You are currently viewing Volume 2 – 32 – Ulysses (Yunosis)’s Sixth Memory

Volume 2 – 32 – Ulysses (Yunosis)’s Sixth Memory

Volume 2: Chapter 032: Ulysses (Yunosis)’s Sixth Memory

Author: かっぱ同盟/友麻碧


Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou

Gumihou: Had to redo this chapter because I accidentally deleted it… Adjusted the text so that it doesn’t sound too lame…


(Sixth Memory)

Approximately 2000 years ago

Northern Continent, Kingdom of Yolwe

Yunosis: Around 200 years old

Gumihou: Did my best to make it ‘not trite’



[Magic Fortress – Highest Throne]

This Magic Fortress consisted of 10 spacious floors connected by a long and twisting staircase.

You can only confront the Black Demon King once you reach the top floor.

The young heroes were now challenging this completely closed-off space, steadily climbing to the top to take on the Black Demon King.

Again. [1]


On the 9th floor, Allen the Archer threw himself before a huge demon’s attack to protect Lilia the Witch. The attack caused his leg to fly off.

Lilia screamed and ran to his side.

“Allen, Allen!!”

“I-it’s okay… Kaya, you should go! The Black Demon King is just ahead.”


Kaya had always been a rather indifferent person, but he had known Allen for a long time, [1] so I’m sure he must be secretly worried about his companion.

With Allen’s encouragement, he ran up the stairs with Prince Ballad towards the Black Demon King’s location on the top floor.

“Hah… haha, that was fun… Lilia, just leave me alone and go to that guy’s side quickly.” [1]

“Allen… but I…”

The mood around them felt good. To briefly explain, Lilia, the only female in the party likes Kaya, while Allen the Archer secretly likes Lilia. It was all very sweet, [1] if a little tragic…

Still, aren’t you two forgetting something?

Or someone?

“Hey, are you two seriously reaching the climax of your little drama and forgetting all about me?”

“Oh, was that the Great White Sage?”

“You guys were the ones who called me back!”

It was only recently that I, the White Sage, became a party member.

Well, it can’t be helped since I have places to be and things to do. My son had just been born, so I had to return to the Sanctuary on the Southern Continent often. Even so, I still came when you guys called for me.

Anyway, I picked up Allen’s severed leg. Time to apply some White Magic healing. For this kind of troublesome case, it’s best to borrow the power of the Spirit of Light, Harp.

“Spirit Harp of Sunbeams… 6th Summoning Stage.”

The 6th Summoning Stage is a mid-level summoning skill that brings out the original power of the spirits. I like to call it the Standard Level 2 Summoning.

Healing will go a little faster with this level of summon.

Harp’s 6th Summoning Stage form was a humanoid figure with white feathered wings. A very angel-like image.

“Harp, please fix Allen’s leg, and could you make it quick? Demons are coming up from the lower levels so it would be great if you could be a little faster.”

“As you wish. The healing will be completed in 47 seconds.”

As their name suggests, Harp held up the golden harp in its hands and began to pluck the strings. When 47 notes were plucked, a glittering golden light suddenly shimmered out of the harp and fell upon Allen’s injury and the severed leg.

As promised, he was completely healed in 47 seconds.

That’s right, Harp is the ultimate spirit of healing. They had a contract with Mina before it was transferred to me.

“As expected of the White Sage!”

“We absolutely need the White Sage!”

“… …”

It is all about convenience for these people, isn’t it?

However, since I returned to the Sanctuary as and when I please, I supposed it all even out.



A loud explosion from the top floor spurred us up the stairs. The Black Demon King had stood up from his throne and was just drawing his sword from its scabbard. [1] The sword swung down.

It was no ordinary magic sword. The sword was one of Maydea’s sacred treasures, the Authority of the Space-Time King. On par with my Spirit King’s Sceptre.

Although I had no idea how he got his hands on it, I’m sure it must have something to do with fate.

“So, it’s the annoying guy playing hero and the fools made to dance by the White Pest [2]. You are all standing upon a stage that is beyond your level.” [1]

I had fought the Black Demon King a few times before, but he rarely brought out that sword. At the very least, he had never done so against the heroes. It usually made its appearance when he fought against the Crimson Witch.

“Kaya… The Black Demon King is serious.”

“I know,” said Kaya said [1] as he drew his golden sword, the Blessing of the Goddess.

We had battled against the Demon Kings many times, but this may be the final battle…at least, that’s what I’d like to think.

“I shall create a path, Hero,” said His Royal Highness Prince Ballad, Fregister.

He was also one of my White Magic disciples, I had taught him Spirit Magic ever since he was young.

“I shall support you, Hero!” Lilia the Witch [1] said as she brandished her staff from the back.

As for myself, I have plenty to do just monitoring the general battlefield situations. The demons around us were all watching our party, ready to move at the slightest command.

Still, I was more concerned about when and where that person would come from.

By ‘that person’, I meant the Crimson Witch.

“Black Demon King, shall we settle the matter?”

“As you wish…”

There was a momentary pause of tension as everyone took their stance and readied their weapons, preparing themselves to fight.

Even so, after the sounds of scraping metal had gone, we were still waiting.

3, 2, 1…


Well, the Crimson Witch’s timing was at least predictable in a way.

Countless red sash exploded from the ground between the Black Demon King and the Hero. [3] Thorny vines followed, making the writhing red sashes look like the petals of a brilliant red rose.

The Crimson Witch appeared from the middle of the crimson centre in the most dramatic way possible.

“Crimson Witch…”

“Black Demon King, what are you doing? Are you seriously getting mad at these kiddies?” [1] The Crimson Witch laughed again as the Black Demon King turned his iron-masked face slightly away from her.

I was sure that she would not miss this occasion. She won’t be satisfied unless she is the one to defeat the Black Demon King. [1]

“Ahh, white Sage, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I heard you got yourself a young bride, so I thought I should come and give you my congratulations. Still, if you get too carried away, your little wife could turn into an old hag before you know it. Ahahahaha!”

“Thank you for that. Still, no matter how young you look, she will always be younger than you.”

“… a-?” a vein throbbed on the Crimson Witch’s forehead. The very air froze with tension.

“Fuuhh…” the Black Demon King sighed.

“I-I’ll kill you all!!” the Crimson Witch screamed.

How many times have we gone through this again?

Things seemed to follow a certain routine with these two.

The look on the heroes’ [1] faces almost seemed to say ‘Just why are we doing this again?”

Even though the atmosphere was so tense just now, the mood crumbled in an instant. Especially when the Hero said, “The elderly are fighting again.”

“That’s right, Hero. The man you’re trying to kill has been my prey for over 100 years, so don’t try to steal him away. It would be a shame for a young man like you to waste your time like this. After I defeat the Black Demon King, I’ll cook something nice for you after this.”

“Wh-what are you–!! Why do you say things like that when you never fight that guy seriously! Also, what are you speaking so familiar to the Hero!?”

“Shut it, little girl.”

Lilia and the Crimson Witch glared at each other.

“Hey, Crimson Witch… I just lost all interest in this fight because of you,” [1] The Black Demon King sheathed his sword. It looked like he was preparing to pull out of the battle.

“Wait- hey! I just got here!!”

However, the Crimson Witch’s appeals were in vain. The Black Demon King snapped his fingers and the barriers of the Magic Fortress fell.


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We found ourselves sprawled on the ground. I let out a deep sigh. How many times had this happened already? We’re back at the snowy mountain again. The Black Demon King is no longer around.

Just when we were a step away from fighting the Black Demon King, we were interrupted by the Crimson Witch again.

“Ah… this again…”

“Even if we want to take out one of them, the other just comes and interferes. If things kept going on like this nothing will ever change!”

“Isn’t it better to defeat the Crimson Witch first?”

“… …”

That’s right, I also think that it would be better for us to defeat the obsessive Crimson Witch first. However, the Hero was not at all enthusiastic about that idea.

The reason was that his sword, The Blessing of the Goddess, was not compatible with the Crimson Witch.

Speaking of which, Kaya never told me just what the sword was exactly. However, its power was comparable to the rest of the sacred treasures I know of.

Still, it had little effect against the Crimson Witch, who did not own a sacred treasure.

“The Crimson Witch can give orders to objects of [1] great history and power. If this sword fell into her hands in any way, we would have no chance of winning. Instead, she would gain even more power.”

The Hero had always been the most wary against the Crimson Witch.

Within that pretty, girlish figure, the witch carried blood that could turn nearly anything into a weapon of great destruction.

In a battle of attrition, the more blood she sheds, the stronger she becomes.

If you cut her with a sword and get her blood on it, well. It would be bad news for us to say the least.

Because of this, I thought that the battle against the Demon Kings would continue for a long time.

However, it ended in an unexpectedly abrupt way.


[Gumihou: I had a hard time trying to make this not trite. Although… I can’t be sure if that’s the author’s intention…]


Hero Party:

Hero Kaya (Hero – Mysterious Hero)

A cool and decisive young man shrouded in mystery.

Despite being a ‘hero’, he lacks the enthusiasm for adventure and is too cautious. Allen is always telling him to be ‘more passionate’.

His blonde hair and blue eyes made him popular with the women, but he did not seem to care for the attention. He may be indifferent to most things, but he appeared obsessed with the Demon Kings.

He is cold to the White Sage but appears to care about the Green Shrine Maiden and their son, Shuma. He was known to secretly play with the boy.


Allen Anders (Archer / Forever Second Place)

Hero Kaya’s first companion. He is a young hunter who, despite having the hairstyle and personality of a protagonist, is content with his second-place position.

Born to a poor family, he tends to be a little frugal.

His weapon is a bow inscribed with magic symbols.

Kind-hearted and easygoing, he deeply trusts Kaya and considers the Hero his partner. He has a crush on Lilia the Witch. He is more of a doer than a thinker.


Lilia Palace (Witch / Sole Female Member)

A witch girl with outward-flipped hair. Her overall colour scheme is orange.

The thing she loves most in the world is the Hero. The thing she hates most in the world is the Crimson Witch. She is a skilled support magic user and contributes a lot to the party.

Despite her cute and sweet appearance, she hated the Crimson Witch ever since that woman called her a ‘Plain Pumpkin Witch’.

Lilia used to be a treasure hunter. She was saved by the Hero from demon attacks and fell in love at first sight. She followed him from then on. She is an emotionally expressive and feminine girl, but could be quite violent at times.


Balad Leen Fregister (Spirit Swordsmaster / Prince of Deception)

The second prince of Fregister and a disciple of the White Sage.

Despite his glamorous looks, he fell short compared to the Hero in various aspects. He had been learning Spirit Magic from a young age.

He respected the White Sage as his mentor and was envious of Kaya for getting all the attention. He often picked fights with Kaya and tried to scheme against him. However, Kaya just ignored him and his tricks.

They did eventually become good companions.

The prince has a mother complex and prefers older women. He once said he preferred the Crimson Witch over Lilia and was slapped by the girl.


Yunosius Baromet (White Sage / Young-Looking Old Man)

The very well-known White Sage, one of the Three Great Demon Kings and the founder of Spirit Magic.

He guides the hero and serves as the protector of the hero’s party. While he is respected, he is often teased and sometimes treated as if he was invisible. He could be quite annoying when he started on one of his lovey-dovey talks about his honeymoon and newborn kid.

However, his skills as an educator are remarkable, and he has raised the party members to the point where they can fight the Demon Kings on equal footing in a short period of time.


[1] Attempts to make the chapter less of a cookie-cutter thing than it already is

[2] The original was ‘White Fly’, but it doesn’t roll off the tongue as well as ‘White Pest’

[3] Adjusted the description for Crimson Witch’s arrival for more drama and less ‘la~me~



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