You are currently viewing Higher Level Wife – 245 – Serious Matters in Mind
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Higher Level Wife – 245 – Serious Matters in Mind

Chapter 245: Serious Matters in Mind

Author: White Pear Flower


Translated by Gumihou

Proofread by Pill Bug

Gumihou: … delete, delete, delete


After Concubine Huo’s long and heartfelt speech, Fu Qiuning smiled and said, “What are you saying? [1] Why should you feel guilty if it had nothing to do with you?”

Concubine Huo felt a shiver up her spine at Fu Qiuning’s short answer. However, the calm look on Fu Qiuning’s face belied any malice, therefore, she cautiously ventured to ask. “How is Brother Yi now? My heart ached for him, but with this kind of body, I could barely get out of bed. I dare not even have the young miss at our place stay with me for too long for fear she would catch something. She appears to enjoy staying with Madam. If it is at all possible, perhaps she could stay at Madam’s place until I am well again? I trouble Madam to please consider this humble request.”

Fu Qiuning paused for a moment before saying, “If that is what Concubine Huo wishes.” [1a] She did not bother waxing all sorts of words to reassure Concubine Huo. After all, saying too much would only make someone suspicious of your intentions. Then, a thought struck her and she added, [1b] “One other thing, dear sister. I should also inform you that should you entrust the young miss to us, would you mind if Lord Husband takes her with us when we leave the estate?”

[1b] Best to let her know this so that she can make an informed choice on what her daughter’s future would be. She could either let the girl stay with Fu Qiuning and be roped in as ‘one of the Official Wife’s brood’ or she could take a chance with her own family and send her daughter back to her maternal family for ‘a visit’.

[1b] Although Fu Qiuning did not like how the children of a noble family were treated more like pawns or as pets to show off, at least Concubine Huo appeared to love her daughter as much as Concubine Xu loved her son.

Concubine Huo looked shocked. She looked up hastily and said, “Leave the estate? But why? Where to? Why wouldn’t Lord Husband stay at the estate? Our Duke of Jing’s estate is so vast, moreover, Lord Husband is not some ordinary son. Surely there is no reason for him to move out?”

Instead of answering her directly, Fu Qiuning sighed and said, “That may be so. But, with how critical the political climate is with the Emperor leaving the Capital, a time may come when we may have to leave due to some pressure from the Crown Prince. Still, no need to worry about it. Under such a peaceful climate, to those with power and means, where in the world can we not go?” [1c]

Then, she reached into her sleeves and took out a small jewellery box, “This is a string of precious agarwood beads that is said to be made from a thousand-year-old tree. Since you have been ill for so many days, keep this by your side. It is said to drive away evil spirits. It is getting late, I should return now.”

Concubine Huo tried to prop herself up to receive the box but was physically pushed down again. After Fu Qiuning left, Concubine Huo [2] found herself clutching at the box of agarwood beads and a lot of thoughts.

After frantically going through all the things she had been told and the things she knew, depression swept over her again. She thought [3] of the letters her father had sent her, what he had hinted about the Crown Prince’s methods, and sighed again. She had gotten into this situation because of her father’s instigation, but the one who would have to live with the consequences would be her.

[3] How could Father do this to her?


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Fu Qiuning had not been long at Elegant Mansion when Jin Fengju came through the door. She thought: That was a fast visit.

However, since it had nothing to do with her, Fu Qiuning sought out her embroidery work instead. She had barely done three stitches but Jin Fengju had already paced passed her twice. With a sigh, she set down her work and dutifully recited, “How is Lord Husband’s visit to Clear Soft Pavilion? Surely there isn’t enough time to see the children as well?” [1d]

Jin Fengju paused mid-step before swirling dramatically to say, “I did not only speak to those children, otherwise, I would have been back so much earlier. You are right, I do not know if it is my imagination, but I get the feeling that Clear Soft Pavilion is rather eerie. Also, when Xuan’er is with you, although he is quiet, he still feels relatively normal. However, when I saw him there, I felt uncomfortable looking at him. Enough, let’s not talk about this matter anymore. No matter what, I shall not tolerate having them around any longer.”

Fu Qiuning said nothing. She thought back to the time when she had been [4] at Night Breeze Pavilion, waiting to be noticed or divorced. She had plans back then to work with Aunt Yu and Yu Jie to support themselves through selling small snacks and embroidery work, raising some poultry to supplement their diet… In fact, they had been doing relatively well, surviving day to day, year to year, before Jin Fengju suddenly decided that he was ‘in love’ with her and proceeded to love-bomb the entire population of Night Breeze Pavilion.

Jin Fengju noticed that she did not respond in a timely manner and hurriedly scuttled over to ask, “What is it, Qiuning? What are you thinking so hard about?”

“I was just at Concubine Huo’s place,” said Fu Qiuning, because she could not say that she had been thinking about her life before Jin Fengju. “She was mostly worried for her daughter and… the only thing she asked after was Brother Yi’s condition.”

To this, Jin Fengju sneered and said, “Isn’t this the price one pays when becoming a spy?” All traces of sadness and resentment had disappeared as he said in a solemn voice, “Even though she is a woman, since she refuses to live an honest and dutiful life as a wife and mother and dared to make trouble for the sake of her maternal family, she deserves whatever retribution that falls on her head. Qiuning, do not forget how she had framed you. There is no need to show too much sympathy.”

[2a] Fu Qiuning nodded and said, “You are right, although the fault is my maternal family, I still deserve whatever retribution that had fallen upon my head. I thank Lord Husband for his sincere advice. I shall also endeavour to not not forget the slights that others had caused me.”

“No, wait…” It was only after she had spoken thus that Jin Fengju realised the foot that he had stuck into his mouth.

[2a] After all, the person she had the most grudge against would be… the person who had originally forsaken her practically on the altar and ignored her for over a year until she committed suicide and only properly showed attention to her five years later. [1e]

In a rush to change the subject, Jin Fengju quickly said, “Have you revealed the information I asked you to?”

“Yes, I have told Concubine Huo about your possible decision to leave the Capital,” she said. She had no idea what good this information would do, but had done it nevertheless.

Jin Fengju laughed and said, “Look at your puzzled expression. Are you curious about why I asked you to do it? Silly girl, do you think the Crown Prince would let me off so easily? He is not a child who can be easily pacified like this. Just take your time and follow my instructions properly. Humph, even if he tries to demote me, I shall make sure he transfers me to a place of my choosing. Otherwise, wouldn’t I suffer a loss?”

“Demote you? Where would he demote you to?” Fu Qiuning asked as her heart suddenly leapt in her chest. “Surely he would not send you to Jiangnan?”

Oh, Jiangnan. She had already been in this wretched ancient world for close to seven years now, but she still missed her home. Although she could not return to the modern world, surely she could at least visit Jiangnan? Now and then, when it rains, she would recite the poem:

Though my love for Beijing has changed throughout the years,

When spring rain falls, I suddenly think of Jiangnan

Unfortunately, Jin Fengju said, “No, since my brother is already in Yangzhou, there is no way he would demote me there. However, the seaside by the Fujian province has been plagued by Japanese pirates recently. It would be a great place for me to die from pirate attacks. Well, even if I do not die from them, so long as I show anything other than overwhelming victory, he would have cause to criticise me and manipulate my movements,” said Jin Fengju as he leaned back on the couch in a leisurely way, teacup held loosely in one hand, his eyes practically sparkling with glee.

“Rampaging Japanese Pirates? Is Lord Husband planning to face them personally?” asked Fu Qiuning as she thought of the ancient China transmigration novels she had read, among them the <<First Rank Official>> and <<Flirting at the Doorstep>>. Both vividly described the pirates, especially the bits where male protagonists valiantly fought and won against those enemy troops. [5] Jin Fengju was no MC of a transmigration novel, but he sure acted enough like a protagonist of a novel in his head to believe that the world revolved around him. Perhaps this was enough to trigger the ‘Japanese Pirates’ trope?

Jin Fengju grinned and said, “What about it? I would like to visit Fujian for a bit. Don’t forget, Qiuning, even if we build big ships and explore the open seas, so long as pirates exist, they would be a hindrance to our Great Ning. Right, enough about that. Once the news you’ve leaked to Concubine Huo reached the reckless and irritable Crown Prince, he would be all too eager to act. Now, think quickly. How should we add fuel to the fire and expedite his decree? So long as I stay within the Capital, I shall have to assist him and suffer him finding trouble with my work. If he demotes me to the end of the earth, all of my efforts would be in vain.”

“… [6] So, do you want to be demoted or not?” she honestly had no idea where he was going with this.

Jin Fengju proudly declared, “Qiuning, you underestimate me too much. Are the words ‘the Emperor trusts his loyal subjects’ just empty talk? Other officials may be easily demoted, but if the Crown Prince wishes to demote a titled noble like me who has a voice in court, he still has to put in a request with the Emperor. As long as I do not do anything too outrageous, the Emperor will not be willing to send me to a place like the remote corner of the world just to enjoy the sea breeze.”

[6] “… …” This still did not answer her question, but Fu Qiuning had decided to drop the subject in the face of his smugness. The more questions she asked, the more smug he would be.

[6a] However, Jin Fengju must have sensed that he was losing his audience, because he quickly said, “Come now, do help me think of a way. My Qiuning is really clever. No, no, I refuse to hear otherwise. If my Qiuning is not clever, then there are no smart people in this world!”

After that, he took a quick look around before dropping a kiss on Fu Qiuning’s hair.

By then, Fu Qiuning was already immune to these sudden ‘unexpected shows of affection’. She gave him a steady look back, not flinching, but not mincingly sweet either. The stare-off was interrupted by a maid who called to say that the tailor had arrived.

Fu Qiuning stood up and said, “I have things to attend to.”

Jin Fengju beamed and nodded back. He watched as his wife’s figure disappeared before lying down on the couch. [6a] As various plans and schemes passed his mind, he thought: In the end, winning my lovely wife’s affection was the most difficult thing yet.

The days passed by in a blink of an eye. It was already the first day of the Fifth month. The day when Yu Jie was to marry.



[Gumihou: Finally, after the Yay China nationalism, it is now the obligatory Japanese Pirates! act. The only thing we haven’t checked off the ancient China isekai bingo yet are the savage Northern Barbarians]


[1] Deleted 250 words of ‘hohoho, I tots understand’ and ‘here’s a summary of everything that had happened in the past 2 chaps to show how well informed and brilliant I am’ also, ‘dear hubby is tots amazeballs’

[1a] Deleted 80 words of ‘of course I’ll take the kid because I’m kind, goodhearted, benevolent etc etc’

[1b] Rework the revelation of ‘the young marquis may leave’, which, bolt out of the blue much? We never talk about this? Ma’am?

[1c] Deleted 100 words of ‘I so kind and good you miserable insect’

[1d] Deleted 50 words of ‘aww, you should stay longer and see your kids~’

[1e] Deleted 40 words of ‘aww, hubby is such a steadfast and loving person~’

[2] Add details, cause why not?

[2a] Add details of FQN agreeing with JFJ

[3] Redid Concubine Huo’s thoughts from ‘I was wrong uwu, I be good now after St Qiuning blahblahs at me’

[4] Deleted: Fu Qiuning didn’t respond, thinking about how she had been worried about being divorced when she was at Night Breeze Pavilion.

Because like what the shit when did this fictional thought ever happen for the ever-loving freaking sake?!!

[5] Fourth wall the Japanese Pirates thing

[6] Because JFJ’s boasting is unclear, question it instead of going ‘wow, hubby so far-sighted and adept at adapting~ If I didn’t know better, I’d think he’s a transmigrator too!’ Deleted 80 words of worship

[6a] JFJ being an ass


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