Tondemo Skill – 379 – Sage’s Autobiography (3)
Chapter 379: Sage’s Autobiography (3) Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou Warning: Gumi is really freaking annoyed by the 3rd person POV. It's all Kazuki did this, Kazuki said…
Chapter 379: Sage’s Autobiography (3) Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou Warning: Gumi is really freaking annoyed by the 3rd person POV. It's all Kazuki did this, Kazuki said…
Chapter 378: Sage’s Autobiography (2) Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou Warning: Since autobiography uses 1st person POV, Gumi will switch over whenever appropriate. By ‘whenever appropriate’, Gumi meant the entire…
Chapter 376: Circle Run Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou ““Hey, those dumb apes stopped following us. Guess we’re out of their territory, huh?”” “Umu, I expect so,” ““Ehh~?…
Chapter 375: Mysterious Tablet Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou I’m sorry to say that this chapter is structurally dubious with Mukouda reverting to his spineless self of chapter…
Chapter 374: Treasure! Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou After our meal, it was time to challenge the cave. Fer took the lead, taking us into the cave that…
Chapter 366: Donation for the Orphanage & the Last Supper Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou Please read this at kitchennovel dot com “Phew, that should do it.” There…
Chapter 364: After the Festival Translated by Zzonkedd Edited by Gumihou Please read this at kitchennovel dot com By the way, there’s no discernible verbal distinction between Enzo and…