Tondemo Skill – 348 – Rosendal, the Meat Dungeon City
Chapter 348: Rosendal, the Meat Dungeon City  Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou and Onionpi Please read this at kitchennovel dot com “Well, this is… a really busy…
Chapter 348: Rosendal, the Meat Dungeon City  Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou and Onionpi Please read this at kitchennovel dot com “Well, this is… a really busy…
Chapter 259: Shock  Translated by Gumihou Edited by Onionpi Please read this at kitchennovel dot com  Su Nuan Nuan stayed in bed, fast asleep until the sun was…
Chapter 258 (Part 2): Tiring  Translated by Gumihou Edited by Onionpi Please read this at kitchennovel dot com  Thankfully, Su Nuan Nuan was able to get rid of…
Chapter 240 (Part 2): Ya Zi’s Report [1] [1] Ya Zi’s Report – Petty vengeance. The word Ya Zi is actually the name of the second son of the…
Chapter 240 (Part 1): Ya Zi’s Report [1]  [1] Ya Zi’s Report – Petty vengeance. The word Ya Zi is actually the name of the second son of the…
Chapter 239: Sichuan Poached Fish in Chilli Oil  Translated by Gumihou Please read this at kitchennovel dot com  Time flew by as the two men became engrossed with…
Chapter 238 (Part 2): Rampant Bragging  Translated by Gumihou Please read this at kitchennovel dot com  Su Nuan Nuan's jaw fell open as she watched the three men…
Chapter 238 (Part 1): Rampant Bragging  Translated by Gumihou Please read this at kitchennovel dot com  Chu Xiu blushed at Duan Tingxuan's remark. Sadly, Su Nuan Nuan merely…
Chapter 236 (Part 2): Taotie Toatie – A ferocious mythological animal, the fifth son of the dragon king. It’s famous for being super gluttonous, so gluttonous that it ended up…
Chapter 236 (Part1): Taotie Toatie – A ferocious mythological animal, the fifth son of the dragon king. It’s famous for being super gluttonous, so gluttonous that it ended up eating…