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Tondemo Fanfiction – 023 – Rosendal’s Dog Street

Fanfiction 023 – Rosendal’s Dog Street


Even though they were prepared for it, it was surprising how relaxing the Rosendal Dungeon was.

No matter what, it was still a dungeon after all, so Werner and his comrades had expected some degree of difficulty but the most difficult thing they had encountered was having to throng through the sheer number of families hunting together as though it was a leisure outing…

Well, Werner could see why Adventurer families decided to settle down here. Thus far, he had even seen a few parties of half-grown children and young teenagers. There was even an enterprising fellow with a wheelbarrow hanging around the entrance, offering to take the offal meat off anyone’s hands.

“It’s still meat, but it takes a lot of effort to process it so most people just don’t bother with it,” someone explained. “Sure, we could leave it on the dungeon floor to be reabsorbed, but it’s for a good cause, so why not, eh?”

“A good cause?” asked Ramon.

“Yup, the orphanage kids take them. They also operate a stall in Rosendal, you know?”


[Iron Will] party also handed over three packets of offal meat they had collected from the Drops to the boy at the entrance. Like the others said, it was for a good cause, so why not?

“Hey, should we keep one packet though?” Rita asked. “That offal soup earlier was pretty good, wasn’t it? So why not make some ourselves?”

“Yes, but it takes quite a lot of effort to process innards. It’s the part that processes the body’s waste, which is why most people don’t bother with it,” said Ramon. “That soup may be delicious, but have you forgotten what happened with the Red Boar Meat experiment?”

Rita and Vincent blanched.

“I thought we had agreed to never talk about that?”

“It never happened! Never, I say!”

Needless to say, there was a reason why their party stuck to hard bread and jerky when travelling. While it was technically possible to provide hot meals on the road, it was not easy…

“Anyway, now that we’re out of the dungeon, shall we go check out that place?” Rita asked.

Umu, it certainly sounds interesting,” said Ramon.

Franca had a pensive look on her face, “Do we really want to go somewhere that calls itself the ‘Dog Street’?

“I refuse! I grew up with dogs, you know? I’m not eating them!” Vincent declared.

“What’s the difference between pets and livestock anyway,” Werner said in a considering voice.

“Nope! We do not eat doggos!”

“Hey, are you guys talking about the Dog Street?” someone asked.

The [Iron Will] party turned to the speaker. It was a cabbage seller. The man tipped his hat at them, “Hullo, don’t forget your veggie intake. This place may be a meat paradise, but too much meat could lead to flatulence, heartburn and bad body odour. So, eat your veggies, everyone!”

All those who heard him surreptitiously sniffed their armpits.

“Uh, yeah, sure…”

“We’re going now…”

“I’ll take one small cabbage,” said Franca.

“Oi, you should know that too much cabbage also causes flatulence, you know!” Rita said.

“It’s also good for bowel movements. So, make sure to eat some,” Franca quipped back.

Werner had to roll his eyes at their antics. It felt like, ever since they encountered Mukouda, his entire party had become just a little more obsessed with food in their own way.

Rita and Vincent were always looking out for new things to try; Ramon had a thing for ‘beer snacks’ and meat, while Franca developed an obsession with vegetables. As for Werner…

“Hey, let’s find a place to sit, I want a place to boil hot water.”

“Tsk, you and your tea obsession,” someone muttered, but Werner ignored them.

“I’ll sit with you, Leader,” said Franca as she took out a knife and a portable chopping board. Then, with swift movements, she shredded the small cabbage into fine threads. Ever since that time Mukouda served them shredded raw cabbage, she would always try and make some as a side dish.

It actually made for a nice side dish, and it was good for bowel movement.

“Well, I’m going to check out the Dog Street!” Rita announced.


“I’ll come too~” said Ramon.

While the surprisingly energetic old man hurried after the two, Werner set his pot to boil and got his tin mug and teabag ready.

He hoped they bring something nice back.


Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~


It did not take long for Rita to track down the ‘Dog Street’. Well, it took a little more time than she had thought because it turned out that it was not an official name.

“It’s the name of a snack,”

“Yeah, it’s sausage served in bread.”

“No way! It’s stew in bread!”

“What are you talking about, it’s fried pasta in bread!”

“…Well, at least we know the bread part is the commonality,” Vincent commented as he watched two people arguing over the merit of ‘Cheese’ vs ‘No Cheese’ for a ‘Dog’.

“I think this is it,” said Rita as she squinted down on one of the lanes. “Look.”

Indeed, the line of stalls here looked oddly similar and fairly new. Not only that, but the street had little flags crisscrossing the top, giving it a particularly festive look. The signboards all sported the same type of bread that was slightly elongated and as soft as the bread sold by those children.

“Hot Dogs! Get your original Hot Dogs here!”

“Potato Dogs! Delicious and hearty Potato Dogs!”

“Want something filling? Get your Pasta Dogs here!”

“Soup Dogs!”

“Sauce Dogs!”

“What’s a ‘Hot Dog’,” Rita muttered as she approached the stall. The man had cut the elongated bread down in the middle long-wise and stuffed it with a rather long sausage.

“Good question, young lady!” the stall owner boomed. He held up one of the ‘Hot Dogs’ and showed her the end of the bread where the tip of the sausage poked out. “Don’t you think this looks like the nose and muzzle of a dog?”


“I don’t care what they’re called, is it made from a dog? That’s what I want to know!” Vincent yelled.

For a moment, the street went silent.

Then, a yell from the very end of the street reached them.

“Hot Dogs! Get your Hot Dogs made with real dogs!”

The vendor they had been talking to coughed and said, “If that’s what you want…”

“Nope! Nope! No dog in my dog!” Vincent cried.

“Ah, our Hot Dogs are made with an even ratio of pork and beef!” the vendor pointed at the sign tacked on their stall. “We’re all required to declare the main ingredients in our Hot Dogs.”

“Young lady, come and try our Potato Dog!”

“Veggie Dog! Veggie Dog stuffed with delicious salad!”

“Let’s get that one for Franca,” said Rita.

Umu, I’m going to get some from this stall…”

In the end, they bought several different kinds of ‘Dogs’. The Soup Dog was served in a bowl and covered in very thick and meaty tomato stew. The soft ‘dog’ bread more or less melted into the soup, creating a thick, almost creamy consistency that was oddly satisfying.

There was also a surprisingly long line for the ‘Real dog Dogs’, but that was a step too adventurous, even for Rita.



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