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Volume 2 – 24 – Lord Medite: Here & Now

Volume 2: Chapter 024: Lord Medite: Here & Now

Author: かっぱ同盟/友麻碧


Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou


Tis I, Urbanus Medite.

It’s been such a long time, everyone~

Allow me to catch everyone up to what’s been happening. Let’s see, the most recent happenings involved morning classes with young Lady Makia and Tooru where they happened to create a new kind of poison. Also, I heard that the Green Shrine Maiden had run away from the Sanctuary. About that, I was quite relieved to hear that our Young Lady Makia was there to take care of her, so that was fine. Next up is the Magic Circuit issue installed at the Research Institute. The Viceroy had asked me to participate in that project.

Goodness me, that Sir Raymond, no, no, I should say the Viceroy, is being awfully unreasonable now.

Haven’t you heard that the Green Shrine Maiden has gone missing?!

“Well, she’s been found, right? She’s now at your grandmother’s place. The second safest location next to the Holy Nation.”

He said all of that with a half-smile on his face.

It was the truth, so I couldn’t really refute it.


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“It’s fine, there’s no need to worry. The Shrine Maiden is at my grandmother’s place.”

“Lord Medite…”

[1] His Highness Ulysses, in contrast to Viceroy Richard, was very worried by the news of the Green Shrine Maiden running away from the Sanctuary. After giving out some pertinent instructions for the Magical Circuits, I made my way to his side to reassure him.

His Highness was unusually restless. After giving him this news, he looked at me with open shock. [2] I was surprised enough by his reaction to add, “She appears to be napping right now. Although, I am not sure what kind of dream she could be having.”

“Is that so… I am… relieved to hear that.”

Whether he was truly relieved or not was unclear, the complicated smile on his face was indescribable.





Let us have a look at this Magic Circuit issue. This is the latest technology from Fresir and is said to be able to send out magical powers to areas where it is installed.

The Institute has been focussing its attention on this piece of technology for the past 6 months. Personally, I am also interested in the effectiveness of this technology.

The kings from nearby kingdoms also seemed interested. Although some made pointed grumblings about this new-fangled thing, the responses have been fairly positive after I gave them a tour of the site.

The exterior of the mechanism is still incomplete, but all the important parts have been put together on the lowest floor of the Magic Wave Tower. All initial checks appear to be fine, so it is time to give this a proper test.

Once the device starts up, magic flows into the lines of Rhea Meida Lacrima.


Somehow, I can feel the sensation of magic passing through my body. It is a new feeling, not bad, but I guess this is what being inside the Magic Circuit System feels like.

As I admire the system, High Highness Ulysses mutters something under his breath.

“Just what is…”

I turned to see what had caught his eye. He was staring at a point in the air.

I asked, “What are you looking at, Your Highness-”

-when His Highness suddenly collapsed to the floor.”

“?! Your Highness!!”

He just collapsed, as though he had fainted standing up.

The people around him start to lose their heads, shouting, ‘Your Highness! Oh, Your Highness!!’.

“Your Highness!! Aaaaaaaaah!!”

Although everyone had been fairly calm when the Green Shrine Maiden disappeared, the same people dissolved into chaos the moment High Highness Ulysses collapsed.

“Are you alright?!! It must be a lack of sleep, righhhtttt…”

“No, I don’t think this sudden collapse is due to overwork,” I say as I grab [3] Sir Raymond’s collar, pulling him away from the people who were carrying His Highness Ulysses away. “Hold it, where do you think you are going? The trial for the Magic Circuit is going well. If you get too worked up over His Highness’s being gone, Ruskia’s image could be ruined.”

“What did you say about His Highness being gone?”

“It’s just a figure of speech,” I said exasperatedly.

Take a look around you, please. All the royalties from the other kingdoms are staring, especially the King of Gliche. Look, he’s grinning and snorting at you now.

[2] Sir Richard still did not look convinced, so I added, “His Highness must have sensed something from the Magic Circuit. You can just leave the rest to the Twilight engineers. Allow me to excuse myself now.”

“Eh… Wait, Urb-chan!!”

“Godspeed, Viceroy.”

I leave quickly after that final remark and follow after His Highness as though I am deathly worried about him.

However, the truth is that I am more concerned about how the Demon King Class condition is being influenced!! ← Here & Now [4]!

Yes, that’s what I record in my head under my memo for ‘Demon King-Today’.




His Highness Ulysses has always been associated with pure white in many ways. However, [2] seeing him lying under a pure white sheet on a pure white bed at the research institute surrounded by many doctors in [2] white coats is something else.

[2] When the doctors gave me wary looks, I smiled and lied ‘The Viceroy instructed me to watch over him’ and was allowed to stay.

I wonder, just what happened just now that caused His Highness to collapse? It happened so swiftly too…

Come to think of it, the ‘Magic Circuit’ was developed by the Wisteria Princess, the Hero of Fresir and the people from the Twilight clan.

I wonder, could the Magic Circuit be connected to the powers wielded by the Demon King Class people?

Even though His Highness has collapsed, I cannot help but feel [2] more excited than worried. What a bad person I am!


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I could not tell earlier while stuck within the windowless basement where the Magic Circuit System was being tested, but it looks like it has been drizzling for quite a while now.

From the large puddle that I could see from the window, the rain must have been much heavier just now.

I wonder what the situation is like at grandmother’s place? [3]

“Yoo~ Urbie~ a message from Egressa!” Olgam interrupted my thoughts. [3]

“Apologies for making you run all over the place. So, what is the situation over there?”

“The Crimson Witch and Black Demon King are there too. Umm, there’s also the demons. But a young lady from the Twilight Clan dealt with it. Also, the Green Shrine Maiden has woken up.”

“Is that so~”

How interesting.

I did hear that the Green Shrine Maiden had been placed under a regressive hypnosis sleep to explore her past life memories. Looks like she has woken up? Of all the Demon King Class people I am acquainted with, she is the only one I know who has lost her memories.

Well, looks like that lost memory has returned.

“Aww… looks like I will never see that cute little Green Shrine Maiden any more…”

I sighed before chuckling a little to myself.

The doctors cast me a dirty look. So, I coughed and apologised.

Now, my prince, what will you do next?

The princess has awakened from her long, long sleep.

By now, the rain has stopped and the richly coloured sunset skies can be seen.

After a gloomy rain, a bright sky is the most refreshing sight to behold.

Speaking of which, the doctors still have no idea why His Highness collapsed. Well, if medical professionals cannot tell, there is nothing that we ordinary people can do.

By my estimation, only another Demon King Class person can wake him up.


The door to the room slammed open.

A staff member tried to stop the young girl, “Magic Advisor, please wait…”

“Hey, I have some business with Ulysses,” said the girl with grand aplomb.

It is Young Lady Makia.

“Oh my, you’re in a rush.”

“Professor, I heard that Yuri had collapsed?”

“Indeed. Hmm, I assume that he must have been affected by the magic wave emitted by the Magic Circuit.”

Young Lady Makia squinted her eyes suspiciously even as I smiled at her through my magic monocle. In the end, she just pushed past the confused doctors for a closer look at His Highness.

“Ulysses!! Why the heck are you still sleeping!!? Why aren’t you going to Percelis now?!” [3] she shouted as she shook His Highness violently. 

My ears were hurt by the loudness.

How manly, [3] I thought, as doctors rushed to restrain her.

“… …?

Then, it happened.

[3]  Her body went slack as she, too, fell asleep.

Whatever was happening with His Highness Ulysses must have resonated with her magic and ended up drawing her in as well.

Most likely, it will be in some sort of dream world.

Oh, how exciting~!!! ← Here & Now [4] 

Ah, I can’t help myself. This is why I find Demon King Class people so exciting~!


[Gumihou: The f is this ← Here & Now?]


[1] Made it a tad more obvious he had switched conversational partners

[2] Add detail

[3] Adjust details for clarity. It gets reeaaaally difficult to tell who is speaking sometimes.

[4] Here & Now – 

←いまここ – literally translates to ‘here and now’

However, as with most Japanese slangs, it’s not quite as straightforward.

Generally speaking, this phrase is often touted in Japanese self-help books that focus on ‘the present’ as in the ‘here and now’ as a way to solve negative emotions, anxieties and other concerns.

The effects of practising ‘imakoko’ or ‘here & now’ will promote the following:

  You will feel incredibly good. You will experience a sense of happiness and an indescribable feeling of pleasure.

  You will enter a state of flow. Instead of forcefully trying to achieve your goals, things will progress much more smoothly. Resistance disappears, allowing you to unleash your maximum energy.

There’s also an anime music of the same name. Tsuki ga kirei (The Moon is Beautiful)’s opening:

For now, I’m still not entirely clear what’s with the ‘←Imakoko’ in hiragana plus arrow


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