Tondemo Skill – 349 – The Quest for Delicious Meat
Chapter 349: The Quest for Delicious Meat  Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou and Onionpi Please read this at kitchennovel dot com “Umu, master’s grilled meat is still…
Chapter 349: The Quest for Delicious Meat  Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou and Onionpi Please read this at kitchennovel dot com “Umu, master’s grilled meat is still…
Chapter 337 – Steamed Pork with Rice Flour (j) Translated by Gumihou Edited by Gumihou  Announcement: This is going to be Gumi’s last chapter for Little Cooking Saint. I…
Chapter 348: Rosendal, the Meat Dungeon City  Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou and Onionpi Please read this at kitchennovel dot com “Well, this is… a really busy…
Since Gumi had added... 600 words to the chapter along with other adjustments, interested readers may have a look and check out the differences You may proceed to…
Idle Talk: Three Heroes at the Royal Capital of Malbert  Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou and Onionpi Please read this at kitchennovel dot com  Just in case…
Chapter 42: Three Directionally Challenged People  Translated by Pill Bug Edited by Gumihou  Jin Changfeng nodded, "That’s all well and good, but what should we bring? Even the…
Chapter 41: Preparation Translated by Gumihou Edited by Pill Bug No matter how annoyed she was, they still had to brave this coming Dragon Boat Festival. Moreover, neither Jin…
Chapter 336 – Steamed Pork with Rice Flour (i) Translated by Gumihou Edited by Gumihou  Gumihou: We are now back to excessive info dump. Fun.  If they have…
Chapter 347: Depart for Rosendal  Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou and Onionpi Please read this at kitchennovel dot com I had been quite busy ever since I…
Chapter 335 – Steamed Pork with Rice Flour (h) Translated by Gumihou Edited by Gumihou  Gumihou: …after treating us to an excess of information as per chapter 324, Su…