You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 235.1 – Success
Chinese emperor

Higher Level Wife – 235.1 – Success

Chapter 235.1 : Success (Part 1)

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated by Gumihou

Proofread by Pill Bug

Gumihou: It’s not that Gumi wants to ruin JFJ’s image. He ruined it all by himself. Gumi just made it a little more obvious.


Old Imperial Physician Qin looked admiringly at [1] Fu Qiuning long enough that she coughed pointedly into her hand. He saluted her and said, “It is rare for a noblewoman, no, it is rare for anyone to know the proper procedures for treating cold and frostbite. If this old lowly official may inquire…”

[1] “It is just something I came across,” said Fu Qiuning shortly.

[1] “Do tell us, Qiuning. There is no need to be shy,” said Jin Fengju encouragingly, more than ready to see his wonderful wife dazzle the people around her with her impressive intelligence.

[1] Fu Qiuning looked at him with an odd gleam in her eye before saying, “If Lord Husband wishes so, I shall answer.”

[1] The physicians and Jin Fengju watched raptly as Fu Qiuning gathered her thoughts. “In fact, there is nothing really curious about how I learned of this knowledge. After all, nothing in the world beats practical experience. As you know, the winters within the capital are cold enough that those who do not have enough fuel or clothing would freeze to death. I once found myself in such a dire situation that…”

[1] The dawning realisation in Jin Fengju’s eyes was very satisfying.

[1] “…that I had no choice but to work out how to survive and how to keep my companions alive despite the limited resources. I would have tried to boil water, but back then, the situation was so dire that I had neither water nor fuel for even a bucket of hot water for washing. In the end, we depended on some steam and blankets when one of the children had the misfortune of falling into the pond during winter…”

[1] As she trailed off, all three men looked awkward. Who in the capital didn’t know of the handsome and talented Young Marquis’ wife, who was locked away for five years? Jin Fengju looked more shameful than awkward, which was interesting. Did he believe she had subsisted on snow and air while living at Night Breeze Pavilion?

Old Physician Qin coughed and said, “Well, although proper measures have been taken, the young master had been in the snow for some time. There is also that wound on the back of his head. He would most likely suffer some cold illness. Imperial Physician Liu is the best at treating cold-related illnesses. Perhaps the Young Marquis would consider inviting him to give the young master a more thorough diagnosis?”

Jin Fengju nodded repeatedly, glad for that suggestion. After Imperial Physician Feng had bandaged Jin Zhenyi’s head, he personally escorted the two physicians out. When he returned, he looked at Fu Qiuning, who was staring at the strangely quiet Jin Zhenyi, and something in his chest stirred. [2] He felt anxious and annoyed at the same time. How was it that this annoying child could still cause trouble even though he was just lying there?

[2] Really, he should not have pushed for Fu Qiuning’s explanation. He had just wanted to show the imperial physicians just how wise and intelligent his chosen wife was, but, somehow, that had backfired on him. Would Qiuning understand that this was his way of appreciating her? Letting the world know just what a wonderful person she was, could only be good for her, right? Surely there had to be a way to let Qiuning know just how much he loved and adored her, and that he regretted those lost years very, very much.

[2] Unsure what to say, he blurted out, “Fortunately, the child’s life is strong. He is lucky to have you as his mother. It is thanks to you that he is able to preserve this life. Qiuning, ah, tomorrow, I shall enter the palace and request for Imperial Physician Liu. In fact, I shall petition for the emperor to allow the physician to stay within our estate and monitor Zhenyi’s condition.”

[2] There, that should show Qiuning just how much he cared for the child, right? After all, not just anyone could invite an imperial physician to their home, let alone three, and have one of them stay within the estate for a few days, especially for a shu-born son who was not even the eldest or promising in terms of intelligence or martial skill.

[2a] When Fu Qiuning continued to quietly stare down at Jin Zhenyi, he said, “What happened earlier… there were too many people speaking just now, which is probably why you feel like you cannot speak to me in detail. There are no people around us now, so come now, tell me what happened?” A stroke of genius struck him and he said with feeling, “The Duke of Jing’s family has always suffered from intrigues since my grandfather was granted his noble status. Although there had been schemes, this was the first time that such a blatant murder attempt happened.”

To his delight, Fu Qiuning turned to look at him inquiringly. She must be intrigued by this. Therefore, when Qiuning asked, ”Are you anxious?”

He was quick to answer, “Of course! Such blatant disrespect for the family is unthinkable and despicable! It must be the actions of that cheap whore! Why, if I could only get my hands on her, I-”

“Enough, there is no need to elaborate. I need to speak with the maids for a moment,” Fu Qiuning said, cutting him off suddenly. She went to the door and called for Yu Jie, “See that the children have their dinner. You make sure to eat as well. There is no need to wait around for me.”

Jin Fengju thought: Ahah! Of course, Qiuning’s first priority would be the children. It is just like her to be so kind-hearted and benevolent.

After Yu Jie and Jian Feng accepted the orders and scuttled off, Jin Fengju cleared his throat and continued. “That injury on the back of Jin Zhenyi’s head could only come from an attack of some sort. Also those two escorts of his. What were they doing? No, I must interrogate them. Jin Zhenyi as well, the moment that little brat wakes up, I must shake the answers out of him- that is, I will question him gently in light of his injury. That poor child must have been so frightened. Goodness, if it were not for your quick action, who knows what would have happened to the poor child? Qiuning, ah. I must thank you again for your kindness and benevolence, your quick wit and foresight… As for that wretched woman, now that I have realised what she is truly like, we are now blood enemies. To think that she would think to use a long-term scheme on me… Qiuning, ah. I… I really want to kill her right now!”

Fu Qiuning looked curiously at him. “Why are you so quick to blame her? No matter what, she is still your legally wedded concubine and mother of your child. She has every right to enjoy the plum blossoms in that garden. Not only her, but all your other wives and concubines, not to mention the many maids and servants who may have to traverse through the garden for one reason or other.”

For a moment, Jin Fengju felt confused. Then, his frown eased and he said, “Are you saying that there could be more than one suspicious person at the plum blossom forest that day? That Jin Zhenyi may have stumbled onto something suspicious and sent the servant boy back first? Could it be that there is more than one traitor within the family…”

[1] To Fu Qiuning’s fascinated eyes, Jin Fengju actually looked vulnerable and frightened for a moment. It was… interesting, because no matter what, Jin Fengju had always looked self-assured and confident, even when he had no reason to be. Could the prospect of having things spiralling out of control frighten him that much?

[2] Suddenly, he turned burning eyes at Jin Zhenyi and said, “Tell me, who did this child learn his reckless behaviour from? Only eight years old, but already recklessly ditching his escorts and trying to eavesdrop on others’ secret conversations. Truly, his mother’s blood showed up strongly in him.”

One of Fu Qiuning’s eyebrows shot up. How typical for a man to blame the mother for his child’s faults. Then again, considering Concubine Huo’s almost self-destructive behaviour, it might not be wrong. Jin Fengju was more subtle in his ways, but no less despicable.

Then, Jin Fengju leaned forward to touch his son’s head, “I supposed there is no way to know until Zhenyi wakes up.”

Fu Qiuning thought: That’s only if he does not suffer from an inconvenient memory loss. Still, it was better for the child to suffer from a little memory loss than lose his wits or something terrible… like having his soul swapped out for someone else…

While such wild thoughts were carousing in her mind, Yu Jie poked her head in and said, “Madam, Young Master Feng, Eldest Young Miss and Third Young Miss have all eaten. Jian Feng is now arranging for them to go to bed. Madam hasn’t had anything to eat yet, so this maid has warmed up a bowl of Chicken Braised with Mushrooms, a dish of Vinegared Cabbage and a little rice. Why not have a bite to eat before going to bed?”

Fu Qiuning thought for a moment and was about to agree when Jin Fengju touched her hand gently [2] and said, “Your Madam doesn’t have an appetite now. Prepare a little rice and soup. Your Madam and I shall come and have a bit before going to bed.”

Before Fu Qiuning could say anything, [2] Yu Jie had already agreed and rushed away. Fu Qiuning rubbed her forehead and sighed. Jin Fengju tightened his hold on her hand and said earnestly, “At this time, even if you do not wish to eat, you must still force yourself to have something. If you happen to fall sick, what would Zhenyi do? I still have other matters to worry about outside, and if you were to fall, who would Zhenyi depend on?”

“… …” Fu Qiuning desperately wanted to say, ‘uh, you? You know, their actual birth father?’ but caught herself before she said it out loud.


[Gumihou: How do you like a realistic Fu Qiuning with realistic concerns?]


[1] Swap illogical things for logical things

[2] Realistic awkward love bombing JFJ


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