You are currently viewing Volume 2 – 30 – Ulysses (Yunosis)’s Fourth Memory

Volume 2 – 30 – Ulysses (Yunosis)’s Fourth Memory

Volume 2: Chapter 030: Ulysses (Yunosis)’s Fourth Memory

Author: かっぱ同盟/友麻碧


Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou



(Fourth Memory)

Approximately 2000 years ago

Eastern Continent, Kingdom of Fregister / Silik Village

Yunosis: Around 200 years old


When I received rumours about this ‘Boy from Another World’, I decided to investigate. [1]

According to the rumours, [1] there was a village called Silik within the Kingdom of Fregister. Silik was said to be rather dry, which was why the people held a yearly ceremony to pray for rain. [1] It was on one of these ceremonies, when an elder prayed in the direction of Vabilophos,  that a boy appeared in a flash of light before the people.

The boy’s appearance was one that no one had ever seen before and he carried a great sword in a golden sheath with him.

According to the story, rain fell the moment he appeared, blessing the village.

When the elder saw this, he recalled the old legend of a Youth from Another World and welcomed the boy as a saviour and a hero. It was this rumour that reached me as I was searching for someone to be the hero in that time of chaos.

He was a young and beautiful boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He must have been around 12 or 13 with a rather mysterious air about him.

Even when I first laid eyes on him, seated under the largest palm tree in the village, it was difficult to think of him as a child. [1] The only child-like thing about him was the way he held onto the overly large golden sword as though it was the most important thing in the world.


“Are you waiting for someone?”

“… …”

The boy stared at me for a moment before nodding.

“I’m waiting for someone to take me…”

“Take you? Take you where?”



I was a little taken aback by the phrasing.

Even so, it was not too unusual since the villagers must have said something. They would most certainly have referred to him as ‘Saviour’ or ‘Hero’.

What was clear was that the boy had an aura about him that made me expect good things from him.

He was a unique child.

A special existence.


“You say that you are ready to go ‘wherever’, may I interpret it as you wanting to go on an adventure? If so, I can lend you my strength. In return, you will take up the mission as a Hero to defeat the Demon Kings. Maydea is now in chaos due to the violence between two mischievous Demon Kings. Perhaps, you are the ‘Hero’ that we in this world had all been hoping for.”

“A hero?”

The boy’s eyebrows flickered, and he said nothing for a moment. That was the extent of his reaction.


Since he was a youth from another world, I had expected a bigger reaction. Maybe something like ‘Ehhhhh, I’m supposed to become the hero?!?!’.


“I understand…”

“Oh my, you’re surprisingly easygoing. You understand that you’ll be in a life-threatening battle, yes? From now on, you must train your skills, learn magic, and gather teammates for an epic fight. The Demon Kings are pretty strong, you know~ You might actually die, ahaha.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“… …”


Well, it looked like my dark humour fell flat before him.

Just what is this child?

The boy stood up, and with a rather nihilistic smile, said, “I will become a Hero and save this world. I shall see to it that the Demon Kings are restrained.”

It was a very dignified pronouncement, with not a single childishness to it. [2]

I could already tell… this boy would grow up to be someone great.

There was a dazzling aura about him, as though he was surrounded by a golden light.


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The boy called himself Kaya.

It was a rather common name in this world, but once he became famous, [3] with how talented he was it was an inevitability, even more newborns would be named after him.

He was skilled in both the sword and White Magic.

After a while, I decided to take Kaya to the Holy Nation of Vabilophos.

It would be a good idea to take him there first and have him greet the elders. After all, it was the elders of the Sanctuary that charged me to look for the Hero.

I believed that it would be good for him to stand before the Great Tree of the Sanctuary.


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Shrine Maiden, you’ve truly grown up.”


The Green Shrine Maiden of this era was Eltear, Percelis’ previous life.

She would later become my wife.

By the way, I was the one who bestowed the name ‘Eltear’ to her. I believe she must felt like I was some sort of parental figure to her, or even a grandfather.

She was the beautiful, innocent, modest, pure and beloved Shrine Maiden.

She had always expressed happiness at my rare visits and did her best to make me feel welcome. [4] I believe she liked playing with my spirits. It’s cute how she would always tackle-hug me whenever she sees me.


“Shrine Maiden, I should go and pay my respects to the Elders first. Please wait a moment.”



[2] Eltear’s cheeks puffed up as she pouted, it was really adorable. It made me want to indulge her whims even more. However, I must introduce Kaya to the Elders. Though I was the White Sage, there were times even then, that my heart wavers.

Kaya was looking up the Great Tree. [2] I could see the image of the Great Tree reflected in his blue eyes.

Somehow, I still could not fathom his thoughts. Still, I smiled to myself, thinking: He must be immersing himself in the sacred atmosphere of the Sanctuary.

Eltear looked at Kaya and [5] beamed at him winsomely, trying to put him at ease with a joke. He simply looked at her and said, ‘It’s not funny’. And… that was that. Looks like not even dear, charming Eltear could elicit a smile from this young man.

Well, he certainly was destined to be a big shot.

When the Elders saw Kaya, they looked at him with wide, startled eyes and hummed under their breath.


“I see… so this young man is the one you chose to be the hero, eh? A youth from another world… transmigration… so, that tale is really true.”

“You can tell?”

“Indeed, the golden sword is the ultimate proof.”


The sword held by the hero is said to be a sacred treasure of the Goddess of War, also known as the Divine Protector.

Just where or how did Kaya get his hands on such treasure? I asked him several times, but all he said was ‘I picked it up’.


There’s no way you just pick up something like that!!


-was what I wanted to yell at him but did not. Because whenever I tried to talk about the sword, he would have this complicated look on his face. Taking the hint, I let the matter go.

Later he was baptised as the Hero at the base of the Great Tree by Fountain of Origin. Thus, cementing his position as the Hero.

After that, I brought him with me on my travels all around Maydea for his training.

We visited all the ruins, caves and labyrinths, all the places where I had found spirits. I wanted him to grow by defeating demons not under the control of the Black Demon King. As he travelled, he gathered important comrades, whose names could still be heard today. Allen the Archer, Lilia the Witch and Ballad, a prince of Fregister, formed a well-balanced party with Kaya the Hero at the centre.

I was fascinated by the youngster’s vigour. I had great hopes of seeing them defeat the Crimson Witch and the Black Demon King one day.

While it did make me feel a little guilty about relying on heroes to defeat foes whom I had been battling against for a long time, I truly believed that defeating them was crucial for the world.

In fact, Kaya was doing very well.

There were times he listened to me and times he did not. However, I must say he often ignores my excellent jokes.

Additionally, the party members looked to me like a parent or an elder. Though I had neither family nor children, they all considered me as their family. They all had different circumstances and personalities, but all were brilliant and sharp. I had high hopes for them.

Seeing them gave me real hope.

I thought things were going very well. Hero Kaya was steadily gaining strength and the party grew ever more united each day around Kaya as they overcame problems and obstacles to become strong. It felt good to see them improve like that.

The Crimson Witch and the Black Demon King appeared to find the existence of the Hero an eyesore. Especially the Black Demon King, who sent assassins to kill the Hero.

Still, I believe in them and the justification of the Heroes.

I hope they can do something that I could not.

With the Hero party progressing steadily without my needing to do much guidance, I was preoccupied with a personal problem. The Green Shrine Maiden of the Sanctuary, who happened to be going through puberty…

That’s right, Eltear.

Instead of the self-motivating and independent Hero, I could not help but think about her all the time.


[Gumihou: Yeah… I can’t like Yuri…]


[1] Adjust details for a cleaner presentation

If you must know the original: I came to the village of Silik in the Kingdom of Fresista. The rumour goes as follows. Since the village of Silik had dry land, people held a ceremony every year to pray for rain to pour, and the moment that the village Elder prayed in the direction of Vabilophos, a boy appeared from the light in front of the people.

Not the most exciting of narrative.


[2] Add details, otherwise, the line is a little flat

[3] Unclear what the meaning is, made my own interpretation

[4] I’m doing my best not to go ‘eww pedo’ here, but really? Yuri’s taste in very young girls is…

[5] Show not tell



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