gift or some sort of magic to get information out of her. I have personally seen him use his Gift during an interrogation, after all.

After that, a woman came in earlier and asked after the priest. She left soon after the storekeeper confirmed that she had seen him.

“So, it looks like both of them did stop by the store. Could you tell us who was the hunter that sold you those shoes?”

“I’m sorry. As a businessperson, that’s…”

It looks like even in this other world, merchants have a basic courtesy of not revealing their sources. So much for that.

Still, there could be another way.


“There’s that man’s voice again…”

“Let-ter? A letter? Oh right, we have a letter of introduction from the director as well as Suori-chan. I wonder if this is enough as proof of authority?”

“Um, this from the Scorching Sand Director and… th-that trading company!?”

Looks like Suori’s letter has a greater effect on the shopkeeper than the one from the Director of Sorching Sand. I guess she really is the daughter of a great merchant company.

“This, um, I- I this is a special circumstance because I can’t go against such a great company, otherwise my shop won’t survive in this industry…”

The shopkeeper looked scared stiff… I’m quite curious about what was written.


 “The hunter who brought in the shoes is a man called Tasite who is pretty active on this floor. I think you can find out more about him at the Hunter’s Association and, uh, he has a pretty good reputation and is quite popular.”

Could he be the man that Hevoy was after? Or, could there be another person behind him? Could it be possible that Hevoy was actually tracking the person who once owned those shoes?

There was no way to answer any of these questions without meeting up with Hevoy.

We expressed our thanks to the nervous shopkeeper and left the store. We also did not forget to purchase the water purifying hose either as an information fee. At least, the coins seemed to soothe her slightly shaky smile as handed us the goods.

Maybe next time, we should send Mishael on an errand… I have a feeling those two introverts might resonate well together.


[Gumihou: Or, those two would just shiver in place forever and not talk all.]

[1] Adjusted details

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