You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 244 – Peace of Mind
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Higher Level Wife – 244 – Peace of Mind

Chapter 244: Peace of Mind

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated by Gumihou

Proofread by Pill Bug


Fu Qiuning paused, [1] sneered and said, “If you are really worried for me, you should stop pestering me. If you wish to add another child, go and sleep with someone else. Since you accused me of being ‘advanced in age’, I have no objection to you seeking out younger women either.”

It was all said with utter sincerity.

Jin Fengju responded with a bitter smile, “What is with these sarcastic words? Have all my previous promises fallen on deaf ears? I only fear that you will feel ill at ease for not having your own child…”

[1] “Are you saying that Feng’er and Jiao’er are not my children?” Fu Qiuning’s eyes flashed dangerously at him.

Jin Fengju immediately backpedalled, “No, no, that is… I am only worried that you would be uncomfortable without a child of your own. Of course, you are Feng’er and Jiao’er’s mother. Since you are so broad-minded, I have nothing to say. I only fear that you may blame me for not working hard enough… haha… hah-”

The last bit was cut off because Fu Qiuning had just kicked him off the bed.


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“Fengju, the army has been organised. Imperial Father wishes to set out tomorrow. I shall leave all matters within the Capital to you. There is also your sister and the people in this palace, do look after them a bit more.”

At Prince Rong’s palace, Zhao Lun and Jin Fengju sat opposite each other at a pavilion set in the middle of the rockery garden. There were only a few plates of fruit and snacks on the table and one jug of one.

Zhao Lun usually enjoyed his food with various wines, but he did not seem to be in the mood to eat or drink that day. All he did was stare at the table full of food and wine in a daze.

Jin Fengju looked at Prince Rong for a long moment before saying solemnly, “Brother-in-law, you… should take good care of yourself. Naturally, while you cannot panic or back out at the battlefield, you should not try and rush forward to snatch credit either. In these past two years, Brother-in-law has become a lot more stable than before. Therefore, I shall not waste my words and nag you. I shall only say this: focus on matters of the battlefield and do not be disturbed by anything from the capital. You have my elder sister in your palace and there is also the Empress Dowager in the imperial palace. Therefore, there is no need to worry.”

Looking at Jin Fengju’s serious expression, Zhao Lun could not help but crease his brows. He lowered his voice and said, “Could it be… Fengju, do you have some plans in place?”

“It is not I who is full of plans. However, it is rare for the Crown Prince to have the Capital to himself. With such opportunity at hand, he would not be without plans,” said Jin Fengju as he tapped the table with his fingers. He suddenly smiled coldly and said, “However, no matter how many plans he makes, I fear that he will end up with nothing but a handful of yellow sand. After all, the emperor is no doddering old fool.”

The two of them exchanged a knowing glance. After being given occasional hints and observing his brother-in-law’s nonchalant behaviour, Zhao Lun had also calmed down enough to guess that things were not what they seemed.

After a while, he stood up, patted Jin Fengju on the shoulder and said, “As you said, ‘Man proposes, Heaven disposes’. It is getting late, you should go back. I shall go and reassure your elder sister. I am thankful to have her here, it makes me feel more at ease.”

Jin Fengju nodded, before performing a proper farewell salute and departing the palace.


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The emperor was usually the calmest person in the room. However, perhaps due to the prospect of having never been on a battlefield before, the emperor was at once excited and anxious about this expedition. The news of the subjugation had just spread through the city when the army set out.

On this day, the Duke of Jing’s palace was a little gloomy. The women gathered at Health & Longevity Court to await news. It was not until early noon that someone spotted Jin Fengju coming over from the outside.

The moment he entered the visitor’s room, Old Madam Jin asked, “How is it? How is Prince Rong? Is he very depressed?”

“How can that be?” was Jin Fengju’s immediate answer. He comforted his grandmother with a smile, “Do not worry, Old Ancestor. No matter what, he is a prince. How could anyone expect a prince to rush into the battlefield to face the enemy? He is just there to accompany the emperor. How could anything happen with the officers and soldiers of the three armies protecting the emperor? It is only proper for Brother-in-law, who was born as a royal child, to go outside and hone his skills.”

Old Madam Jin nodded. She said in a solemn voice, “Naturally, what you said makes sense. I am just worried for your sister. Aih, to think that she had to look after such a large estate without the prince… not to mention, the current Crown Prince is… I fear that she would not be well taken care of…”

[2] “… …” Something about Old Ancestor Jin’s tone rubbed Fu Qiuning the wrong way. So what if she was at the palace without a big man? Did the whole place not have guards?

Jin Fengju continued to smile at Old Madam, saying, “Please rest assured, Old Ancestor. Although my brother-in-law has left, there are still guards and servants in the palace. No matter what, it is still Prince Rong’s palace, what could go wrong there? Not to mention, surely Old Ancestor knows what kind of person my elder sister is? Since young, she had always been decisive and resolute. It was good enough that she did not bully others. She is not someone who is easily fooled. Also, with Qiuning often going into the palace and having the Empress Dowager’s favour, all will be well.”

Old Madam Jin clearly looked comforted by Jin Fengju’s words. She looked at the women around her and said with a faint smile, “This old woman has lived for several decades. What storms have I not witnessed? I am not as faint-hearted as you imagined. Do not worry about me and return to your affairs. Wan girl, you must have a lot of things to do. Now that our clan has been elevated to such status, we must be even more vigilant and not let others make fun of us or take advantage of any weaknesses.”

Madam Jiang and Jiang Wanying, as well as the rest of the women, hurried to their feet, saluted the Old Madam and accepted her order at the same time. After that, the people all left.

As they were leaving, Jiang Wanying, who had not spoken to Jin Fengju since that time at Elegant Mansion, smiled and said, “Before the army set out, this humble woman had been going through books and was looking through plans on how to manage food and fodder for an army should Lord Husband be called to battle. Unexpectedly, Lord Husband did not have to go, therefore this humble woman is able to let go of one of my worries. Before I set out this morning, I ordered the servants to steam some novelty snacks. Unexpectedly, the school has given the children a day off today and Zhenxuan and Zhen girl have been missing their father. Perhaps, if Lord Husband have time, why not go and see them?”

The so-called ‘Zhen girl’ was Jin Xiuzhen.

Jin Fengju glanced at her for a bit before saying in a neutral voice, “Very well, it has been a few days since I had last seen Zhenxuan and Zhen girl. It is only right for me to go and visit them. Jin Ming, bring the gemstones I acquired from those foreign traders the other day. Zhen girl likes those kinds of things. I’ll gift some to her so that she doesn’t pout or act silly in front of me.”

Jiang Wanying’s smile grew even brighter at this. She said, “Looks like the saying that goes ‘no one knows a daughter better than her father’ is true. Lord Husband truly understands Zhen girl. The sight of those pretty gems would surely send all past resentment out the window the moment she sees them.” Then, she turned to Fu Qiuning and said with an even bigger smile, “Elder Sister and Lord Husband have always been inseparable. Why not come and stay for a little while?”

Fu Qiuning shook her head and said mildly, “No, I need to prepare for Yu Jie’s wedding. However, I may stop by Concubine Huo’s courtyard and visit her for a bit. Ever since the shock of Tian Yu’s betrayal, she has been bedridden until now.”

Jin Fengju immediately chimed in, “That is correct. I have been busy with court matters these past few days and did not have the time to see her. You go on my behalf and have a look. If needed, we shall invite an imperial physician to come and look at her.”

With that, he left for Clear Soft Pavilion with Jiang Wanying. [3] Personally, Fu Qiuning had no great opinion of some of the imperial physicians in this world. Although… that physician who managed to heal Jin Fengju’s chest injury must be half sorcerer because he managed to cure Jin Fengju’s chest wound in just a couple of months. From what she knew, chest wounds would still trouble a person even after a year or so. However, Jin Fengju was already up and running and pestering her for sex in less than two months.

How annoying.


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Concubine Huo had been lying in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. All sorts of thoughts whirled in her head.

Why did Qiu Xia and Tian Yu just have to meet up at the plum blossom forest in such a suspicious way?

Would it look suspicious if she visits Clear Soft Pavilion now?

The item from the Crown Prince’s palace was not large, would it not be nice if she could smuggle it in without being seen?

Was she overthinking things as Jiang Wanying had accused her of doing?

She was still lying in bed when a junior maid called out, “S-second Madam Ning is here?”

This was quickly followed by “En, I am here to visit your mistress. How is she?”

Concubine Huo was startled at first, but was then filled with joy. She thought: Since I could not go out these days, I have no idea what is happening in the estate. Now that Fu Qiuning is here, I can ask her all about it.

She quickly propped herself up and had a maid place a cushion behind her just as the sound of the curtain door rustled and Fu Qiuning entered her room.

“Elder Sister…”

Concubine Huo attempted to get out of bed to greet her, but was stopped by Fu Qiuning who physically pressed her down on the bed.

Fu Qiuning said, “What happened to you? What is this illness? Look how thin you are, even your chin looks a little sharp.”

Concubine Huo immediately burst into tears and shook her head, “Someone close to me committed such a heinous crime. When I found out, I almost died from anger. I wanted to apologise to Lord Husband and Madam, but my own body betrayed me. These past few days, when neither Lord Husband nor Madam came to speak to me at all, I was sure that you were both very disappointed in me. It is all my fault that a servant close to me turned out to be a white-eyed wold. Fortunately, Brother Yi is safe. Otherwise, if something had happened… E-even a thousand deaths could not atone for my sins.”


[Gumihou: Hmm, more drama… there was also an ambiguous POV switch, so annoying…]


[1] Level-headed Actual Qiuning instead of Teehee Qiuning

[1a] Deleted: Teehee~ JFJ is so cute to worry about my ‘advanced age~’

[2] Fu Qiuning’s modern mental quips

[3] Put in this medical detail for Pill Bug, because Gumi deleted over 300 words in note 4

[4] Deleted a 350 word scene from Concubine’s Huo’s POV. Why? Because it contributes absolutely nothing to the story except as confirmation of how clever and absolutely correct the main characters’ deductions were.


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